I’m still reveling in the joy from “A Day in the Temple.” This is how I feel:
A Day in the Temple, A Lifetime in the Heart!
New York, United States
I’m still reveling in the joy from “A Day in the Temple.” This is how I feel:
A Day in the Temple, A Lifetime in the Heart!
New York, United States

My six-year-old niece, a young Siddha Yogi, called me up around 4 a.m., a few hours after the satsang ended in India. She said that she’d fallen asleep during the satsang and expressed her sadness that her family didn’t wake her up for the dancing saptah and the Arati. She told me, ”I feel bad because I missed listening to Gurumayi ji.” She shared how she loved the chanting with Gurumayi ji and had learned the words to be able to chant.
Her disappointment touched my heart deeply. At the same time, I was overjoyed to hear her speak about her love for Gurumayi ji, her wanting to do the practices, and her connection to the Siddha Yoga path.
Fortunately, I was able to support her by sharing what Gurumayi ji had said toward the end of the satsang. I told her that Gurumayi ji said that she missed all those who couldn’t be there, that she told us to “Be happy!”and that she said “Love you!” at the very end. My niece listened quietly, and managed to overcome her sense of disappointment by accepting Gurumayi’s words as being for her personally.
I was again in bliss!
a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth

I was offered the opportunity to play the veena for “A Day in the Temple.” I decided to play for the Arati in the morning. The night before I was going to record, I cleaned the room where I would be recording. I woke up at 3 a.m., bathed, and lit incense. After readying the room and tuning my veena, I recorded myself playing the morning Arati.
After I finished recording, I had the experience that I was sitting in front of Bade Baba in Gurudev Siddha Peeth in the early morning at meditation time. I closed my eyes. I became aware of my smile, which was becoming wider and wider. And I also became aware that there was no apparent feeling of what I usually call love, gratitude, or joy—no name to what I was experiencing. I was just there in that quietness and nothing else.
Later, this experience reminded me of the twelfth verse of the Upanishad Mantras, which says “sukshmatisukshmam,” “He is the subtlest of the subtle.”
Chennai, India

“A Day in the Temple”—what a divine day filled with serenity, peacefulness, and tranquility! We participated in this day of celebration of Bhagavan Nityananda’s punyatithi on August 5 from 3.30 p.m. until 3:30 a.m. Indian time. The whole time my gaze was fixed on Bade Baba’s visible presence in the Temple. He was looking straight into my eyes, taking away all anxieties, fears, and emotions, and filling my entire being with stillness.
The aratis, the readings, the bhajan, the chanting with Gurumayi were all precious gifts from Bade Baba on his punyatithi day. The days afterward were also filled with his presence, leaving me with many tangible experiences. On August 8 when we participated in the celebration satsang here in Kolkata, during chanting I saw Bade Baba’s scintillating laughter, and during meditation I saw him sitting on a slab in the river, with his right leg playing in the water. He seemed so happy.
I am so grateful to Bade Baba for being present in our lives and showering his blessings upon us.
Kolkata, India

I had the wonderful opportunity of participating in the satsang for about ninety minutes while waiting for my turn at the doctor’s. It was a busy day and I had earlier thought to myself that there’d be no window for me to participate in the satsang. However, my waiting period of ninety long minutes turned into a beautiful, revealing, and peaceful time with Bade Baba.
He looked magnificent and majestic, as always, in his green and beige attire and I was in complete awe of his grandeur. I also had a nice heart-to- heart chat with him, mentally sharing with him all that I was going through in my life and seeking his grace and blessings.
The understanding I received from Bade Baba was to “surf” on the waves of life, that is, to be agile and buoyant while still maintaining my balance. Whether the waves are big or small, be agile, be still, stay afloat. It was powerful guidance!
Mumbai, India

I find myself constantly and spontaneously chanting Nityanandam Brahmanandam throughout my days now; I even chant it silently at work.
“A Day in the Temple” has been preserved in my deepest self. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime satsang. I was tuned in for all of it. My heart is still singing right along with my voice and mind.
Washington, United States

Spending twelve hours in the company of Bhagavan Nityananda was a divine experience. Each story about Bhagavan was so encouraging. During the dancing saptah I couldn’t stop myself from dancing. What an experience of the divine Shakti!
Chanting Bhagavan Nityananda’s name with Gurumayi gave me the experience of love and gratitude as I watched Gurumayi chanting with us. During meditation I had the darshan of Bhagavan Nityananda in the form of the Blue Pearl between my eyes.
Watching Gurumayi laughing, looking at me, and nodding was a reaffirmation for me that, yes, Gurumayi is always with me in my heart and is always protecting me.
Lucknow, India

For me, “A Day in the Temple” was extraordinary. I experienced that Bade Baba’s quietude permeated every element of the satsang. Ever since I participated in this satsang, my heart, mind, and soul have been very happy.
I feel such heartfelt gratitude to all those who offered their time, skills, and talents to bring this exquisite live video stream event to the sangham and to the world.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for her love, compassion, and guidance. I feel that this satsang has given me a mystical experience of the Siddhas and my own divinity that continues to reverberate.
Virginia, United States

