This morning these questions arose: “How are you?” “Good!” “How are you doing?” “Good!” Then came a third one, unexpectedly: “Who are you?” “Good!” Then I sat for meditation with my hands on my heart.
The teachings Gurumayi gave us on Easter, which I received through the shares posted on the website, returned to me. “Love, devotion, and commitment.” “Stay awake!” The words love, devotion, commitment seemed to rise like a mantra and enter my heart with infinite love, bringing tears to my eyes.
Then I wondered, “How can I keep my heart awake?” I realized that I already had taken action yesterday, committing myself to my daily practices, which include listening to Baba’s recitation of Shri Guru Gita every day until his solar birthday on May 16. Baba’s voice keeps my heart open. For me, listening to Baba’s recitation of Shri Guru Gita is the perfect expression of “love, devotion, and commitment” in action.
Quebec, Canada

I have always admired the power of my Guru’s loving words and always appreciate receiving them. Through her words and questions leading to introspection, I feel the perfection of how she guides me through different times, as my Master and spiritual teacher.
When I heard some of the questions Gurumayi asked us during the Easter Sunday satsang, I felt that she was once again aligning me with God’s grace and universal love, and bringing me to the absence of all fear. I am infinitely grateful to my Guru and always will be.
Querétaro, Mexico
Gurumayi’s words “love, devotion, commitment” are, for me, like lenses through which I am choosing to see and set the priorities in my
sadhana at this time.
London, United Kingdom
satsang was so powerful for me! Near the end of the chant
, I felt my consciousness expand and my eyes become moist with love. I was experiencing the divine love that Gurumayi described in the
I understood that she was inviting us to avoid the obstacles that get in our way and join her instead in this divine love.
I am grateful beyond measure for this tangible experience and for the many such experiences of divine love I have had in the thirty-seven years of following the Siddha Yoga path. And I am grateful for being taught how to nurture these experiences so I can live in this love every day.
New York, United States

While the Easter Sunday satsang was streaming live, I was offering seva at the local Siddha Yoga meditation center, setting up the halls for the weekly satsang. But this time was very different—humongous waves of bliss and love were pouring through me again and again in the rhythm of Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho.
Looking at the other Siddha Yogis chanting with such smiles on their faces, clapping and jumping like the squirrels in the garden as they enthusiastically offered seva, was a wave of love. The challenge I had to climb a ladder to fix a bolt was a wave of bliss. The white fluffy clouds adorning the deep blue sky were waves of bliss. Butterflies and dragonflies were dancing in a wave of love.
And then, an even bigger wave arrived when I heard Gurumayi’s voice talking to me about love. I had the feeling that Gurumayi was there, present inside the hall with all of us.
I thank Gurumayi for her love in each smile and word she bestows.
Naucalpan, Mexico

My recitation of Shri Guru Gita was especially sweet on Easter Sunday morning. Afterwards, I checked my messages and was disappointed to discover that I had just missed the Easter satsang via live video stream.
But then I contemplated the blessing of the multiple people who had messaged me to let me know about the satsang, and later about the shares on the Siddha Yoga path website responding to the satsang. I have been listening to Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho as I read the shares, and it feels as if I am there in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall for the satsang! I feel blessed by Gurumayi through people sharing the experience of amrita in their hearts.
Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho!
Washington, United States

At one moment in the satsang, as I was gazing into Gurumayi’s eyes, I heard my heart say, “Bring your focus closer; be with Gurumayi fully.” When I followed that sweet inner prompting, I felt my sight become refined and had the sense that I was seeing Gurumayi more clearly. Soon I felt myself enter the limitless space of her love.
The atmosphere suddenly felt so fresh, like I was taking in the purest of vivifying waters that were quenching a thirst I had carried for a long time. Then I noticed my heart begin to open. At first I felt it on the physical level: my chest became broader and more expanded. Then my experience became subtler and I could see in my heart the most pristine and refulgent crystal. I allowed myself to become absorbed in its healing light and exquisiteness.
Having found the way to this abode in the satsang, I have been continuing to return there.
New York, United States

