Baba Muktananda, Resonate with Stillness
(South Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation, 1995).
Since participating in the Shaktipat Intensive, I have begun the practice of setting daily intentions. Today I decided to focus on
Shiva drishti, the practice of seeing all others as God. My experiences with every person I encountered were sweet and fulfilling. From now onward, the practice of seeing God in everyone will be an inherent aspect of all of my daily intentions. It has shown me the greatest way to spread peace, joy, and love. This practice is my foundation for discovering and actualizing my dharma.
Massachusetts, USA
Baba’s teaching reminds me to remember God and honor myself and everybody else. As a college student, when I find myself feeling uneasy with choices people around me are making, remembering Baba’s teaching shifts my understanding and I am able to experience love.
Thank you, Baba and Gurumayi, for your guidance.
Massachusetts, USA
As I practice remembering this teaching in the midst of a challenging family situation, I feel a distinct shift. The gripping feeling on the inside gets released. My heart softens and opens; compassion arises. It is in these moments that I recognize the enormous support and protection of the Guru.
Thank you, Baba. Thank you, Gurumayi!
Massachusetts, USA
Baba's teaching pierces my mind and heart. As I contemplate the word “everyone” in this teaching, the meaning that comes from my heart is my thoughts, words, and actions; the trees, animals, and all of nature; my friends, family members, and all whom I encounter. When I contemplate this way, my mind becomes calm and blissful. I experience the same blissfulness in each and everyone around me. I experience God in the form of blissfulness and serenity.
Thank you, Baba ji
, for your life-transforming teaching. Thank you, everyone, who is part of God.
Basamathnagar, India
I am so thankful for this teaching, and I realize that being patient with my thoughts during meditation is for me a great form of dharma. Instead of judging my thoughts, I have learned to repeat
Om Namah Shivaya the moment I become aware of my mind’s play during meditation. This has led me to experience the inner Self. In this way, I have come to see that mantra repetition is also a form of dharma.
I await the Intensive with great longing in my heart!
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In my work as a healthcare provider in a busy clinic, my interactions with patients often flow along smoothly. Sometimes, though, they do not. And when I am feeling stuck in an interaction with a patient, it helps me to remember that this person is God.
I consciously hold in my awareness that this person is special to and valued by their friends and family
and by God, and that this person deserves my respect.
I then, typically, experience an opening, perhaps a subtle softening in my heart or an inspiration for a new way in which to explain something to the patient, or a new clarity about what to do or say next.
From Baba’s words, I realize that when I am doing this, I am aligning myself with dharma. Thank you, Baba, for giving me a deeper understanding of my practice with this teaching.
California, USA