By the grace of Shri Guru, I was able to attend the entirety of “A Day in the Temple,” even though I was in transit during parts of the day. I experienced that the more I participated in the flow of the satsang, the more I felt Bade Baba’s and Shri Gurumayi’s shakti bringing me deeper and deeper inside. The moment that the meditation started, I found myself in a state of profound stillness, which seemed effortless. I believe that this was a result of Bade Baba’s and Gurumayi’s powerful presence in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. I felt so strongly that Gurumayi was right in front of me, not across the world.
Ahmedabad, India

I am so grateful for “A Day in the Temple.” For a while, I have had a strong desire to dive deeper into my sadhana. Spending all day participating in this satsang was the perfect way for me to begin to do this. “A Day in the Temple” was, for me, so full of shakti. Each reading, each meditation, and each chant seemed to expand my experience of the Self. I offer my deepest gratitude for the Siddha Yoga path and for this life-changing satsang.
North Carolina, United States

Since participating in the memorable “A Day in the Temple,” I have felt I am living in communion with Bhagavan Nityananda. Anchored in quiet strength, I am bathed in a velvety silence. My heart overflows with tenderness and gratitude. Day and night, my beloved Bade Baba dwells in my heart.
The wonderful offerings presented to Bade Baba throughout the course of “A Day in the Temple” were like a feast for my soul. The practice of naivedya—offering exquisite food with deep devotion—moved me deeply. For me, it reflected the spiritual nourishment so generously given by our three Gurus to the entire Earth and to my own heart, thus changing the course of my life forever. Since observing the performance of naivedya during the satsang, I have begun to feel more conscious and grateful for the sacredness of all kinds of nourishment that I receive and give in my blessed life.
Quebec, Canada

Part of my experience of “A Day in the Temple” took place on a beautiful day in the Northern Italian mountains. During a hike, I found a place in the forest to sit down and participate in the live video stream. The moment the satsang began, several butterflies landed on the mobile phone I was using to participate in the event. These beautiful beings stayed with me for a long time.
There was absolute silence all around, and I could feel Bade Baba’s presence very strongly as I joined in the singing of the Arati. My heart was filled with immense gratitude to be on this divine path and to be able to experience a sense of oneness with the Siddha Yoga Gurus in the midst of these majestic mountains.
Cologne, Germany

This was the most beautiful day of the year for me! I will never forget it—it is imprinted on my heart! I was so deeply touched, even by such casual moments as a mother tenderly and reverently holding her baby to Bade Baba’s
Here in Germany, the “day” went from noon to midnight. Yet, at the conclusion, I thought: What? It’s already over? But it’s not over. I am still feeling Bade Baba’s presence and Gurumayi’s
shakti so strongly. I feel nourished and full of inner images and impressions.
Hindelang, Germany
“A Day in the Temple” drew me into the temple of my heart, filling it with the beautiful chant
Nityanandam Brahmanandam.
In a subtle way, I continue to feel Bade Baba’s sparkling, golden presence and the love of our Sadgurus. The celebration continues to go on within me wherever I am!
Starnberg, Germany
I intended to participate for part of “A Day in the Temple,” but ended up spending the whole day, grateful for the opportunity to be in and cherish the sacred atmosphere
The dancers, the musical segments, and the heartfelt stories were all so inspiring. And when the dancing
saptah started, I danced around my living room, trying to follow the steps. I felt such joy, such a sense of lightness!
Hørsholm, Denmark
I loved Gurumayi’s farewell blessing at the end of “A Day in the Temple,” inviting us to be happy!
I was already amazed by the cornucopia of offerings throughout the day! Such an abundance of love, joy, bliss, and goodness. I was dancing within and without at the thought of the circle of love we were creating around the planet.
I feel that with this
satsang, my
sadhana has been stepped up to another level of devotion. And in taking Gurumayi’s farewell blessing to heart—yes! I am very happy!
California, United States

In preparation for “A Day in the Temple,” I bought blueberries in the market and made a pie. Only afterwards I remembered that blueberries are good for the eyes, and that my eyes would be gazing at the computer screen for many hours. I felt the hand of God in my ordinary pie.
Throughout the day, I was simultaneously in Shree Muktananda Ashram and in my house in the south of France! Every moment of the
satsang, produced with so much love by the teams of Ashram
sevites, was pure joy! When the dancing
saptah began, I danced around the table in my dining room!
As I left my house the following morning, I was a new person in a new environment, and still bathing in pure Consciousness!
Rodez, France

I was delighted when I realized that “A Day in the Temple” would be “A Night in the Temple” for me, here in New Zealand.
I did my best to stay focused and present in front of the screen through the night. I was disappointed that I fell asleep once or twice. Still, later in the day, I felt Bade Baba’s presence with me. Even now, a couple of days later, I still think about him and feel he is here. What amazing grace!
Christchurch, New Zealand