When I realized on Monday morning that I had missed the Easter Sunday satsang with Gurumayi, I initially felt disappointed. On the other hand, I knew that I would not have been able to participate anyway because I had planned to spend time with my family. I also realized that I had inwardly been connected to the satsang because I had listened to the chant Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho a few days before even though I had not chanted it for a long time.
I have been reading the shares of other Siddha Yogis about the satsang, and I know that through them, I am receiving the teachings that are important to me at this time.
Willemstad, Curaçao

The night before Easter Sunday, I had a very vivid dream of Gurumayi, in which she was telling me that it is time to “wake up” to a higher level of love. It is hard for me to describe the dream in words since the strongest feeling I had from the dream was this pure and divine love.
Then I did wake up—to see a text from a friend about the Easter Sunday satsang via live video stream with Gurumayi that morning! And so the celebration of love continued when Gurumayi kept saying the words wake up and love at various times during the satsang.
We are indeed all connected and we are so fortunate to have such a powerful living Guru.
New York, United States
During the chanting of Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho, Shri Gurumayi ji looking at us lovingly conveyed to me so much love, encouragement, and understanding. The words wake up, commitment, and devotion were the words that reminded me of what matters most, and of how to muster my courage to continue to commit to my sadhana.
Hyderabad, India

I found that during the meditation, when I used Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho as a mantra, the Kundalini energy rose to my sahasrara, which I thought of as the “heavens” of which Gurumayi had spoken earlier. I also think of the amrita, the nectar, as coming from the sahasrara.
We had a new housemate, whom we had just met for the first time on Easter Sunday morning. She is a new seeker who participated in the satsang with us. I was able to see God in her easily because the energy was so full in my sahasrara. It was cool to see a new seeker experience Gurumayi for the first time. Her eyes were like saucers as she watched Gurumayi speak to all of us in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
Washington, United States

What a wonderful surprise it was to be given the opportunity to be with Shri Gurumayi in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall for the live video stream satsang on Easter Sunday. The strength of the Guru’s words stirred me and gave me a renewed determination to commit to my sadhana. The following day, during a Sadhana Circle, many of us shared our memories and experiences of the Easter satsang. As we did so, I felt myself becoming clearer on the importance of engaging my will toward what I perceive to be the next steps in my sadhana.
Afterward, I went for a walk in a local park, where I began to hum Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho. As I hummed and walked in the wind under the newly greening trees, I felt the joy of amrita streaming out from my heart, permeating my breath, and flowing through my eyes and into my sahasrara. This experience showed me the potential of being awake and living in love. What a beautiful Easter gift.
Birmingham, United Kingdom

I am thankful to Gurumayi for reminding me in the Easter satsang that I can live in a state that is fully awake and flowing with the sweet amrita within my heart. When I am able to do this, instead of identifying with limited "roles and responsibilities," I can start to experience my own greatness and freedom.
I’m smiling with so much joy and gratitude for the gift of the Easter satsang and the Guru’s darshan.
Florida, United States

The chant during this divine Easter satsang was so powerful that I felt it strengthened my heart, something for which I always pray to Gurumayi. At the end of the chant, I experienced that the sound vibrations of Shri Gurumayi’s humming resonated within me like the primordial sound Om. The meditation, which Gurumayi led us into, focusing on Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho on each inhalation and exhalation, took me to a place of serenity and peace.
What I learned in this satsang is to connect with the pure love in my heart during the Siddha Yoga practices. I am so grateful to Gurumayi for these satsangs that support me to experience the Self.
Udaipur, India

During the live stream Easter
satsang, my entire being seemed to vibrate with light-filled energy as I chanted with Gurumayi and received her wisdom. Since then, I have been contemplating what is distracting me from remaining established in the intelligence of the heart. I have been trying to approach situations by asking myself whether something is a distraction or not. Is focusing on this thing going to support me to be aware of my true Self or not? If the answer is no, I attempt to recalibrate my focus and approach the moment with remembrance of how precious life is. When I am able to do this, I find that it often turns the mundane into the sublime. This practice also helps me make decisions about where to put my attention so that I’m not creating more distractions. I am thankful to Gurumayi for helping me remember how every moment can be an opportunity to resonate with the beauty of life.
South Melbourne, Australia

