On the day of Gurupurnima, I received a beautiful gift.
After the Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang via live video stream, I was sitting at my desk in my home offering
seva. At approximately 11:20 a.m. PDT, a very sweet fragrance began to spread all around me. I looked around to see if there was someone nearby who was wearing this fragrance, but there was no one. I realized that this fragrance was coming from me. This fragrance was emanating from my hands - the fragrance of an oil I always associate with Gurumayi's presence when she is nearby. For ten to twelve minutes the atmosphere around me was permeated with this sweet fragrance while I sat silently with eyes closed, drenched in this sweet-sweet fragrance.
Thank you so much, my dearest Gurumayi.
San Diego, United States

I am very grateful for this Celebration Satsang. I have just participated in it through the webcast, and my being feels light and refreshed, as though I had just woken up from a refreshing sleep, as though I had just stepped out of the ocean on a calm and bright day. I feel calm, clear, lighthearted, satisfied.
A moth was flying above my
asana at the end of the
satsang. For me, moths are made from the light of God, and are always seeking to return to that light and unite with it. It was such a beautiful reminder that this is what I too have been doing—returning to the light of God.
Thank you, Shri Gurumayi, for these blessings.
Watson, Australia

I was fortunate to be offering
seva at the Siddha Yoga meditation center I attend for the live video stream Celebration Satsang. I was eager for Gurumayi's life-transforming teachings, chanting, and meditation in the
satsang. I stayed very attentive and serene so that I could imbibe the teachings better. So they entered my heart very easily.
Whether Gurumayi speaks in English or Hindi, for me her words are an invaluable and precious gift on Gurupurnima. After the
satsang I remembered them again and again, trying to fully imbibe them and apply them in my daily life. Her teachings have transformed my attitude and my thought process. I feel that what I have received from the
satsang is happiness, joy, and love for the Guru and for everyone.
Pune, India

As we chanted and meditated with Shri Gurumayi, I felt my love and devotion—the
guru-bhakti that David Katz spoke about so beautifully—overflowing from my heart. Gurumayi appeared in my inner vision and looked at me with so much love. I felt her love holding me ever so tenderly. My breath stilled and settled in my belly; deep peace filled my being. I knew all was right with the world because its very nature was that of Shri Guru—universal, unconditional, sweet love.
Illinois, United States

When I heard that the Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang was titled, “Revived by the Moon’s Light,” I was amazed—because just two days earlier I had shared at a local
satsang an unforgettable experience of the moon that I’d had in July 1986.
I was traveling to Shree Muktananda Ashram, and spent the night before my arrival at the Ashram in Manhattan. As I was climbing the stairs to my room, I stopped in my tracks because I heard someone playing the CD
The Power of the Mantra, on which Gurumayi chants
Om Namah Shivaya in Baba’s Samadhi Shrine in India.
At the same moment, a flash appeared in my vision, showing me a huge, white full moon, beautifully radiant and perfect, along with Gurumayi’s face in profile, singing throughout the whole velvety-blue universe. What an image! I felt such an expansion of Consciousness, and a new dimension of the universe that I never could have imagined before.
The connection between these two experiences made me feel so connected with my Guru—and full of gratitude!
Pau, France

I could feel the tremendous power of the nectarean chanting, the
bhajans, and the focused contemplations. It was palpable. It felt like a magnet connecting a protective healing web around the Earth. I feel that this is the way to bring healing energy to the environment, to so many suffering souls— truly a ladder to heaven. I am so amazed and feel so much gratitude that we can convene like this with our beloved Guru in the Universal Hall, with fellow lovers of God, and bring this solace to our own hearts and at the same time feel the net of grace encompass the oceans and forests, and all living creatures.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for your vision to bring light to all hearts.
New York, United States
The Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang was a masterpiece of wisdom and profound love.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for allowing us to bathe again and again and again in this incredible masterpiece.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Following David Katz's speech during the live video stream, I contemplated how I would pay homage to my beloved Gurumayi, and three words arose within me: creativity, compassion, responsibility. By practicing each of these qualities at the appropriate moment, I would be living my life applying Gurumayi’s teachings.
I am so grateful for this precious
satsang in the Universal Hall.
Virginia, United States

satsang was so very powerful for me. It is still unfolding within me. It was so moving to see Gurumayi and to hear the new
Om Guru chant, which the music ensemble sang beautifully.
I loved hearing Gurumayi talk about the snakes in her dream and seeing how lovingly she treated the sweet garter snake in the
satsang. I feel blessed whenever I see a snake cross my path when I am out hiking, because they symbolize transformation.
I feel a deep transformation has occurred in me, powered by these
satsangs which have flowed so generously from Gurumayi for Mother’s Day, Gurumayi’s Birthday, Baba's Birthday, and now Gurupurnima. What huge blessings we have received! It is such a gift to have this path and these practices.
Washington, United States