Early in the morning when the live video stream began, we saw images of Lake Nityananda and the beautiful gardens surrounding the Temple, and then we received Bade Baba’s
darshan. In this flow of images I felt so welcomed, and I had the experience of entering a sacred space. After the
arati I had to pause my participation in the live stream to attend a class. However, my heart stayed in the Temple. I joined again for the afternoon meditation and the evening
arati. What a sweet and joyful gift to be in the presence of our beloved Gurumayi, joining our hearts in worship of Bade Baba.
When the host referred to this day as “a pilgrimage to the heart,” I felt that she so accurately described what we had experienced in the Universal Hall. It was a sacred day in which we could step right into the Temple every time we joined the live stream, and in doing so we entered the temple of our own hearts.
When Gurumayi so lovingly wished us farewell and said, “Love you!” my heart burst with love and I said, ”Me, too!”
Mexico City, Mexico

For me, this was a day in paradise, full of gifts from Bhagavan Nityananda, Baba, and Gurumayi. I kept my laptop with me the whole day because I didn’t want to miss one second of this event. I felt so fortunate to be with Gurumayi and the devotees, and I loved seeing the children. There were so many beautiful
pujas, wonderful chants, and deep meditation. I talked a lot with Bade Baba about what was going on within my being, and I felt he was listening to me.
Rosendahl, Germany

Being in Bhagavan Nityananda’s presence in the form of his magnificent
murti had a magical effect on me. At one point while I was absorbed in gazing at him, an image appeared within my being. It was Bade Baba in a supine position, with his eyes open. I found myself gently viewing him from head to toe with so much love; my hands were in namaskar. When my gaze reached his feet, I stood up and bowed, touching the floor and whispering a prayer to Bade Baba, thanking him for the grace, protection, comfort, and blessings he gives to each member of my family and to our world. My whole being was filled with a new warmth, which I had never experienced before. Following this, I glided into meditation.
Nairobi, Kenya

I live in Australia, and several weeks ago a pair of kookaburras took up residence in some trees outside my apartment balcony. I remember feeling a little puzzled when they arrived because over the years I had seen lots of birds in these trees but never kookaburras. Anybody who has ever heard kookaburras sing will know their distinctive
, loud, laughing sound.
I participated in the beginning portion of “A Day in the Temple,” and then I went to bed with the intention of getting up for the final part of the live video stream. However, my friends, the kookaburras, seemed to be especially and joyously vocal during the early hours of the morning, so I got up before 5:30 a.m. to resume my participation. I noticed that when we had silent
darshan with Bade Baba, they increased their vocalizing. It felt to me that they were participating by offering their song in praise. Even now, the purity of their song stays with me as an experience of Bade Baba’s
darshan in nature.
Redfern, Australia

Yesterday I attended “A Day in the Temple” from my bed as I’ve not been feeling well. Throughout the day I prayed many times to Bhagavan Nityananda, and one of my prayers was for inner peace. Toward the end of the day I experienced that I was pure, unwavering love. I knew I wanted to live my life from this love and offer this love to everyone.
New York, United States

As the dawn rose on a misty summer day of celebration, I heard the sweet sound of the Arati being sung at the start of the satsang. I noticed an excitement running through me at the thought that “A Day in the Temple” holds an unfolding mystery for us all. After lighting candles and incense, I joined the singing and then sat for meditation, still wondering about the gift this day would hold. A sublime sense of quietude enveloped me.
When I opened my eyes, the sun was up and the atmosphere inside and outside was scintillating. And this continued for the entire day, as I watched dancing, singing, readings, sharings—and then saw our beloved Gurumayi enter the Temple and make her offerings to Bade Baba.
I couldn’t help but ask, “Is this the magical mystery I felt hours earlier?” and wondered, “How does my heart stay intact with all this joy and love pulsating through it?” Then I looked at Bade Baba, whose sweet smile and serene presence whispered to me, “Yes!” And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my heart is the sacred place where I am to live and roam free.
North Carolina, United States

For me it is still a big miracle that I could participate in this divine satsang from here in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, where I have just begun a seva visit. During the day I could feel the excitement in the air in anticipation of the satsang to come.
As I entered the Intensive hall and joined one of the satsang meditation sessions, I immediately fell into deep meditation. All the elements of the satsang were full of beauty and deep love. As we chanted with Gurumayi and I listened to and watched her—while simultaneously experiencing myself as a part of the Ashram sangham here—everything around me disappeared and I felt only love and joy, nothing else.
After the first chant I sat for a while in the courtyard, listening to the rain falling on the marble and to the birds, feeling the freshness in the air, and being aware of the presence of the Siddhas here. Again and again waves of love for Gurumayi came up, along with gratitude and a feeling of wonder and amazement at all the grace in my life.
Gottmadingen, Germany