After participating in this satsang, I am learning to find and connect with the amrita. I am learning to live from a place of greater authenticity.
London, United Kingdom
After hearing Gurumayi teach us to stay awake and to always keep in touch with the
amrita of the heart, with love, I thought about how I could do this. I thought of my daily habit of reading the news first thing every morning with my coffee. Where is the love in that? Now my first reading every morning is from the Siddha Yoga path website; then I meditate. I am grateful to Gurumayi for this wake-up call.
Florida, United States

Like everyone else, I, too, was informed about the
satsang just a few minutes before its start time. I immediately informed other Siddha Yoga friends and requested they spread the word further.
Just hearing the news about the live video stream
, I instantly experienced a gush of energy. During the
satsang, listening to the
abhanga was very soothing for my soul. The refrain makes my heart melt; it makes me aware that there’s nothing greater than God’s name and reminds me to keep experiencing the ambrosia, the nectar in my heart. Then chanting
Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho with our beloved Gurumayi ji was so powerful for me; I actually experienced Gurumayi as Shambho Mahadev! When Gurumayi spoke, I felt grateful for all the teachings and assurances she gave us. I am immensely thankful for this wonderful surprise.
Pune, India

When I received a call from a dear friend announcing that there is
satsang in Universal Hall now, I immediately went to the Siddha Yoga path website, and here they were on the screen—Bade Baba and then Gurumayi. My heart leapt with joy! Repeating
Shambho—the one who is constantly happy—with Gurumayi made me so happy!
Gurumayi’s words keep singing in my heart: “Find the
amrita in your heart!” These words will be my anchor for staying connected to the love in my heart and in my life.
Plougonvelin, France

I was unable to attend the Easter
Satsang in the Universal Hall, and I later saw that it was my own folly that led me to miss the many text messages I received about it.
This morning as I was contemplating the fact that I missed the precious opportunity for the Guru’s
darshan in a
satsang, I heard these words within: “There are no mistakes in
sadhana, only recognitions.” May the transformation that comes with Easter and the Guru’s grace be ever present in my consciousness.
Virginia, United States
When I learned about the live video stream, I immediately thought that this was Gurumayi’s Easter gift to us. At the time, I was in a room with my friends, who were all sleeping. So I silently listened to Gurumayi. I couldn’t keep the volume of the phone too high, so I closed my eyes, and with only one ear I enjoyed listening to
Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo and meditating. This could have been limiting, but I found it extremely intimate.
San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy
Yesterday when I took part in the
satsang with Shri Gurumayi, I felt my heart opening up and filling with devotion and gratitude. Since then I am feeling the Guru’s grace so strongly. I feel as if I experienced an awakening.
Farrukhabad, India

On Easter morning, I was camping at a beautiful nature area with lush rolling hills covered in wildflowers. When I awoke, I began to sing the
Surya Gayatri mantra to the sun. I became mesmerized by the beauty all around me: the birdsong, the colors, the light, the freshness of the air.
I then began to sing a familiar song, adding new original verses as a spontaneous expression of prayer and gratitude. Several of the verses were about feeling deeply connected to God, the Guru, and the Siddha Yoga path. A sense of oneness arose—oneness with the birds, the trees, the air, the sky, the plants, everything around me.
When I later learned about the
satsang with Gurumayi, I felt that the blessings of the
satsang had reached me right where I was!
California, United States

Ten minutes before the
satsang began, I received a phone call from a childhood friend whom I had not heard from for a while. I mentioned I could not talk now and encouraged him to participate in the
satsang. I was delighted that he agreed to do so. We spoke later, and I learned that he had a wonderful experience. I felt the nectar of the heart’s delight knowing that a friend of nearly sixty years had joined us in the Universal Hall.
Florida, United States