A day after the Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang, I am still reveling in the sensation of the sheer beauty of everything in it: Gurumayi's peals of laughter, her enchanting mudras, her delightful ways of smiling. The radiant faces of people, the speeches, the music ensemble, the exquisite saris, the beautiful flower arrangements. The blissful chant
Guru Om. And the little garter snake.
I have celebrated many Gurupurnimas but this one was just so amazing.
Thank you so much, Gurumayi, for the marvelous live video streams in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, where we can all worship God together in so many ways. And thank you for showing me that whenever my senses delight in the experience of external beauty, God's wondrous love wells up inside.
Solna, Sweden

I am so thankful for the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. The opportunity to continue to participate in
satsangs with Gurumayi and other Siddha Yoga students throughout the year is such a great gift. The Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang filled me with deep feeling all day. My eyes filled with tears several times as I contemplated my good fortune.
New Jersey, United States
I felt deeply connected when I heard the musicians perform the abhanga Shri Guru Sarikha. The words, the melody, the musical arrangement were all enthralling to me. I was inspired to memorize the words and contemplate their meaning. Then the speech given by David Katz stirred me further. I am grateful that we have received it in written form so I can delve more deeply into it.
I want to offer my gratitude to beloved Gurumayi for giving us this opportunity to be together in her presence and sing the glory of the Guru on the sacred day of Gurupurnima!
Thane, India
During meditation, I embraced the practice of breathing in the Guru's love and breathing out my love to the Guru in return. It was a blissful experience. I felt that I was dissolving in Gurumayi’s love, and I resolved to do this practice as much as I can.
I would like to sing to Gurumayi, in thanks for her grace, blessings, protection, and love.
Ahmedabad, India
I am in awe, and I feel enlivened and aware of how blessed I am that Gurumayi is in my life. Every moment of “Revived by the Moon’s Light” felt as if the
satsang was a conversation specifically for me. Hearing Gurumayi speak felt like
prasad for my soul. I am very happy to feel so loved that my heart has tremendous space to give love to others.
I look forward to sharing my experience not only with my friends on the Siddha Yoga path website, but also with my friends at the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Manila. I truly enjoy our
satsang after the scheduled
Manila, Philippines

I am still inside the heavenly feeling of being drenched in the Guru's love, her immense, incomprehensible grace, her celestial music. I felt close, warm, and so comfortable. I was at home with my radiant Gurumayi. Chanting with her, I felt that we were all brought on board by our great destiny.
I am in awe of my good fortune to know my Guru and to be a part of her magestic pilgrimage to freedom. I bow at her feet in infinite gratitude.
New York, United States
I thank Gurumayi ji for continually reviving me in my
Dombivali East, India
Today while listening to the
abhanga Shri Guru Sarikha, I experienced deep connection with Gurumayi. I remembered many blessings of my life that I have received since my
shaktipat-diksha. Truly, Shri Gurumayi’s lotus feet are my wish-fulfilling tree. Her teachings are a shield of protection for the pure love and simplicity of my heart.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for accepting me as her disciple. Thank you, Gurumayi, for being in my life as my Guru.
Thane West, India
This Gurupurnima
satsang was so special for me. I had recently been going through a challenging time, but as the
Shri Guru Sarika, began, I felt connected and remembered how the Guru's protection is always with me.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for this great
satsang. I am so grateful to have had your
darshan on this auspicious day.
Mahidpur, India
I awoke excitedly at 3:30 AM to attend the Gurupurnima celebration in the Universal Hall, and felt connected, invigorated, inspired, aligned, and grateful throughout.
During the chant and meditation I had many insights. It was so powerful! I had tears of joy as I felt the preciousness of life and the amazing grace I have received on this path.
I will forever remember and cherish Gurumayi’s words at the end of the
Hawaii, United States

satsang; the Universal Hall, the full moon of Gurupurnima—all these phrases bubble up through my being again and again. Each time they rise up, I relive that which they are pointing to.
For me, the Universal Hall is a love-filled space that surrounds me. I can feel the love of Siddha Yogis everywhere. In the live video stream on Gurupurnima, the faces of the devotees looked to me like many full moons embodying love and the sweet contentment of being in the Guru’s presence.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for all that you are, for being here on this Earth with us and filling our lives with delight and comfort.
Brossard, Canada