Ingeniously, Bhagavan Nityananda’s Temple settled into my home as soon as the satsang had begun. Softly, naturally, I felt the shakti slipping into me and my meditation room—my own daily temple. Everything became more alive and luminous.
For the first time, a friend of mine came to join me for a moment of the satsang. She immediately became attuned to it, even though this satsang was totally novel for her. She chanted enthusiastically along with Gurumayi, and left happy and renewed.
Softly, gradually, the shakti of this blessed day of pure grace has permeated my heart. And some difficult emotions I’d experienced in recent months have now given way to surrender, profound peace, and opening of my breath into Hamsa.
The strength and tender softness of Bhagavan Nityananda’s love, the unlimited devotion of Baba Muktananda, the delight and enthusiasm of Gurumayi surrounded by young people—all these have reawakened memories of so many magical Ashram visits. Now I have to assimilate this nectarean day and strengthen my daily practices to honor this gift. That is my challenge.
Blanquefort, France

“A Day in the Temple” was very special for me. From the readings to the dancing, from the chanting to the darshans, every moment was filled with gratitude, peace, and bliss.
As soon as Gurumayi looked toward the camera and smiled, I felt a deep emotion. These days I am concerned about my husband’s health, but when I saw Gurumayi’s compassionate look and smile, I felt all her support and love. She seemed to be looking right at me and wanting to comfort and support me.
Bade Baba’s murti was beautiful, shimmering, and seemingly alive. The darshans and contemplations were filled with Bade Baba’s love and blessings. During the meditation I entered a state of deep stillness and calm. I felt the divine presence around me and felt Bade Baba’s golden energy enveloping my husband and filling him with light.
Naples, Italy

Participating in “A Day in the Temple in Honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Punyatithi” was one of the most worthwhile experiences that I have given myself in a very long time. Gurumayi said near the end of the program that she hopes we remember this day. I don’t think I will ever forget it!
I made the effort to clear my schedule so that I could spend as much time as possible viewing and participating in the many beautiful and powerful activities. Today is Sunday and I can’t get the details of yesterday’s celebration out of my mind. I find myself continuously thinking about what Gurumayi said to us throughout the day, and how uplifted I felt by chanting with her and by Bade Baba’s darshan, as well as by the storytelling and the dancing and musical performances.
As I remember yesterday’s events, I am transported back to the actual experience. And so I am filled with joy and gratitude.
San Felipe, Mexico

Every single moment in the Temple was so divine, so filled with love, joy, grace,
shakti—what a divine gift! We praised Bade Baba in so many ways, but for me it felt as if the whole day in the Temple was created by Bade Baba’s power of will and his grace. I feel so grateful!
During the dancing
Saptah I danced as well, with tears of joy and love! After many hours in the Temple I took a pause and went out for a short walk in nature. Every leaf, every flower, every tree looked so shiny and beautiful and reflected Bade Baba’s divinity, just as Gurumayi describes in her poem, “A Temple Without Form.” I felt Bade Baba’s divine presence so powerfully everywhere—especially in my heart!
Yes, indeed, what a happy and unforgettable day this has been!
Palzing, Germany

What an amazing satsang “A Day in the Temple” has been! From the first moments I felt that we were all enveloped in Bade Baba’s love. Chanting, singing the aratis, and watching everyone come up for darshan were moments filled with the love and devotion I feel in my heart for the Siddha Yoga path and for our beloved Gurus. Hearing the profound and sweet stories about Bade Baba gave me a way to further understand his love and greatness.
I didn’t want to miss one minute of the entire day! It was a day spent in heaven.
New York, United States

This day was for me a day of contemplation, a day of meditation, a day of absorption in the presence of divinity in my life, a day of joy. My wife and I kept the live video stream running all day long from 12 a.m. to 12 p.m., and we were present very often in front of one of the computer screens. I have been in wonder virtually all day.
I loved every part of the
satsang, including the
Arati with the Upanishad mantras we used to sing in the Temple in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. The readings from Baba’s book
Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri made Bade Baba so alive for me. The love I felt will never leave me. I am so grateful to Gurumayi for “A Day in the Temple.”
Juvignac, France

It was beautiful to be with Bade Baba for over twelve hours! I often hear him speak to me in the Temple; he says to me with a smile, “You’re here, my child,” and I bow down and take my seat to be with him—heart, soul, and body.
When we were chanting Nityanandam Brahmanandam with Gurumayi, tears of joy were streaming down my face as I recalled chanting the same chant with Gurumayi in the Siddha Yoga retreat in Sitges, Spain, in 1996. It felt like all the Siddhas were touching my heart. I feel very lucky as we were showered with blessings, blessings, and more blessings!
Eastbourne, United Kingdom

I reflected today on how reading the Introduction to “A Day in the Temple” had helped me to prepare to fully participate, and receive all that was being offered, in this very special satsang. The Introduction had inspired me to come before Bade Baba with the prayer that I too would be able to fully comprehend his greatness and experience my own divine Self. I found that refreshing my prayer at intervals throughout the day enhanced the quality of my practices. I loved it when Rami recalled Gurumayi’s saying that what matters is not the length of time we do the practices, but their quality.
I was very comforted when Rami shared that the miracle of grace is always blossoming around us, and by her visualization of golden light surrounding the planet. I really resonated with her saying, with such conviction, that we have a mandala of Gurus surrounding the earth and protecting us. More and more over the past few years, I too have become convinced that life unfolds miraculously, and that blessings are surrounding us all the time.
Sydney, Australia