I have seen several times before how when dark clouds had gathered in my inner sky, the wind of Guru’s grace blew in and cleared them. This is exactly what happened for me in the Easter
Recently at work, I was asked by my manager to define my roles and responsibilities, and I could not come up with a good definition. The situation was stressing me out. I prayed for grace.
During the
satsang, I understood from Gurumayi’s remarks that to fulfill my manager’s request, I must come from my heart. Otherwise, my roles and responsibilities would be just stressful chores.
With this clarity, a natural peacefulness arose in my heart. I became comfortable with not having certainty as to how my role in the company would evolve, but I knew that putting my heart into everything I do would bring favorable results.
Hosur, India

On Easter 1990, during a Siddha Yoga Shaktipat Intensive broadcast from Gurudev Siddha Peeth, I received
shaktipat diksha from Gurumayi. Today, on Easter Sunday, I celebrate thirty-three years of
sadhana on this grace-filled path. My heart is filled with gratitude for the gift of this Easter
satsang and for experiencing the
amrita of Gurumayi’s love in my own heart.
North Carolina, United States
This morning, as I prepared to reflect and write in my journal, I felt supported by Gurumayi’s remarks during the Easter
satsang. Gurumayi reminded us that there is no right way or wrong way; there is only “the way.” Gurumayi’s words helped to dissolve a fear I was holding and allowed me to return to the nectar of my heart.
London, United Kingdom

With my birthday approaching, I had been praying to Gurumayi on a daily basis to grant me her
darshan. And my prayers were answered! I received the nicest birthday present in the form of the Easter
It was encouraging for me to learn from Gurumayi in the
satsang that where there is a will, there is a way. It was an answer to a question I had been pondering for nearly a year. And when Gurumayi mentioned the Easter Intensives of the past, I was transported back to the Siddha Yoga Easter Shaktipat Intensive in Sitges, Spain, in 1996. What a lovely reminiscence!
Gurumayi’s teachings on love, devotion, and commitment invigorate my daily Guru
seva, and
The Houghton, South Africa

I have recently been going through a rough phase in my life. I was losing faith in my spiritual path. On Easter Sunday, I was crying. Just then, I heard about the surprise
satsang with Gurumayi.
At first, I was unable to focus or join the chant. But once I stopped making excuses and justifications for my negative state, I realized my good fortune in having Gurumayi in my life. And I thanked the stars for this great fortune.
Ghaziabad, India

When I first heard about the Easter satsang ten minutes before it began, I quickly contacted as many Siddha Yoga friends as possible to let them know the good news. When I looked back on my messages later, I noticed that in one I had written love stream instead of live stream.
As I contemplated this faux pas, I realized that this was my Truth! My experience of the
satsang was an experience of a “love stream” of beautiful energy. My heart was full and I felt buoyant with joy. I felt immense gratitude to Gurumayi for this wonderful Easter treat, and am very much looking forward to the next love stream.
Waterville, Canada

When a friend rang me on my mobile phone to let me know about the Easter Sunday
satsang with Gurumayi, I had just finished a late lunch with my mum and cousin. We watched the
satsang together, still around the meal table. It was the first time my mum and cousin had been with Gurumayi, and that added to the sweetness of the blessing.
For me, Gurumayi’s words after the chant felt like a potent clarion call to surrender to love and to let that love take me where it will. As I puzzled over how to do this, one key word from Gurumayi that resonated most strongly was
Guildford, United Kingdom

I’ve been working on a creative project for which I must seek funding. It is a labor of love that honors my ancestors. When Gurumayi said during the Easter satsang, “Where there is a will, there is a way,” her words seeped into my heart and continue to reverberate within me.
I contemplated the word will in the context of this saying, and I have come to understand it as a state of being so resolute, so committed—a state of believing in myself and loving my work so strongly—that it will inevitably pave my “way” as I pursue the implementation of my project.
This teaching by Gurumayi is deeply relevant to, and supportive of, me at this time. I plan to write it on an index card and keep it at my desk where I can see it. And I will adopt it as a “mantra” to help me overcome any feeling of insecurity, fear, or self-doubt that may arise.
California, United States

