On Christmas morning, staff members and visiting sevites awoke to a pristine landscape of newly fallen snow—it was a white Christmas at Shree Muktananda Ashram!
Before the sun reached its peak in the winter sky, Gurumayi arrived to the Annapurna Dining hall to see her Giving Tree. On Christmas Eve, her elves had surrounded the tree with beautifully wrapped prasad, blessed gifts of love from Gurumayi, for every sevite in Shree Muktananda Ashram on Christmas Day.
Then, in the Atma Nidhi lower lobby, Correspondence Office sevites delivered to Gurumayi an abundance of sweet holiday cards from the global Siddha Yoga sangham. Heartfelt Christmas greetings from all around the Earth expressed love for Gurumayi in a multitude of colors, shapes, and languages.
Shri Nilaya hall was filled to the brim with visiting sevites and staff, all eagerly awaiting Gurumayi’s arrival. The moment she came into the hall, participants rose from their seats and beamed with loving smiles. A spirited namasankirtana of Shree Krishna Neela Krishna followed. As the devotional chanting of God’s name grew louder and faster, the sun’s golden rays grew stronger and brighter.
Everyone in the hall opened their hearts to share season’s greetings with Gurumayi and with the global Siddha Yoga sangham. Then, in a round of playful hand gestures, participants conveyed their wishes to the world, with a heart symbol, the Hawaiian shaka "hang loose" sign, and a peace sign.
Gurumayi taught everyone to recognize God in moments of happiness, to believe in love—and to share that love with everyone. May we all experience Gurumayi’s joyful tidings of love this Christmas season!