The Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014
Announcement from the Co-Managers of the Tour, Rudra Sharp and Monica Walsh
February 5, 2014
The Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014
Announcement from the Co-Managers of the Tour, Rudra Sharp and Monica Walsh
February 5, 2014
Gira de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014
Anuncio de los gerentes de la Gira, Rudra Sharp y Mónica Walsh
5 de febrero de 2014
La Tournée de chant du Siddha Yoga : Australie 2014
Annonce des managers de la tournée, Rudra Sharp et Monica Walsh
5 février 2014
Die Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour 2014 in Australien
Ankündigung der Co-Manager der Tour, Rudra Sharp und Monica Walsh
5. Februar 2014
Turnê de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Austrália 2014
Anúncio dos cogerentes da turnê Rudra Sharp e Monica Walsh
5 de fevereiro, 2014
Tour di Canto Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014
Annuncio dei co-manager del Tour, Rudra Sharp e Monica Walsh
5 febbraio 2014
On April, 1, 1997, at the conclusion of the Siddha Yoga Meditation Tour to Australia, Gurumayi said:
“In the future, there will be Chanting Tours.… The focus will be on chanting.… People will remember the goal: the inner attainment, the inner transformation, creating a true paradise in this very world.”
It is our great delight to announce that the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014 will commence next month, in March. The Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014, held by the SYDA Foundation, is in fulfillment of Gurumayi’s promise to the Siddha Yogis in Australia in 1997.
The Chanting Tour will be a great opportunity for Siddha Yogis and new seekers to study, practice, assimilate, and implement the Siddha Yoga practice of chanting. Siddha Yoga chanting is chaitanya, imbued with the Guru’s grace; the Chanting Tour will be a vehicle for that grace.
At Gurumayi’s invitation, Siddha Yoga music teacher and conductor Carlos del Cueto will travel to Siddha Yoga Ashrams, meditation centers, and chanting and meditation groups in Australia to hold teaching and learning events focused on the practice of chanting. Siddha Yoga teachings on chanting and the music refinements that Gurumayi has taught over the past fifteen years will be shared both locally and with the global Siddha Yoga sangham.
Yes, wherever you may be around the world, you will have the opportunity to participate in the Chanting Tour via postings on the Siddha Yoga path website and a live audio stream. This will be an event on a global scale as Gurumayi’s teachings on chanting reverberate in the hearts of all who participate.
The Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014 will begin on March 22, 2014, in Melbourne—in just six weeks! It will culminate with the grand finale in Sydney on April 19.
For more information about the Chanting Tour, continue to visit the Siddha Yoga path website.
Rudra Sharp and Monica Walsh
Co-Managers of the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014
SYDA Foundation
In 1997, at the conclusion of the Siddha Yoga Meditation Tour to Australia, Gurumayi said:
“In the future, there will be Chanting Tours.… The focus will be on chanting.… People will remember the goal: the inner attainment, the inner transformation, creating a true paradise in this very world.”
It is our great delight to announce that the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014 will commence next month, in March. The Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014, held by the SYDA Foundation, is in fulfillment of Gurumayi’s promise to the Siddha Yogis in Australia in 1997.
The Chanting Tour will be a great opportunity for Siddha Yogis and new seekers to study, practice, assimilate, and implement the Siddha Yoga practice of chanting. Siddha Yoga chanting is chaitanya, imbued with the Guru’s grace; the Chanting Tour will be a vehicle for that grace.
At Gurumayi’s invitation, Siddha Yoga music teacher and conductor Carlos del Cueto will travel to Siddha Yoga Ashrams, meditation centers, and chanting and meditation groups in Australia to hold teaching and learning events focused on the practice of chanting. Siddha Yoga teachings on chanting and the music refinements that Gurumayi has taught over the past fifteen years will be shared both locally and with the global Siddha Yoga sangham.
Yes, wherever you may be around the world, you will have the opportunity to participate in the Chanting Tour via postings on the Siddha Yoga path website and a live audio stream. This will be an event on a global scale as Gurumayi’s teachings on chanting reverberate in the hearts of all who participate.
The Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014 will begin on March 22, 2014, in Melbourne—in just six weeks! It will culminate with the grand finale in Sydney on April 19.
For more information about the Chanting Tour, continue to visit the Siddha Yoga path website.
Rudra Sharp and Monica Walsh
Co-Managers of the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014
SYDA Foundation
No encerramento da turnê de Meditação Siddha Yoga na Austrália, em 1997, Gurumayi disse:
“No futuro, haverá turnês de canto... O foco será no canto... As pessoas se lembrarão da meta: a realização interior, a transformação interior, criando um verdadeiro paraíso neste mundo”.
É com grande deleite que anunciamos que a Turnê de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Austrália 2014 se iniciará no mês que vem, em março! A Turnê de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Austrália 2014, realizada pela Fundação SYDA, é o cumprimento da promessa de Gurumayi aos Siddha Yogues na Austrália em 1997.
A Turnê de Canto será uma grande oportunidade para Siddha Yogues e novos buscadores de estudar, praticar, assimilar e implementar a prática do canto de Siddha Yoga. O canto de Siddha Yoga é chaitanya, imbuído com a graça do Guru; a Turnê de Canto será um veículo para essa graça.