It was such a wonderful surprise to have this satsang with Gurumayi on Easter Sunday. My whole family and I were very excited to participate in it. I felt so much bliss throughout the satsang.
Gurumayi said directly what I needed to hear at this time when my family and I are busy with settling into a new place with new people in a new country. Her guidance and grace have always been the strength in our lives. We are so fortunate to have a loving Guru to show us the right direction to follow, no matter which part of the world we go to and live in. Since we moved to this new place, this was the second satsang via live video stream that we could participate in. We feel so blessed to have Gurumayi ji with us always, for our hearts are always connected no matter how far we travel.
Oakville, Canada

I was notified of the
satsang by a friend just as it was beginning, and I was so excited to be with Gurumayi again. The more I chanted, the more the power of the chant and the Guru’s grace unfolded the inner power of my heart.
As Gurumayi spoke, looking straight into the camera, it seemed to me that she was talking directly to me, and my heart melted right away into the bliss of Consciousness. I hope I can bring this memory with me forever.
I am so thankful to Gurumayi for making accessible the power of the heart to me and to everyone.
Rome, Italy

This morning my dog woke me up suddenly, and earlier than normal. I was a little disappointed because I had been dreaming of being with Gurumayi. Then when I checked my phone, I saw that a friend had texted me to let me know of the Easter
satsang that was to start in twenty minutes. So my dream became reality!
It was so lovely to chant with Gurumayi in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall on this Easter Sunday, and to receive her words and love directly through this the beautiful
California, United States
Gurumayi’s words about “love, devotion, commitment” have been resonating in my heart ever since the Easter Sunday satsang. They correspond to three key pillars in my life at the moment: my love for my friends and family, my devotion to my Shri Gurumayi, and my commitment to my studies.
Highett, Australia
Today I awoke with the memory of the words Shambho, Shambho, from the namasankirtana we chanted in the Easter Sunday satsang with Gurumayi ji in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. I have been humming this while doing my daily activities, and it puts a sweet smile on my lips. I am also continuing to receive Gurumayi’s darshan in my mind’s eye, and I felt very good during my daily meditation.
I intend to stay aware of the resounding sound of Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho, as Gurumayi suggested in the dharana with which she guided us into meditation.
Pardi, India
On Easter Sunday, the local Siddha Yoga sangham was meeting to discuss making a new beginning. And we had a lot to discuss about Gurumayi’s grace and the Siddha Yoga teachings.
My heart was satisfied, but then, at the end of the day, I learned about the Easter Sunday satsang and was able to chant with Gurumayi and to hear her teachings. What a perfect and beautiful day! I completely received blessings from Gurumayi.
Tokyo, Japan

I am house-sitting a friend’s house for a few days, and this includes looking after and feeding the cat, named Tiger. Because I am in Sydney, Australia, I was sound asleep, phone on mute, when word started arriving about the Easter satsang.
The satsang began at 11 a.m. ET/USA, which was 1 a.m. here in Sydney. At that very moment Tiger the cat starts meowing and acting out—even getting under the bed and scratching at paper that was there. I have slept here three nights, and this was the first time she’d done this. Annoyed, I turned the light on. When I checked my phone to see what time it was, I discovered messages about the satsang that had just begun! I thanked Tiger for being a messenger of good news, and got up to participate.
What a joyful and playful experience of Kundalini Shakti! And of course, I am so grateful to have been able to participate!
Sydney, Australia

