The Origin of Birthday Bliss

The solar birthday of our beloved Guru, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, is on June 24. For many years, in eager anticipation, Siddha Yogis and new seekers would begin celebrating Gurumayi’s birthday on the first day of June.

In the week leading up to her solar birthday in June 2008, Gurumayi gave this teaching to everyone offering seva in Shree Muktananda Ashram:

God is within you.

Let your bliss shine forth,

Today and forever…


Gurumayi’s words touched everyone’s hearts, and they experienced profound bliss as they offered seva throughout the week.

In 2009, to reflect the spirit of the birthday satsangs and festivities, Gurumayi gave the name Birthday Bliss to the entire month of June. Gurumayi explained that, by hearing and saying the word bliss throughout the month, seekers would invoke this sacred experience and connect with the bliss in their own hearts.

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