My wife, who is seven months pregnant, and I were reciting
Shri Guru Gita with Gurumayi in the 51st Anniversary
satsang. Suddenly my wife felt a hand on her back and turned to me and said she was feeling that Guru ji was really with us.
We both feel Gurumayi ji’s blessings for our baby and for us, and we are so grateful!
Patan, India
Three months ago, I was diagnosed with a condition that causes memory loss. Before reciting
Shri Guru Gita at the 51st anniversary
satsang, I had a special prayer that I said to Gurumayi from my heart: “I don’t want to forget you.” Then the recitation started. As I looked at Gurumayi, I heard her answer me in my heart, “Even if you forget me, I will never forget you. I am always with you. Do not fear. God is always with you.”
I am filled with deep gratitude and love for Gurumayi.
New York, United States
The video live stream of
Shri Guru Gita recitation with Gurumayi and the webcast that followed have led me on a powerful journey this week.
The webcast became my friend. I recited the sacred text along with it many times. It seemed like each time, I learned something new. This journey has helped me to see things from a more loving perspective and to make changes in my life.
Washington, United States
During the meditation after reciting Shri Guru Gita, I felt, and then saw, light surging through me in the form of beads or droplets. This energy came in through my fingertips and coursed through my body. Some of these beads of energy were light-blue amd others lightorange or yellow. It felt like they were recharging me and filling me up with light and joy. I am so grateful for this experience.
Portarlington, Australia
I feel so blessed to have been able to chant Shri Guru Gita with Gurumayi over the last few days. Later, on reading its verse 64 over and over, I’m understanding more and more the true nature of the Guru. How reassuring it is to know that whatever changes take place in worldly life, this Guru Principle has always been and will always be, abiding and the same.
Abercrombie, Australia
What a divine pleasure this was to be able to recite this beloved sacred text along with Gurumayi! It had been many years since I had recited Shri Guru Gita. I feel like a hole in my heart has been healed by this experience of getting to return to the company of Gurumayi and all the Siddhas. I am forever grateful for how the Siddha Yoga path has given me such a powerful experience of continually living in the presence of God.
California, United States

Soon after midnight on January 7, haunting melodies ushered me to the feet of Bhagavan Nityananda to mark the 51st anniversary of Baba’s introducing Shri Guru Gita into the Ashram Daily Schedule.
Bhagavan Nityananda was clad in a shimmering blue turban and gown, with a printed sash of mauve and shades of blue across his body. What I saw in Baba's lustrous face and inward-looking eyes was an aura of purity, beauty, abundance, and the intoxicating fragrance of bliss. The colors of his garments remind me of the radiance of the sky at dusk and the experience of that moment of stillness and utter tranquility when it is neither day nor night—a potent reminder to me of the ever-present stillness and tranquility I could taste at any time of day, if my mind comes to a complete rest.
Now I can remind myself of the eternal presence of the Self in each moment by remembering these colors of the twilight sky.
Melbourne, Australia

When Gurumayi first came into view, her smile went straight into my heart. I felt like she was looking directly at me.
I’m recovering from an illness and am in a pretty fragile state, so it was wonderful to be able to be in Gurumayi’s presence in this way. It felt as though my heart opened and I embraced Gurumayi. Then old doubts about my self-worth started to come into my mind, tempting me to hide. But I experienced that Gurumayi’s lightness and her laughter blew these thoughts away. I saw how the activity in my mind was just like a movie playing on a screen, and that there was so much more to me than my thoughts. I was ecstatic and felt emotionally open and at ease—maybe for the first time in my life.
I felt so grateful and so privileged to be part of the sacred energy of this
Lismore, Australia

I became so still when we stood with Gurumayi to offer
arati to Bhagavan Nityananda. I thought: This is what being immersed in the Blue Pearl must be like. I will hold that feeling in my heart forever.
Hampton Hill, United Kingdom
As I recited
Shri Guru Gita in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall with Gurumayi, gratitude and love filled my heart and I felt moved to offer this prayer:
May this love, so pure and innocent, bless the world from shore to shore.
May all inhabitants upon this earth be blessed with grace and abounding joy.
May all negativities be dropped and burned in the fire of purity, truth, and love.
May all people allow the light of the heart to brightly shine from this day forth.
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

What a wonderful
satsang! I was elated to have Gurumayi’s
darshan during the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita, and I felt fully present throughout.
As I rose from meditation the next morning, I was aware that every movement, every gesture I made, was worship of God, whether putting out the
puja candle or filling the kettle for morning tea. My awareness was rooted completely in the present. My mind did not move ahead to thinking of what to do next or lapse into remembrance of the past. Each moment felt like there was an underlying depth and eternity to it, a scintillating and shimmering bliss permeating my awareness and every cell of my body.
The grace and
darshan of my Guru are truly inestimable for me.
New Jersey, United States

