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Nature Gallery II

May Nature Gallery IMay Nature Gallery IIIMay Nature Gallery IV

On the Siddha Yoga path, we acknowledge the presence of the Divine in all of creation—and this divinity is revealed in myriad forms in the natural world. The beauty and wonder we find in nature can inspire us, as seekers, to recognize the beauty within us and everywhere around us.

The Nature Gallery contains photographs taken in the wondrous environs of Shree Muktananda Ashram, where Gurumayi currently resides. The Ashram is located in upstate New York, surrounded by expansive forests and rolling hills, brimming with wildlife. Take your time as you view the gallery. Allow the images to transport you to the serene stillness of the Guru’s abode, and let nature’s splendor connect you to the splendor of your own great heart.


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As I began viewing these images, my mind started labeling them.  I went along thinking "pansies," "moon," "path," and so on.  Suddenly, I could clearly perceive my tendency to label everything.   As soon as I realized this, my experience was transformed as I started seeing and absorbing the heart-opening beauty, without any commentary.
Thank you, Gurumayi, again and again, for this teaching.

Massachusetts, USA

As I view this Nature Gallery, I have to marvel at how much beauty is revealed in these photographs. And then my curiosity is piqued, and I have to ask myself: How can I too learn to see this much beauty in the world around me?

Bellevue Hill, Australia

The sweetness of spring offers satsang with the delicacy of a petal and the fierce burgeoning of life in buds and birds. I am grateful and softened every time I view these images.

New York, USA

The stillness and serenity of the photos bring me into sweet union with my deepest essence. Viewing the images, my to-do list vanishes, and I begin to see the rain outside my window bathing the new leaves.

A bird just perched itself outside my window. She takes a bath in the raindrops. The presence of the Ashram permeates my being. I start to see beauty all around me here in the urban landscape of the city. Bliss.

New York, USA

Rain outside
rain inside
love shines

Missouri, USA

It's glorious to see the vibrant colors and delicate petals of these first spring flowers emerging from the winter's long embrace. Seeing them arrive at the start of Baba's month reminds me of how Baba’s gift of shaktipat brought both vibrancy and delicacy into my life. As the delicate petals of my newly awakened spiritual understandings unfolded over time, my life has taken on the vibrant colors of expanding love, heart-opening service, and the joy of discovering my true Self.

These springtime photos bring delight to my eyes, encouragement to my spirit, and gratitude to my heart.

Connecticut, USA