Sharing Sadhana Experiences of Gurumayi's Message for 2019: Siddha Yogis Share Their Experiences

On January 1, 2019, in Sweet Surprise, Gurumayi gave her Message for 2019:

Draw the mind to its essence.
Allow the mind to experience its luminescence.
Repeat this practice.
Enjoy its blessing.

Throughout this year, Siddha Yoga students have been reflecting on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019. Some of the many ways we have explored and studied Gurumayi’s Message include: engaging with the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019, participating in Siddha Yoga Meditation Sessions, reading and listening to Stories on Gurumayi’s Message, contemplating verses from scriptural texts, and reciting and meditating on the Krishna Gayatri Mantra.

On this page, you can read and learn from shares from Siddha Yoga students about ways they applied Gurumayi’s Message to their spiritual practices and in their daily activities, and about the benefits they received by doing so.

What were some of the insights that you gained through remembering Gurumayi’s Message? To share your own experience, please click the link below.

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