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Words of Illumination

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The images evoked by these words of Gurumayi remind me of just how much my years of sadhana have transformed my inner being. They have truly ignited in me the "fire" of faith, trust, and devotion in ways I could never have anticipated. And these words help me see in a new light how profoundly my understanding has expanded "through the purification of the mind, the intellect, and the body.”
As I continue to contemplate these words, it feels both moving and humbling to recognize that, with the grace of God and Guru, I have been blessed with this kind of transformation. I am eternally grateful that the Truth within is no longer a purely hidden treasure, but more a shining light that guides my every step.

Illinois, USA

On reading this teaching, I am reminded of my gratitude for the supreme gift of offering seva. The purification I have experienced through this Siddha Yoga practice has enabled me to perceive new depths of the Truth within. And offering seva "with faith, with trust, and with devotion" has shown me the nature of God within myself. 

Massachusetts, USA