Throughout the day, I was able to participate in “A Day in the Temple” at different times. It was a delight to see so many familiar faces from when I’d spent my summers as a teen long ago at Shree Muktananda Ashram, or from times I had served on staff.
With each person who sweetly offered seva in this satsang, a deep connection and unity kept pulsating through me. Whether the person was reading an excerpt, dancing, playing an instrument, or speaking as the host, I kept feeling, “This is exactly how I would offer this seva.” I felt no separation between being in my home and being in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple. We were all united in the abode of the heart! Shri Bade Bada showered blessings all around the world and his teachings were profoundly alive and palpable.
I feel unending gratitude to Shri Gurumayi for having us all around the world be united in the heart and receive her teachings, blessings, and love through the Siddha Yoga path website.
Colorado, United States

Throughout “A Day in the Temple” I would stand in the tadasana pose, relax, breathe, and then ask Bade Baba, “Who is seeing whom?”—as recommended in the Introduction to this satsang. After each time I asked, I would have the same experience—that the one seeing through my eyes, the one who has been seeing through these eyes all along, is and will always be Bade Baba. Bade Baba is looking through my eyes. I am Bade Baba. I am the same Self who looks through everyone’s eyes. The experience could not be more natural.
I am grateful for the Guru’s grace, which I realize is the only thing that makes this experience recognizable as an obvious one.
Washington, United States

It’s been twelve hours or more since “A Day in the Temple” concluded in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, and yet—it continues to resound in my being.
As I’d kept a night vigil, like many others around the world, I entered the sweetest sleep following the end of the live video stream, feeling the nectar of the
satsang and feeling embraced by the love of Bade Baba, Baba, and Gurumayi.
On waking, and as I went about my day, I keep delighting in the image of seeing Bade Baba smiling as he was garlanded, as he listened to people tell stories about him, and watched dancers and musicians perform for him.
Paddington, Australia

Once, after visiting the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple and feeling tired and out of sorts, I had a dream in which Bhagavan Nityananda came to me holding a lotus. The lotus left his hands and sat above my head, drenching me with holy water. Besides being ecstatic, I was surprised at this unexpected and profound blessing.
Yesterday, watching the satsang via live video stream and being in the Temple all day was just like being drenched by the divinity of Bhagavan Nityananda once more. I am very thankful to Gurumayi for giving us this beautiful and rich experience. I continue to feel its blessings.
New York, United States

I had the satsang via live video stream on my computer all the time and it accompanied me through my day. It was so uplifting to be in the presence of the Siddhas and in the company of other Siddha Yoga students, and to celebrate together in different ways what connects us all: our love for God and the pure, unconditional, and infinite love of God for us.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

Whenever I had divine
darshan of Bhagavan Nityananda, my mind became engrossed in remembering him. And when I sang
Shri Guru Paduka Panchakam with Gurumayi, I felt that I too was worshiping Bade Baba along with Gurumayi.
Later I had the impression that I was talking to Bade Baba as he was sitting in the Bade Baba Mandir located in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, and that he was talking with me. And when Gurumayi started chanting
Nityanandam Brahmanandam, I was completely immersed in memories of Bade Baba and felt a deep sense of peace.
I am eternally grateful to Gurumayi for the divine experience I had in “A Day in the Temple.”
Ahmedabad, India

What an amazing commemoration we were given in “A Day in the Temple in Honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Punyatithi”! I felt enveloped and captivated by Bade Baba’s murti and by the white flowers, so immaculate and pure. The many times that only Bade Baba’s face was visible, I felt a moving desire to embrace him.
Everything was so perfect! Gurumayi was sparkling and joyful and I couldn’t stop laughing at her words. I rejoiced, I cried, I laughed; I felt enveloped in the love of the Siddhas. What more can be said? I am grateful from the bottom of my heart.
San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

What a blessing it was to be in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall with the global
sangham celebrating Bade Baba’s Punyatithi! Here in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, “A Day in the Temple” took place in the Intensive Hall, and I was able to attend almost the entire
satsang. It was like a daylong
saptah: with each element I went deeper and deeper into experiencing my own heart and the presence of Bade Baba in “the shrine of my heart.” I also felt a strong connection with every sevite offering
seva in the Temple. It was like being at home—in a family gathering!
The stories and shares led my mind to complete quietude. I found that place of real peace in my heart, the state of peace in the presence of Bade Baba. While reciting
Arati with Gurumayi ji, my heart was so full of love that my tears didn’t stop until the culmination.
I was so fresh after the event ended at 3:50 a.m. here that I attended the morning
Arati once again in the Temple here and recited
Shri Guru Gita! That was a complete
a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth

My recitation and study of
Shri Guru Gita this morning expanded my appreciation of my experiences of “A Day in the Temple in Honor of Bhagavan Nityananda’s Punyatithi.” So many verses in
Shri Guru Gita explained the significance of “A Day in the Temple.” For example, verse 174 begins: “
Guru-bhava (absorption in the Guru) is the most sacred place; every other place of pilgrimage is meaningless.” I felt my appreciation grow by leaps and bounds.
My love for my Guru’s physical presence is deep, and I am coming to see that beyond the physical Guru, all day, minute by minute, we were offered opportunities to become absorbed in our beloved Guru. I have learned that absorption in my Shri Guru can happen at any minute, any day, anywhere.
North Carolina, United States

When the news of “A Day in the Temple” appeared on the Siddha Yoga path website, I wondered whether I would be able to participate enough and do justice to this sublime satsang.
However, as I participated in it yesterday, each moment unfolded most easefully, merging into the next and weaving a beautiful garland of experiences. Even when there was silence and only the tamboura reverberating in the Temple, I felt my being pulsating and melting in front of Bade Baba. I savored each moment. The whole satsang radiated shakti! When I left my puja room for meals and pauses, I continued to experience divinity and a constant feeling of being connected to the Temple. Eating also felt like worship—naivedya to my inner Self.
It felt so divine to sleep after chanting in the Temple and then arise at 2:30 a.m. as I heard the resounding Arati sounds from my puja room, inviting me there. My home felt as if it were converted to an Ashram!
This day’s experiences are etched in my heart.
Bangalore, India

As “A Day in the Temple” was about to end, seeing Gurumayi celebrating her Guru’s Guru with such freshness and pure love gave me a sense of being revitalized and renewed. A deep sense of blissful joy sprouted from a deep space within. It is self-generated and made me smile, filling every cell of my being with utmost happiness.
Rome, Italy

How extraordinary was “A Day in the Temple”—brimming with blessings as it unfolded before us in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall! I could feel myself becoming stiller, quieter, emptier as the hours passed by in the divine presence of Bade Baba. Being able to rest my eyes on his murti and take in the many details of his beautiful form over such an extended period felt rejuvenating and replenishing for me at a deeply cellular level.
I was also amazed, after the two times that Gurumayi came before Bade Baba to offer flowers, that suddenly the perfect space of his Temple seemed even fuller and richer than ever. It was as if her offerings amplified the perfect completeness of the space—that her perfection had made its perfection even more perfect.
“A Day in the Temple” was a beautiful way to experience the outpouring of our beloved Shri Gurus’ grace.
Guildford, United Kingdom

“A Day in the Temple” was filled with Bhagavan Nityananda’s shakti and grace. Throughout the satsang I felt an inner urge to just close my eyes and experience deep silence and peace. Many times during the day I was lost in Bade Baba’s silence. My meditation was so deep that I didn’t realize anything about the time, thoughts, or any outside sound. I felt Bade Baba's presence so profoundly. I could see love and grace coming from his eyes. I understood that to communicate with God, I don’t need words. My inner silence is full of wisdom.
Among the beautiful elements of the satsang, the flute and sitar music made my heart dance. When I sang the Arati, holding its meaning in my mind, it felt so deep, as if Bade Baba ji were accepting my prayers and offering.
I am deeply grateful for this full day’s experience of Babe Baba’s presence and grace.
Pune, India

Throughout “A Day in the Temple,” I went in and out of spontaneous magnetic pulls inward, like meditations and spontaneous
kriyas, and I kept surrendering to Bade Baba’s grace. I felt a sense of belonging, as if I were a part of Bade Baba. Whenever I went to another room, he stayed with me, so I felt I was having his
darshan even when away from the screen. I had a sense of the vastness of Bade Baba’s presence in me and that he truly
is everywhere.
When Gurumayi arrived, her
darshan gave me the joy of a wish came true. I observed the reverence, humility, and love she offered to Bade Baba in the form of the flowers she offered him.
I stayed up till 3 a.m. and played the
satsang on my tablet during my sleep. I woke up at the
satsang’s last hour, when I again received the
darshan of my beloved Gurumayi.
Today I feel my whole home is filled with peace, a sense of aliveness, and a sense of joy. I feel complete.
Richmond, Australia

“A Day in the Temple”—what a day it has been! I savored very single aspect of this delicious bhandara. The beginning of the day was pierced so delightfully with the flute playing the Arati. I felt like I was meeting Bade Baba in a warm embrace that felt so reassuring and loving. I felt that I belonged to Bade Baba.
It is difficult to adequately express my love and gratitude for Bade Baba, Baba Muktananda, and beloved Gurumayi for so compassionately and generously giving me so many blissful moments. This has truly restored and revitalized me. I enjoyed the readings, the chants, the darshan moments, and the meditations that permeated my whole being so gently but deeply.
My heart is full.
Porto, Portugal

Where I live in Australia, the satsang was from 8 p.m. on Saturday night to 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. I wasn’t sure how I could stay awake, but it all happened with a few deep meditations that made me feel rested and refreshed.
satsang was amazingly beautiful and
shakti-filled throughout. I will never forget this time together! I experienced that I was actually present in the Temple with Bade Baba. His presence remains with me even now.
The Patch, Australia
“A Day in the Temple” was an incredible day! It helped me to understand and appreciate how the Siddha Yoga path is integrated into my “everyday life.” Although I couldn’t spend the whole day participating, the live video stream was playing in the background, and I joined when I could throughout the day.
It was great to not know exactly what was coming and to enjoy various activities whenever they occurred—especially seeing Gurumayi. It was a serene, comforting, and enjoyable experience.
Kingston, United Kingdom