I found out about the Easter satsang about five minutes before it began, and I am so grateful I did. As we were chanting Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho, I had a clear experience that I was chanting to supreme Consciousness within myself, and also to the same Consciousness outside in the form of Gurumayi and Bhagavan Nityananda. Great love, bliss, and happiness arose within me, bringing tears of joy to my eyes.
Then, when Gurumayi talked about love and being in touch with the greatness within, I was amazed. What a great gift!
Arizona, United States
I am so very grateful for this satsang, for this chant of the heart that has elevated my spirit and made me feel so happy and full of grace. What a great surprise it was to discover this nectarean satsang—so full of love, full of shakti, full of joy, and full of the Guru’s grace!
Madrid, Spain
Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho was one of the chants at my first Shaktipat Intensive in 1989. It has resonated within my heart since then, and today it seemed to explode into pure love, into
amrita, the nectar of the heart. I am so grateful to Gurumayi for this chant, this special
satsang, and the grace that fills our awakened lives.
Washington, United States
This morning while folding clothes in the laundromat, I began chanting the namasankirtana of the day, Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho. When I reached home, I began receiving text messages about a satsang via live video stream. I was so excited!
It was a great gift to continue the day’s chant—with Gurumayi! I was very drawn to her teachings that we must “find the amrita in the heart” because that will keep us “awake,” and that we must let love guide us always. Her words will help sustain me until we meet again in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
New York, United States
Today in my evening meditation I was thinking a lot about my beloved Gurumayi; I really wanted to see her. Then, when I was actually able to see and chant with Gurumayi in this Easter
satsang, I felt immense love in my heart as well as the presence of Gurumayi. I will never forget this great
Mansa, India
What a powerful satsang! I loved all of it. Gurumayi’s teachings are still playing within me. She knows exactly what I need at this moment.
It was also such a gift to have this satsang on Easter too—a day of transformation and “waking up to the heavens.” I am very grateful for this gift.
Washington, United States
I am so grateful for the Easter
satsang via live video stream this morning with Gurumayi! I received the upliftment and renewal of love in my heart, which transformed some darker emotions relating to a recent interaction with a family member. My heart feels cleansed, and I recognize that my responsibility now is to stay focused on the pure love in my heart that is uplifting for me and others.
New Mexico, United States
Through participating in the Easter satsang, I learned that at any given time, I can experience the ambrosia of the heart through chanting. I learned about the importance of checking the state of my mind, and asking what I am filling it with. And I learned about the importance of being awake.
a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth
This was indeed a surprise! I loved every minute of the Easter satsang. For me the special gift was the choice of Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho, since that particular chant is my number-one favorite. So to hear Gurumayi emphasizing its message inspired tears of gratitude and longing in me.
New York, United States
The exquisite singing and compassionate words that I heard in the abhanga by Namdev, sung near the start of the Easter satsang, entered my heart. I am very grateful for being able to hear this inspired music.
Connecticut, United States
I found out about the satsang ten minutes before it ended. I joined in then and received the full experience of Shambho, the benevolent One in my heart. The benevolence of Gurumayi is boundless in space and time.
I remember all the Shaktipat Intensives I participated in on Easter Sunday over the years, and feel so much gratitude for all the support I have received: expansion of my consciousness, inner growth, healings. I am so grateful to Gurumayi for being with us on this and many other Easter Sundays for this celebration of spring.
Marlanval, France

