a Siddha Yogi from Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
On Gurumayi's Birthday, I was attending a medical conference with health care workers from many parts of the United States. A woman I did not know came over to speak with me. As we spoke, her eyes became riveted on the pendant on my necklace—a tiny silver murti of Bhagavan Nityananda.
”Is that Bade Baba?” she asked. I said it was. She whispered in my ear, ”Happy Birthday! Happy Gurumayi's Birthday!” And we embraced. Neither of us had expected the opportunity to share our love for Gurumayi at a medical conference on the very day of her birthday. It was a moment of pure joy!
a Siddha Yogi from Georgia, USA
We were so excited to celebrate
Birthday Bliss. We decorated our house with
mogra flowers and offered a
mala made of
bakuli flowers.
The day was so peaceful and full of love. We could feel Gurumayi’s presence all day. When we were cutting the cake, we all felt as if Gurumayi was sitting in front of us, smiling, and accepting our offerings with love.
a Siddha Yogi from Thane, India
a Siddha Yogi from Vicenza, Italy
I had decided to listen to the video of Gurumayi chanting
namasankirtanas while I prepared dinner. But the moment Gurumayi’s voice, strong and sweet, sang through our speakers, I knew I had to turn off the stove, sit down, and chant. Although I have been on the Siddha Yoga path for more than twenty-five years, it was if I was meeting the Guru for the first time.
Later in the evening, as I watched the video again, this time chanting again alongside my husband and eleven-year-old son, I realized that, through this video, I could share my many years of
sadhana with them. I looked into my son’s smiling eyes and said, “During one of the chants…” But he finished my sentence before I could: “…you were pregnant with me, mommy.” He knew in his heart.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for connecting us all in love!
a Siddha Yogi from Maryland, USA

What a beautiful day it was, June 24, 2015. I listened to Gurumayi singing the
bhajan Nacho Re Mero Mana and experienced tremendous love and joy in my heart. The videos posted on the Siddha Yoga path website further enhanced this feeling in my heart, and I had the understanding that wherever we are, we are never far from the Guru's love. In fact, this love is still pulsating in my heart.
a Siddha Yogi from Thane, India
I celebrated the month of
Birthday Bliss by starting a meditative practice of creating a mandala each day. It was a blissful experience to offer the action of painting to Gurumayi. And as the month progressed, I had the opportunity to experience and express virtues that Gurumayi has given us to cultivate, such as balance, devotion, discipline, easefulness, freedom, gratitude, joyfulness, love, openness, patience, quietness, trust, and unity.
a Siddha Yogi from Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

The first of June had arrived, the beginning of
Birthday Bliss! I went to my window to greet the dawn of this auspicious day. The sun was beginning to rise, and there were beautiful cloud formations.
One cloud was especially colorful amid the grey billowy clouds. I took a photo. Later, when I looked at the photo, much to my amazement, there was a beautiful heart shape within the cloud. Not only was the heart in the cloud, but it was also in the reflection in the water below.
I felt that Gurumayi had greeted me with her love as I greeted the first day of her birthday celebration.
a Siddha Yogi from South Carolina, USA
a Siddha Yogi from Virignin, France
A fellow Siddha Yogi and I participated once again in Gurumayi's
A Sweet Surprise satsang as part of our celebration of
Birthday Bliss. We had planned to do this months ago, and it was a great decision! We went deep into meditation. As the
satsang concluded, we looked out the window and saw a big blue heart outlined by clouds. To its left, clouds formed an
AUM symbol, equally large and clear.
Such a sweet day.
a Siddha Yogi from North Carolina, USA
I celebrated Gurumayi's Birthday by engaging with the beautiful postings on the Siddha Yoga path website and by making a special
dakshina offering in honor of this day. I am grateful for the opportunity to have our beloved Gurumayi's
a Siddha Yogi from Massachusetts, USA
a Siddha Yogi from Mexico City, Mexico
At the end of our joyous Celebration Satsang for Gurumayi's Birthday, just as we were invited to come up for
darshan, there was an enormous roar of thunder. Its energy filled the room, and we all remained silent for some time. I experienced a big feeling of gratitude arising in me.
On the drive back home, there were three magnificent rainbows. It was raining strongly, yet the sun was shining brightly. A shimmering white light shone through the dark clouds and washed the landscape in a liquid golden light that melted all the contours. It was an extraordinary display of light that made everything seem one.
Later, as I looked at all the celebration postings on the website, my heart was overflowing with love, and I had this insight: The Self is light. It is light and love. And so am I.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for your presence in my heart, leading me to this extraordinary experience and understanding.
a Siddha Yogi from Oslo, Norway