Before the recitation of Shri Guru Gita began, a question arose within me: “How can I cultivate the purest form of love for Gurumayi?” Even during the recitation, my mind kept coming back to this question and I did not have an answer.
And then, as I read the first line of verse 21 of Shri Guru Gita, I stopped. I read the Sanskrit verse again and then its English translation: “The supreme state is easily attained by those who think of nothing else but me.”
I am so grateful to Gurumayi for her constant guidance. I wish that my love for her will one day be as pure as her love for Baba.
a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth
In the midst of reciting
Shri Guru Gita with Gurumayi, I suddenly felt a strong feeeling of warmth spreading out from within me and reaching out to every Siddha Yogi across the globe in different time zones, synchronizing with each voice reciting the mantras of
Shri Guru Gita. Each heart was lit with love for our Gurumayi.
Nairobi, Kenya
Reciting Shri Guru Gita with Gurumayi was just wonderful! I wished that these moments would never end.
A day later, when I recited Shri Guru Gita on my own, I focused on my heart. I was surprised to have exactly the same wonderful experience of closeness to my Guru and of overflowing love! My room filled with the loving presence of the Siddhas and our Gurus. I felt as though I were sitting, asana to asana, with other Siddha Yogis in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. My room was filled with joy. I realized that what I was experiencing in the physical presence of Gurumayi is possible any time I enter the sacred space of my heart.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland
Yesterday I enjoyed reciting
Shri Guru Gita in Gurumayi’s gentle, calm, and patient presence. The experience of mental peace was amazing. After that, at the time of the
arati, I felt that Baba was with me and watching over me.
Ahmedabad, India
I felt so blessed to be there with my Guru and the Siddha Yoga global sangham for the recitation of Shri Guru Gita in the Temple. Bade Baba was magnificent, surrounded by so many beautiful roses on this special day.
The words of Shri Guru Gita came alive and felt even more real today, with the darshan of Gurumayi and her radiant love and grace pouring down on us. This recitation left me with a sense of awe: how deep and mysterious is the infinite love of my Guru!
Afterward, I bathed in a quiet sweetness that enveloped me throughout the day and which I kept within me like a precious gem. I am forever grateful to Baba who brought Shri Guru Gita into my life!
Quebec, Canada

When I had darshan of Gurumayi during the anniversary satsang, my heart filled with love and within me the words arose, “I belong to Gurumayi.” My heart expanded and more and more love arose. The words “I belong to Gurumayi” felt so right and so true. I felt as if I existed within Gurumayi. An exquisite shawl of energy—the energy of her love, her warmth, and her protection—wrapped itself around me.
The words, “I belong to Gurumayi,” suffused my recitation of Shri Guru Gita. I felt as if I was in a world of love, lightness, and ease. And I thank her for this exquisite experience!
Bangalore, India
Seeing and hearing Gurumayi live in time,
And reciting Shri Guru Gita with her was truly sublime.
Like fresh rain falling onto dry earth,
Rain of inestimable worth.
A treasure beyond measure!
Texas, United States
What a journey! By the time the
satsang concluded, my heart was able to welcome all that had occurred for me during the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita. That included the times when my mind wandered and thought about work, the times when my mind opened and I felt an uplifted state of complete bliss, and all the moments in between! I am so thankful for my Guru and for this beautiful celebratory
Oregon, United States
I felt such sweet love when I first saw Gurumayi on screen at the start of the satsang. I immediately smiled at her and the boundaries of time and space dissolved. Across the geographic divide, I was with her and she was with me.
Guildford, United Kingdom
I was transported to a place of stillness and renewal when I was able to have Shri Gurumayi’s darshan during today’s recitation of Shri Guru Gita. I am very grateful for this satsang—it breathed new life into me and I felt the life-giving shakti of Shri Guru in my mind, heart, and body.
New Jersey, United States
While reciting Shri Guru Gita during the satsang, I had a lot of thoughts; sometime I also felt sleepy. I prayed to Gurumayi ji to help me be alert and focused, to help me keep my posture steady and straight, and to help my mind to have thoughts only about the Guru and the Guru’s grace.
After some time this thought came to me: “God is everywhere, the Guru is everywhere, so she is present in these thoughts also.” At that moment, I become the witness of these thoughts with the conviction, “I am not these thoughts”!
Pune, India
This was a wonderful satsang. I loved chanting with Gurumayi and seeing Gurumayi, Bade Baba, and all of the beauty in the Temple. Chanting with Gurumayi is such a gift! Each time I am more in awe of the shakti she radiates from her being.
Washington, United States
In the sovereign presence of Gurumayi, I became sovereign. Dignity pervaded my entire being: I straightened my back, opened my chest, and raised my head. My gaze embraced the world with love and I felt joy pulsating in my heart. I want to thank Gurumayi for being with me every step of the way.
Montreal, Canada
Reciting the sacred text of Shri Guru Gita in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall stilled my mind, as I bathed in the awareness of the supreme “I.” My heart was filled with divine love, and overflowed with gratitude.
Massachusetts, United States
The exhilarating recitation of Shri Guru Gita via live video stream inspired my heart to take wings and fly into new realms. During the meditation, I kept hearing Gurumayi’s Message for 2023 repeat itself over and over again in my mind and heart.
Ville St. Laurent, Canada
This morning I felt so grateful and gratified that I was reciting Shri Guru Gita on the 51st anniversary of Baba’s introducing it into the Ashram Daily Schedule. During the recitation of Shri Guru Gita, I felt so much at ease; even though my mind was wandering, it still felt calm. Toward the end of the recitation, I recognized that I always wanted to feel this way, and I realized that this is the nature of the Self. It seemed to me that I had had an experience of Gurumayi’s Message for 2023.
New Jersey, United States
Participating in the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita today was a majestic experience for me; all was dignified, holy, heavenly, and utterly pure. It was sweet and simply wonderful. My heart felt soft and smooth, my breath was deep, my mind felt at ease.
Hindelang, Germany
This recitation of Shri Guru Gita was so simple, so beautiful, so peaceful, so nourishing. I want to thank Gurumayi for the blessing of this satsang in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall and to thank Baba for the blessing of giving us Shri Guru Gita to recite.
Florida, United States