I’m so very grateful that I woke up in time to participate in this satsang! I love how Gurumayi told us to wake up and to stay with the amrita, the nectar, in our heart. I really needed to hear this right now. I also appreciated being reminded to keep my focus on the heart and on love. Gurumayi’s words went right to my heart, clearing away so much.
I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart for receiving so much to contemplate, to imbibe, and to practice.
California, United States
I received shaktipat initiation twenty-nine years ago on Easter Sunday 1994 in Sydney, Australia. To hear Gurumayi speak of the auspicious occasions of different Easter Intensives so many years later during this year’s Easter satsang via live video stream brought immediacy, presence, and holiness to this present moment for me. It reminded me how Gurumayi’s ever-present love has been guiding me along one path from then to now.
I am forever grateful.
Arizona, United States
satsang was such a lovely surprise! I happened to get word from a friend a few minutes before the
satsang began. I turned on my computer— and there it was. There we were. There were Gurumayi and Bade Baba. And bliss. And gratitude.
Yesterday I was thinking about all the experiences I remember from my years offering
seva in the Ashram. What a beautiful reminder, what a nectarean taste, this
satsang was of those times.
Happy Easter to all!
California, United States
This unexpected
satsang was so sweet. I want to thank Gurumayi for showering her grace on us this Easter morning. Chanting with her was so uplifting. I felt her love in my heart.
Pennsylvania, United States
satsang was a wonderful surprise for me. As I started chanting
Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho, the Shiva temple
in Gurudev Siddha Peeth appeared before my eyes. I was feeling that I am there in the temple. During meditation I felt that Lord Shiva was seated in my heart, and that I was meditating in front of him. Whatever Gurumayi ji was saying during the chant felt as if she was speaking just for me.
Pune, India
I am so grateful for this Easter
satsang! I felt seen, loved, understood, and that I belong. I am very grateful to Gurumayi for bringing my attention once again to what is important in life!
Mexico City, Mexico
In this Easter satsang, Gurumayi showed me the importance of sticking to my values and my sadhana, and I pray to have her grace as I work toward establishing myself in the purity of divine love.
Florida, United States
Wow! One minute I’m viewing the photos of nature in Shree Muktananda Ashram—and then I’m in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, chanting Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho with Gurumayi! What a splendid surprise Easter gift—the sweetest Easter egg ever! I am smiling from my head to my toes with joy.
Hampton Hill, United Kingdom
I feel blessed by my beloved Gurumayi on this beautiful Easter Sunday, as she reminds me to stay awake—to stay awake in my heart. I feel replete.
Connecticut, United States
My husband and I are going through the challenges of preparing to move to another house. This morning both of us, individually, wished that there would be a live video stream on the Siddha Yoga path website today. When we received the news, we started to cry with joy.
During the whole satsang we experienced that we are not alone in this period, as Shri Gurumayi is always with us. Being in her presence during the satsang meant a lot to us. Moreover, for me, the namasankirtana we chanted, Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho, has a special place in my heart: it was the first Siddha Yoga chant I participated in and the first chant I chanted during my first visit to Gurudev Siddha Peeth.
Rome, Italy

As Gurumayi began this nectarean chant, Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho, my heart flooded open, crying and laughing with joy, with bliss, with gratitude. It was wondrous and amazing being with Gurumayi, Bade Baba, and the global sangham in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. My heart is as full as the full moon.
As I meditated, I experienced myself in the Bade Baba Temple and I experienced the Bade Baba Temple in my heart. I felt and saw Bade Baba walking around the Temple and then take his seat on a golden throne.
I am so grateful for my Guru, divine grace, this satsang, the Siddha Yoga global sangham, and my heart!
California, United States
As soon as I saw and heard Gurumayi chanting, it felt as if a ray of light came from her directly into my heart. I felt enveloped in a bubble of light and love. I am so grateful to Gurumayi for these precious moments!
Sao Paulo, Brazil
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the surprise Easter Sunday satsang via live video stream. The unexpectedness of it made it all the more special, and I feel incredibly blessed to have been able to participate in this beautiful gathering.
Gurumayi’s guidance and teachings have brought so much joy and peace to my life, and I am continually grateful for the wisdom and love she shares with us all. I am also grateful to Gurumayi for creating the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall as a space where we can come together to deepen our spiritual practices and connect with one another. It fills my heart with joy to be a part of this wonderful Siddha Yoga global sangham.
New Jersey, United States

What a beautiful, beautiful surprise! Only this morning I had wanted to chant Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambho with Gurumayi, while I was away traveling and visiting my younger brother. My brother and I were able to participate in the satsang with Gurumayi via live video stream, and it was wonderful! It felt to me like Gurumayi heard my wish this morning.
Eastbourne, United Kingdom
During the satsang I was at first unable to chant due to a cough. But then a beautiful thing happened. Out of nowhere a bright yellow thread fell over me, even though I was not wearing yellow nor was there any yellow clothing around me at that moment.
Since Gurumayi ji’s scarf had a beautiful shade of yellow, I pondered for a while—and then placed the yellow thread on my screen. At that very moment Gurumayi ji smiled a knowing smile not once but twice. And then I became able to chant along!
I am utterly grateful to Gurumayi for this experience.
Jaipur, India