When the host invited us to contemplate how we would pay homage to the Guru, it occurred to me that completing my
sadhana and becoming free is the best way to pay homage to Gurumayi. I thought about how she has given me
shaktipat diksha and continues to guide me. As I sat with this question a bit longer, it then occurred to me that I could pay homage by giving my love to everyone. Towards the end, when I listened to Gurumayi speak to us in Hindi, I felt that my understanding was on the right track.
Chennai, India
After having Gurumayi’s
darshan, I felt that my mind, heart, and soul were illuminated with the extraordinary blessings of my great Guru.
Vadodara, India
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for the Celebration Satsang. I could feel the live video stream giving me lots of energy. I experienced no space between my Guru and me; it was just as though we were all sitting in the hall together in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. And at the end of the
satsang, when Gurumayi spoke to us in the Hindi language, it touched my heart directly. I felt like I was getting all the nourishment I need for a healthy life.
Pune, India

As I reflected on the way Gurumayi showed us and played with the little snake, I found many parallels with my understanding of the Guru-disciple relationship. Through karma and grace, I have found myself in the Guru’s orbit—just as the snake had landed in her bowl. I thought about learning to relate to the Guru. At first, I may have faced reluctance, evasion, resistance, experimenting. Then I remembered how, after a while—with the Guru’s gentle persistence—like the snake, I began to accept the Guru’s figurative touch. I may have thought I could go my own way, as the snake attempted to do, but after a few sweet words from the Guru, I didn’t want to leave.
New Jersey, United States
satsang made me feel how real the Guru-disciple bond is. I realized how close we are to each other and how blessed a disciple is to have a revered Guru. Some fears I’d been experiencing evaporated as I participated in the
satsang with full enthusiasm.
Michigan, United States
It had been cloudy in Mumbai, so we had not been able to see the moon. Then, as soon as Gurumayi started speaking, the children looked outside the window and pointed out the moon, right there in its full glory. We felt “revived” by the full moon, the
satsang, chanting, and the Guru's words.
Mumbai, India
I felt elated to see Gurumayi again. Chanting was ecstatic and mystical, and I loved the various musical interludes. Gurumayi’s
darshan was very powerful for me. I felt lucky and happy to participate all the way from Australia in a late-night
satsang in the pristine setting of Shree Muktananda Ashram.
Melbourne, Australia
I'd been going through a rough patch in my life when, to my great delight, a friend texted me about the Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang yesterday. Without hesitating, I changed all my plans and sat eagerly waiting to chant and receive words of wisdom.
I was filled with joy to see my Guru and feel her warmth and love showering upon me. The
satsang lifted my spirits and gave me the strength to make a challenging decision.
New York, United States
Hearing Gurumayi's voice - and her laughter! - brought into focus why I am constantly the Guru's devotee. The divine energy around Gurumayi is so clear and strong, so very real, and I wrap it around myself like a blanket of grace. I move forward with great joy and a clear intention.
Oregon, United States
Just the day before yesterday, I was in Karnataka, India with another Siddha Yogi, and as we moved through the wet fields that were waiting to be planted with paddy, we saw two snake skins that had been shed by a stream. I stopped and photographed them. I looked at them wondering what this unusual sighting meant for me. It all became clear after the
satsang today.
New Delhi, India
I felt touched by Gurumayi’s dream, because when my mind is going somewhere I don't want it to go, I visit Bade Baba’s Temple and stand between Gurumayi and Bade Baba. This helps me on the spot: my mind becomes calm and I go deep into my heart, into Gurumayi’s heart, into Bade Baba's love.
Ontario, Canada
Participating in this magnificent
satsang revitalized me completely and gave me the strength I need to pursue my Siddha Yoga practices with vigor, through a challenging time.
Gurumayi’s infinite love and compassion renewed me from within. Now, I keep the
dakshina card with the red lotus envisioned by Gurumayi very close to me to remind me of the bond of love with my Guru. I feel very grateful and full of love.
Milan, Italy

As soon as the
satsang began, it began to rain here in eastern Washington. The speeches on the nature and origins of Gurupurnima and on the compassion of the Guru's grace, as well as the chanting and meditation in the Universal Hall, were exquisite and sweet. Native Americans here feel that the rain is a blessing, and it was raining during the whole
satsang. We are entering the dry fire season and this rain is sorely needed.
Gurumayi's love and protection never ceases. My longing heart is full and grateful for the extraordinary life my Guru has given me .
Jaya Gurumayi!
Jaya Baba Muktananda!
Jaya Bade Baba!
Washington, United States

Today during the Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang, I could see with more clarity what my responsibility is regarding the kind of thoughts I entertain in my mind and the state they give me.
I´m still learning and practicing how to keep my mind pure.
I thank Gurumayi for her compassion in teaching me this at the same time that she gives me the experience of what the outcome of this practice is: to live in the Heart.
Guadalajara, Mexico
Participating in this unique Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang, I experienced a profound stillness. I also felt very protected and connected to the Universal Hall. I am thankful to Gurumayi for sharing her dream about the two cobras. This gave me even more trust and support to face difficult times with the right understanding and awareness.
Augsburg, Germany