How extraordinary
That every time
I follow your gaze
I find myself.
This amazing alchemy
Turns every celebration
Of your existence
Into a festival
Of the heart
A song of return
To the True North
In every wilderness.
If I were able to
Offer gratitude
With every breath
This would not be too much
It would not be enough
For what I owe to
Your golden touch.
What is hard and unyielding
Softens and flows.
What is wavering and inconsistent
Becomes steady and firm.
Everything I try to give you
Returns my heart to me.
The river of grace
Is ever present
But on your birthday
It overflows.
a Siddha Yogi from Kansas, USA

A few months ago, I was assigned the
seva to make a dessert for the celebration of Gurumayi’s Birthday at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Melbourne. I wanted to make the best offering from my heart to Gurumayi. I decided to make cupcakes. Although I had only made cupcakes once before, the thought of making them for Gurumayi’s Birthday brought me so much joy that I went online and learned as much as I could about how to bake and decorate them.
When the time of Gurumayi’s Birthday Celebration finally came, I was able to make the cupcakes with perfect, steady concentration, and I was amazed at how the cupcakes turned out.
a Siddha Yogi from Richmond, Australia
a Siddha Yogi from London, United Kingdom
a Siddha Yogi from Berlin, Germany
My two-and-a-half-year-old twins love to sing “Happy Birthday” each night to the various joys in their day. On the morning of Gurumayi's Birthday, I was welcomed with two little voices singing their favorite song.
Later, as we watched the video montage of Gurumayi chanting, my darling toddlers sat riveted, calm, and peaceful—absorbing Gurumayi's image, commenting on her hats and glasses and the hands dancing in the air. They joyfully took it all in. I, too, felt such enthusiasm in my heart, as each
raga and each chant evoked new yet familiar tenderness.
That evening, we read together Gurumayi's book
Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Love You, with each of my tots sharing the joy of recognizing themselves in Gurumayi's arms.
a Siddha Yogi from New York, USA
a Siddha Yogi from San Francisco, USA
I attended my first
satsang on June 19 this year, and it turned out to be a Celebration Satsang for Gurumayi’s Birthday. I met some wonderful people who were so warm and welcoming to me. They welcomed me with open arms and smiles.
On June 24 itself I was able to visit Gurudev Siddha Peeth. The experience can’t be expressed in words. I felt I was home. After some time, I realized that the feeling I had in my heart might be called
happiness. I felt as if I had been invited by Gurumayi at a very arduous and perplexing time in my life. I have boundless gratitude in my heart for Baba and Gurumayi.
a Siddha Yogi from Mumbai, India

In honor of Gurumayi's Birthday celebration on June 24, I wished Gurumayi a very happy birthday and a joyous celebration. I cooked a traditional Indian meal for dinner. Then I chanted
Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya and meditated. I also watched the videos posted on the website, read Swami ji's talk and the experiences of the young children. I am so joyful.
a Siddha Yogi from Sydney, Australia
This evening I went for my
japa walk. I dedicated it to my beloved Gurumayi in celebration of her birthday and in gratitude for the unending grace of the Guru in my life and in the lives of my family. These beautiful yellow lilies caught my eye, and I felt they were a perfect way to offer a joyful Happy Birthday to Gurumayi.
a Siddha Yogi from Massachusetts, USA
During the
Birthday Bliss Celebration Satsang at the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Berlin, we had the opportunity to express our gratitude for Gurumayi’s presence in our lives. I felt gratitude deeply in my heart but could not find words to express it in the moment when it was time for me to share.
As we began to chant, I found my words of gratitude in the words
Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya! Suddenly, I felt free to express my gratitude through singing. With that, I let go into the chant and felt my heart become immersed in Gurumayi’s benevolent grace.
a Siddha Yogi from Berlin, Germany

On June 24, my baby woke up at 4:00 a.m., wanting to nurse. It was still dark, except for a few rays of moonlight streaming in through the window. There was so much silence all around. As I sat on my meditation cushion cradling my baby, I felt a deep sense of joy. I closed my eyes and started humming "Happy Birthday, Gurumayi," followed by my favorite
Narayana. My baby looked up at me and smiled the sweetest smile.
Throughout the whole day, I continued to sing “Happy Birthday” to Gurumayi and to chant
Narayana. It was amazing to culminate this beautiful day with the video of Gurumayi chanting
namasankirtanas, and ending with
Narayana. I felt the unity of our hearts and a deep sense of love and gratitude.
a Siddha Yogi from California, USA