Today I fully immersed myself in participating in “A Day in the Temple.”
One particular experience that stands out for me was when we were chanting
Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya with Gurumayi during the culmination of the
satsang. I took notice of Baba Muktananda’s photo just above Gurumayi’s chair. To my eyes, his smile kept getting brighter and brighter as we chanted with Gurumayi in honor of Bade Baba’s Punyatithi. I realized he was joining us in the ecstatic celebration.
I am very thankful to have been offered a golden opportunity today to be with the lineage of Siddha Gurus.
New York, United States

I felt so nourished and rested after experiencing the whole day in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple! The
satsang was infused with wonderful stories of Bhagavan Nityananda that lit up my heart again and again. It was also great seeing so many young adult sevites. The
satsang was so gorgeously coordinated with the flowers, colors,
aratis, musicians, and dancers. And of course chanting with Gurumayi was simply ecstatic.
I am so grateful for this day!
Georgia, United States

What a blessed day today has been!
I started off the morning feeling sluggish, and my mind was agitated. I am transitioning out of my role at work and searching for a new job, and I have felt worried about this transition all week. But I took the day today to be with Bade Baba in the Temple—meditating, chanting, and having Bade Baba’s
As the day went on, I noticed my mind begin to calm, and a gentle, light, and breezy feeling spread throughout my being. My thoughts subsided, and a tranquil, blissful peace has taken their place.
The Siddha Yoga practices continually ground me and refresh my mind and spirit. I am grateful to Bade Baba for his love, his quietude, and his never-ending grace!
Pennsylvania, United States

Today was a profound and blessed day. My seventeen-year-old “youngling” daughter said the day was too short; she didn’t want it to end. Our hearts are filled with happiness and gratitude toward our beloved Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba. As Gurumayi said, “A Day in the Temple” will be remembered for a very long time.
Oakville, Canada
“A Day in the Temple” was a memorable experience—the chants, the readings and experience shares, the music and dance, the meditations and darshan. There is no other way I would have liked to spend my day. It was joyful, playful, peaceful, delightful, and perfect. All the elements were right on to give us a full experience.
New York, United States

In the week leading up to “A Day in the Temple,” I dreamt that I was at Bade Baba’s Samadhi Shrine in Ganeshpuri, together with Baba. We were in a small room in the back where flowers were arranged. Baba said to me, “We have to arrange the flowers for Bade Baba. White roses are his favorite flower.”
We prepared a beautiful bouquet of white roses for Bhagavan Nityananda. Baba then told me, “I want you to learn this seva in case I am not here to do it.”
My heart leapt with joy today when, via the live video stream, I entered the Temple and found the padukas and the ledge in front of the murti covered in white roses.
What an incredible satsang! Yes, this will not be forgotten.
Waterville, Canada

Every space in my being feels lit with shimmering Consciousness after having participated in “A Day in the Temple.” From the moment the live video stream began and I joined the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall, entering the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple, until Gurumayi blew us a parting kiss and said, “Love you!” I experienced myself being drenched in Bade Baba’s quietude and calm and Gurumayi’s love and happiness.
I will treasure this experience for a very, very long time. I intend to continue to nurture my experiences so I can honor them and allow them to continue to unfold, and so I can “be happy” and share my love even more in this world.
Sydney, Australia
I am deeply thankful for this abundant, vibrant, and holy gift of twelve sweet hours during which we have experienced the joyful sacredness of Bhagavan Nityananda in his Temple and in our home. This sangham has been such a sweet miracle, bringing me so much joy—and such a gift, so full of light and love.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
It is 4 a.m. on Sunday in India right now and “A Day in the Temple” has just concluded. What an exhilarating, sublime, and intensely powerful experience it has been! What a complete connection it has given me with Bade Baba, Baba, and Gurumayi, transporting my heart, mind, and soul into an infinite golden space that pulsates with love, oneness, and light!
Yes, as Gurumayi said, we will remember “A Day in the Temple” for a very very long time. It is imprinted forever in each cell of my being. It was particularly exciting to see what a gorgeous production that “younglings” helped create!
Bangalore, India

I’ve been so looking forward to “A Day in the Temple.” But I was very short of sleep, so I wondered how I could possibly rise at 3:00 a.m. to participate. I decided to trust in the Shakti to show me the best way.
Friday night I had a long, wonderful dream, in which I was part of a large gathering of Siddha Yogis from around the world, all participating in a great extended
satsang. Through this reunion, I connected and reconnected with people I hadn’t seen for many years. There was a beautiful sense of everyone coming together for a most joyous occasion.
I awoke at 6:30 a.m. and joined “A Day in the Temple” in progress, and participated in this beautiful
satsang through to its conclusion. I feel so grateful to Bade Baba, Baba, and Gurumayi, and to the great Shakti, for this gift of grace: to be able to be in the Temple—in both the dream and the waking states—
and to get much-needed sleep too! Grace truly knows no bounds.
California, United States

