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Sage Yajnavalkya and King Janaka

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This story represents to me my own process of inquiry and analysis. Since the beginning of my sadhana, I have appreciated the power of my own internal questions and answers. The story reminds me how much I value the “aha” moments that the Shakti bestows on me during this process.

New York, United States

After reading this story, I realized that I have been searching for knowledge and guidance but I’d become so dependent on outer help that I forgot my own worthiness. I forgot the truth that I am complete. Although all wisdom lies within, I’d been wandering outside to find it. 
I am grateful for how this story has brought my awareness back to the divine Self, the true light within.

Ganeshpuri, India

Last night after dinner my wife asked me what I had found most surprising about the teaching story of sage Yajnavalkya and King Janaka. I contemplated her question for a moment and answered that: “what struck me most was that Yajnavalkya offered a whole series of answers to the King's question—the sun, the moon, fire, and so forth, but only at the end did he come to the Self.”

I felt that Yajnavalkya was honoring the entire universe we live in, and not bypassing its physical manifestations just because the deepest answer is a spiritual one. This seemed to me to be in line with the wonderful nature photos that Gurumayi has been offering us on the website, her whole emphasis on nature over the years, and Bade Baba’s statement to his disciples that he is to be found everywhere. I love being reminded of the fundamental unity of the cosmos!

Washington, United States

I was drawn into deep stillness within after reading the story. It took me on an inner journey. Each element of the story is such a powerful visualization to connect with the light within.

I have begun to practice the elements of the story as inner visualization steps to connect with light within. Yesterday morning after meditation, I contemplated and visualized the rising golden sun and prayed for guidance from the orange rays. When I connected with those rays, I experienced feelings of newness, freshness, and a tingling feeling of joy and excitement that brought a smile to my face. As I continued to travel with those orange rays, suddenly the image of the smiling face of Bade Baba’s golden statue flashed before my eyes. Tears of joy and gratitude trickled from my eyes as I thanked Bade Baba for this beautiful darshan.

The teachings of this story have guided me and taken me to a deep place of pristine silence within me.

I am grateful to Gurumayi for this beautiful story, for anchoring me in the power of deep silence within.

Pune, India

There is so much light shining through this story. When Yajnavalkya said, “...for it is with the Self as his light that he sits, moves around, does his work, and returns again,” the words “and returns again” stood out as most meaningful. To me it illustrates that even though, through a lifetime, the external light may appear to fade over time, awareness of the light of the Self is the ever-present light, by which and into which we come and go.

New York, United States

This story touches me personally: Sage Yajnavalkya is giving the lesson to “go deeper, go deeper...”

I am thankful to Gurumayi for being so close to us through these stories, bringing us deeper into our inner Self.

Washington, United States

I have a five-year-old daughter, and we have recently added meditation to our nighttime prayer routine. After doing this for a couple of days, my daughter exclaimed in wonder, “Mama, I can see light, even when my eyes are closed!” I told her that perhaps the light in the room was too bright and promised to turn it down the next day. She insisted that it wasn't and that it was the blue light of Krishna. (Krishna is her favorite deity!) I laughed when she said this, turned the lights down, and wished her a good night. The next day morning, when I visited the Siddha Yoga path website, I saw the story of  Sage Yajnavalkya aand King Janaka!

It's so amazing and humbling to walk a path that is alive and scintillating with grace and shakti.

Chennai, India

This story is one more welcome reminder of who we truly are. Knowing that the light of the Self will always support us from within our own being turns everything we do into a blissful action.

Cologne, Germany

For the last two mornings, I have read the story of Sage Yajnavalkya and King Janaka out loud. As a storyteller, I know how telling or reading a story out loud installs the narrative drive and details into my body and being. As a result, I feel that the story is “brewing” inside me, beyond the immediate reach of the intellect.

I am grateful to Gurumayi for offering stories as a means for us to embody the teachings that you wish for us to receive!

Alaska, United States

I felt a blissful sensation in my heart after reading this story, as if a flame were burning there. I felt that the Self within is what I can turn to, what keeps burning bright and guiding me in the pitch-black moments of my life. Through the grace of the Siddhas, I have experienced this flame during meditation, chanting, and seva. I want to remember that it’s there all the time.

Melbourne, Australia

The great light is in everything from the sun, to the moon, to fire, to our voice, to the Self.
One indispensable light—the light of God! 
Simple, sweet, profound images of light dancing in my being.
With my eyes open I see the light, and with my eyes closed I see the light. 
Simple, sweet, profound images of light dancing in my being.
One Light. One God. One Guru.

California, United States