How I Celebrated Gurumayi's Birthday
Meditation, listening to others, everyday tasks
The beauty of the sky
The warmth in shared smiles
Patience when plans went awry
I followed
Worshipped the Self
Practiced the virtues
Experienced joy in nature
Grace revealed the divine in the ordinary
The celebration was in all
a Siddha Yogi from Horsham, Australia
This is the first time that all four members of our family are not together in our home in Delhi to celebrate Gurumayi’s Birthday. Two of us are in Shree Muktananda Ashram, one is in Europe, and I am in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. However, each one of us was celebrating our Guru's birthday on this auspicious day, feeling as though we were together in the universal hall, united not only with one another but with all the hearts of the Siddha Yoga
Thank you, Gurumayi, for the bond that unites us and for your teachings, which give us a foundation from which we develop as strong individuals.
a Siddha Yogi from New Delhi, India

Tonight, after watching the video with Gurumayi chanting in so many halls around the world, ten of us gathered at the seashore to chant.
After lighting a candle and incense, we chanted
Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya and then listened to the waves for a few minutes. Then, we began to chant
Om Namah Shivaya. Within the first few rounds of the mantra, we were joined by a pod of dolphins. We meditated. After meditation, we saw three pods of dolphins swimming by.
After coming home, I experienced the delightful gift of meditating with the video of Gurumayi on the website. Looking at the ocean on the screen, I could feel the dolphins swimming there. I could also feel the tangible flow of love through the petals and prayers, and the breezes and blossoms of thanksgiving that were offered all around the world today.
a Siddha Yogi from California, USA
a Siddha Yogi from Michigan, USA
I stood in front of the wonderful picture of Gurumayi on my
puja and sang “Happy Birthday” to her. As soon as I finished, I felt showered with grace, love, and bliss, and I was filled with joyous laughter. I felt like Gurumayi and I were standing there together, laughing with joy. Then the laughter melted into tears of joy, and I still felt Gurumayi’s presence with me.
a Siddha Yogi from Hawaii, USA

Today, on Gurumayi’s Birthday, I got up extra early so I could join several Siddha Yogis in reciting
Shri Guru Gita on the beach. It was a beautiful morning, calm and serene. I felt deep peace within me. It was so nice to remember the Guru in this way.
My heart was moist all day. I chanted with Gurumayi as I drove to work and then home again. During breaks from work, I visited the Siddha Yoga path website. I felt that the people I interacted with were warmer, sweeter—and of course I realized it was me who was warmer, sweeter, and smiling all day. It seemed that the more I remembered Gurumayi, the more joyous I became.
To finish off the day, I watched the sunset. In my heart, I asked Gurumayi if she could see how beautiful it was. I offered it to her.
I love you, Gurumayi! Happy birthday!
a Siddha Yogi from Hawaii, USA

On the eve of Gurumayi's Birthday, I participated in the Celebration Satsang at the Siddha Yoga meditation center in my community. As I drove home that evening, I was captivated by the alignment of the moon with Venus and Jupiter. They appeared strung together, sparkling and adorning the blue velvet sky. I felt that even the heavens were offering their birthday gift to Shri Guru—a gift symbolizing pure love and grace.
a Siddha Yogi from California, USA
When Gurumayi's Birthday arrived, I felt so happy in my heart. I prepared a cake for the
satsang at our meditation center, and then I went outside to look at the sky. I saw hundreds of hearts made of white clouds. There were so many different heart shapes—some small, some really big, some feathery, some solid. It was as if the sky had made visible all the countless hearts in this world who are celebrating what is for me the most auspicious of all auspicious days—our Guru's birthday.
a Siddha Yogi from Großkarolinenfeld, Germany
On the morning of Gurumayi’s Birthday I was in the quiet peace of my garden. Suddenly, the sun shone a path to the statue of Nataraj. Seeing Nataraj always makes me remember Gurumayi.
Just like the sun, Gurumayi is the light that guides my life and my
sadhana. She is always shining her light on the path that leads to the Self.
a Siddha Yogi from New Mexico, USA
As I left the local Siddha Yoga meditation center after a beautiful Celebration Satsang, I was greeted with a spectacular sunset. Nature's love knows no end. Gurumayi's love knows no end.
a Siddha Yogi from Michigan, USA
a Siddha Yogi from Pennsylvania, USA