This was a wonderful
satsang for my family and me. We chanted
Nityanandam Brahmanandam with Gurumayi and meditated together. As I waved an
arati light this morning at home during the
satsang, I felt bliss filling my heart. My son laughed and laughed, excitedly dancing during the chanting and dancing sessions. We also offered
naivedya, including coffee, to Bade Baba at home yesterday.
One sentence from one of the experience shares resonated deeply with me: “Bade Baba knows everything.” It inspires in me total surrender, particularly to the Siddha Yoga spiritual practices. With firm trust in my heart that Bade Baba will protect and inspire me to walk the path of righteousness, I have strong faith that these practices will bring me fulfillment and immense joy.
I feel deeply inspired by the young adults who offered
seva for the live video stream. It’s truly incredible to witness their dedication.
Pune, India

It’s been such an extraordinary gift to spend the day with Bade Baba in the Temple. I am truly blessed to have a life that permits me to spend the day with him. Every moment I spend in the Temple is filled with the sublime silence of Babe Baba’s state—a silence which calls to my heart of hearts, deeply and profoundly.
Chanting with Gurumayi in honor of Bade Baba was an experience filled with grace, joy, love, and ecstasy. Tears of joy and gratitude filled my eyes. How truly blessed am I to have been embraced by a Siddha Guru, the Siddha Yoga path, and the teachings which nourish, nurture, and guide my every step.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

What a delight to be in the Temple for so many hours with Bade Baba! Every moment I am spending here is vibrant with his shakti and Gurumayi’s intention. My body, mind, and heart are fully absorbing the beauty and blessings of his presence.
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for opening the door to Bade Baba’s Temple for the global
sangham. I love this incredible concept of holding
satsang in the Temple for a whole day of Siddha Yoga practices with Bade Baba and Gurumayi.
Thane West, India
For me, this has been the most wonderful satsang transmitted via live video stream in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall! Having a whole day together in the Universal Hall is a fantastic idea. The variety—chanting, meditating, a dancing saptah, and darshan of both Bade Baba and Gurumayi—has felt so satisfying and healing.
When the dancer from New York offered his expression, it appeared to me to be such a powerful description of his
sadhana. It was an exquisite moment!
California, United States
What a divine and sublime day! Bade Baba kept smiling and everybody in the Temple was beautiful and radiant. Today I felt like I was in the Temple and not watching it on a screen. The entire satsang was very uplifting and I could feel the Siddhas’ presence.
My heart is full of gratitude.
Carla-Bayle, France
Throughout the day I felt enveloped by the
shakti—beautiful, serene, happy. Even though I was alone at home, participating in the
satsang, I felt very connected to the rest of the
sangham in the comfort of my own home.
I am thankful to Bade Baba, Baba, and Gurumayi for showering us with so much love and grace. I feel loved, protected, and guided. As my heart opens up more and more through the Guru’s love, I feel that I am kinder to people around me, and my life becomes easier to live.
Florida, United States

Welcoming Bade Baba into our home at 3 a.m. our time, my family participated in the
Arati this morning. What a blessing it is to see Bade Baba’s magnificent form and to feel his compassionate presence among us!
I am so grateful for the reverence, dedication, and love suffusing this
satsang. Every detail, each element of Bade Baba’s day is a veritable feast for the eyes and ears. At the same time my attention is drawn inward to roam ever more deeply in the vastness of divine union.
Washington, United States
This morning as I watched the Swamis enter the Temple, I noticed each placed an envelope in the container for dakshina. Watching this, I remembered that I always like to offer dakshina when I visit the Temple, and I am truly experiencing the sacredness and quiet and happiness of being in the Temple. So I went to the website link for dakshina and made my offering.
I am so delighted and grateful for this day.
Massachusetts, United States

How extraordinary and beautiful! The divine sounds, the scintillating sights, the magnificent blessings! As this golden day unfolds, this darshan of Bade Baba is filling my home and my entire being.
Every corner of my own temple—my apartment here in New York City—is drinking in this profound and sacred energy. My own body, heart, mind, and soul feel it, too. The ongoing transmission of gurukripa, the shakti and grace of Shri Guru, is flowing and flooding into everything around me.
I am profoundly grateful to Bade Baba, Baba Muktananda, and beloved Gurumayi for this mahaprasad that is embracing, nourishing, healing, and uplifting this entire world!
New York, United States
Illuminating morning light
Behold Lake Nityananda
Stillness meeting stillness
Auspicious day
Behold Bhagavan Nityananda
Love meeting love
Dance of devotion
Behold beloved Bade Baba
Heart meeting hearts
Connecticut, United States
Imagine my delight when I was greeted early in the morning with the Goddess—in human form—dancing away in such a divine fashion. It was a magnificent way for me to begin today’s “A Day in the Temple” celebration!
Ville St. Laurent, Canada