As I was driving in my car during the week leading up to Gurumayi’s Birthday, I kept catching snippets of a radio show with physicists speaking about time. It felt like a great synchronicity to be reminded of the nature of time during the week of Gurumayi’s Birthday because of Gurumayi’s emphasis on time in
A Sweet Surprise satsang and her Message for 2015. Gurumayi’s teachings on time were now at the forefront of my mind.
Today, on Gurumayi’s Birthday, I watched the video “
Namasankirtana: Chanting the Divine Name” on the Siddha Yoga path website
. As the video began, I thought I was seeing an archival video of Gurumayi chanting, but then I wasn’t sure because I didn’t feel like I was looking at an image of Gurumayi from the past. I felt like I was seeing Gurumayi right now. Although my mind kept telling me that what I was seeing were archival images, another part of me was feeling they weren’t. As I tried to reconcile this feeling of the past being the present, the word
eternal came to me.
It is because the Guru is eternal, I thought.
As I continued to watch the video, I was immersed in the bliss and wonder of Gurumayi’s
a Siddha Yogi from New York, USA

On June 23, the eve of Gurumayi ji’s birthday, I arrived home after offering
seva at Shree Muktananda Ashram. It had just stopped raining, and there were dark clouds covering the sun. As I opened the window onto the backyard, the sun came out with golden rays and everything that I could see became golden—the trees, houses, grass, even the air. I had never seen this kind of golden color spreading everywhere, on every object. The whole atmosphere, and everything in it, had become golden. I felt that Gurumayi ji was blessing us! I was awestruck. I was drenched in this golden color, and for a few moments, I just stood outside, basking in this opportunity to soak in as many golden rays as possible.
a Siddha Yogi from New Jersey, USA
In my garden, gardenias are blossoming, reminding me of Gurumayi’s infinite grace and love. And the beautiful
bhajan Nacho Re Mero Mana is resounding in my heart.
a Siddha Yogi from Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve, France
This morning as I was out walking through the hills around me, I was feeling the light and brightness of this special day. I spontaneously started to dance, and I felt like I was moving in bliss—
Birthday Bliss. I began to gently move my arms up and down in the motion of a crane. Then, overhead, a crane flew by, and I knew nature was celebrating this special day with me.
a Siddha Yogi from California, USA
These beautiful wild poppies appeared in my garden on Tuesday, June 23. I thought how generous it was of nature to spread these seeds and nourish their blossoming. And I thought of Gurumayi, how generous she has been with her love, giving us the teachings that enrich our lives. Her guidance has given me the ability to see the beauty around me and to experience the peace that I find within.
Joyous birthday greetings, Gurumayi!
a Siddha Yogi from London, UK

I love the images of the dandelions in the “Make a Wish for
Birthday Bliss 2015” gallery. Gurumayi’s attention to the dandelions growing on the sacred grounds of Shree Muktananda Ashram makes my heart leap with joy. At first glance, the dandelion doesn’t seem spectacular like the rose. But I’ve experienced that when observed with quiet focus and meditated upon, the dandelion becomes equally special. This makes me realize how important it is to become quiet and to see things as they really are, to see the beauty and glory in the diversity of God's creation.
On Gurumayi’s Birthday, I offer this photo of a sculpture honoring the dandelion. I took this photo recently, at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for inspiring us to see the beauty and sacredness in simple things.
a Siddha Yogi from Minnesota, USA

At the beginning of
Birthday Bliss month, I decided to move my beautiful peace lily plant next to Gurumayi's photo, which sits on a window sill in my living room. I thought, "My plant will receive Gurumayi's
darshan every day. How nice!"
It has been wonderful to see a new blossom appear every few days since then. I have had this precious plant for eight years, and there have never been more than two or four blossoms at a time. Today I counted twelve white lily flowers.
Happy birthday, Gurumayi! I offer you the blossom of my heart.
a Siddha Yogi from New York, USA
a Siddha Yogi from Algeciras, Spain
When I awoke this morning, on this blessed day, I was filled with joy. I sat for meditation, and my meditation was deep and full of love. Then I went to my hatha yoga class. When we were asked if anyone had anything to share, I reported that today is the birthday of my beloved Guru. Another student in the class said, "Hey! It’s the birthday of my Guru, too. Do you mean Gurumayi?"
The two of us are in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, and we had never met before. Yet on this special day, we discovered that we share the bliss of experiencing Gurumayi’s love and of following the Siddha Yoga path.
a Siddha Yogi from Vilcabamba, Ecuador
This morning my whole family celebrated Gurumayi’s birthday. We recited
Shri Guru Gita together. We decorated the
puja room with balloons and ribbons, and we also made a cake. We experienced that Gurumayi was with us today.
Thank you, Gurumayi ji, for your blessings and love.
a Siddha Yogi from Allahabad, India