A convite de Gurumayi, o professor de música de Siddha Yoga, Carlos del Cueto viajará pelos Ashrams, Centros de Meditação e Grupos de Canto e Meditação de Siddha Yoga para realizar eventos de ensinamento e aprendizagem de Siddha Yoga focalizados na prática de canto. Os ensinamentos de Siddha Yoga sobre canto e os refinamentos musicais que Gurumayi vem ensinando nos últimos quinze anos serão compartilhados localmente e com o sangham global de Siddha Yoga.
Sim, onde quer que você esteja ao redor do mundo, você terá a oportunidade de participar da turnê de canto através das postagens no site do caminho de Siddha Yoga e de transmissões ao vivo em áudio. Este será um evento em escala global à medida que os ensinamentos de Gurumayi sobre o canto reverberarem nos corações de todos que participarem.
A Turnê de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Austrália 2014 iniciará em 22 de março de 2014 em Melbourne – em apenas seis semanas! Ela culminará com o grand finale em Sidney, em 19 de abril.
Para mais informações sobre a Turnê de Canto, continue a visitar o site do caminho de Siddha Yoga.
Rudra Sharp e Monica Walsh
Cogerentes da Turnê de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Austrália 2014
SYDA Foundation
Im Jahr 1997 sagte Gurumayi am Ende der Siddha Yoga Meditation Tour nach Australien:
„In Zukunft wird es Chanting Tours geben.… Der Fokus wird auf dem Singen liegen.… Die Menschen werden sich an das Ziel erinnern: nämlich die inneren Errungenschaften, die innere Verwandlung, das Erschaffen eines wahren Paradieses auf genau dieser Welt.”
Wir freuen uns ganz besonders, ankündigen zu können, dass die Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour 2014 in Australien im nächsten Monat, im März, beginnen wird. Die Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour 2014 in Australien, die von der SYDA Foundation veranstaltet wird, löst Gurumnayis Versprechen ein, das sie den Siddha Yogis 1997 in Australien gab.
Die Chanting Tour wird Siddha Yogis und neuen Suchenden die Gelegenheit bieten, die Siddha Yoga Übung des Singens zu studieren, zu üben, sie sich anzueignen und sie anzuwenden. Das Siddha Yoga Singen ist chaitanya, von der Gnade des Gurus durchdrungen. Die Chanting Tour wird ein Instrument für diese Gnade sein.
Gurumayi hat den Siddha Yoga Musiklehrer und Dirigenten Carlos del Cueto Cueto eingeladen, zu Siddha Yoga Ashrams, Meditationszentren und Gesangs- und Meditationsgruppen in Australien zu reisen, um Lehr- und Lernveranstaltungen mit dem Schwerpunkt Singen abzuhalten. Die Siddha Yoga Lehren zum Singen und die musikalischen Verfeinerungen, die Gurumayi im Laufe der letzten fünfzehn Jahren gelehrt hat, werden sowohl allen vor Ort als auch dem weltweiten Siddha Yoga Sangham zugänglich sein.
Ja, ihr werdet, wo auch immer ihr auf der Welt seid, die Gelegenheit haben, an der Chanting Tour teilzunehmen: durch Beiträge auf der Siddha Yoga Website und einen live Audio-Stream. Es wird eine Veranstaltung auf globaler Ebene sein, in der Gurumayis Lehren zum Singen in den Herzen aller Teilnehmer nachklingen werden.
Die Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour 2014 in Australien beginnt am 22. März 2014 in Melbourne—in gerade mal 6 Wochen! Den Höhepunkt bildet das große Finale in Sydney am 19. April.
Weitere Informationen über die Chanting Tour findet ihr fortlaufend auf der Siddha Yoga Website.
Rudra Sharp und Monica Walsh
Co-Manager der Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour 2014 in Australien
SYDA Foundation
Nel 1997, al termine del Tour di meditazione Siddha Yoga in Australia, Gurumayi disse:
“In futuro ci saranno Tour di Canto.... L'attenzione sarà sul canto …. La gente ricorderà la meta: il raggiungimento interiore, la trasformazione interiore, la creazione di un vero paradiso in questo stesso mondo.”
È con enorme piacere che annunciamo che il Tour di Canto Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014 inizierà il mese prossimo, a marzo. Il Tour di Canto Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014, prodotto dalla SYDA Foundation, adempie la promessa che Gurumayi fece nel 1997 ai Siddha Yogi in Australia.
Il Tour di Canto sarà per i Siddha Yogi e per i nuovi cercatori una grande opportunità per studiare, praticare, assimilare e attuare la pratica del canto. Il canto Siddha Yoga è chaitanya, intriso della grazia del Guru; il Tour di Canto sarà un veicolo di quella grazia.
Su invito di Gurumayi, l’insegnante e direttore di musica Siddha Yoga Carlos del Cueto visiterà gli Ashram, i centri di meditazione e i gruppi di canto e meditazione Siddha Yoga in Australia per tenere eventi di insegnamento e apprendimento incentrati sulla pratica del canto. Gli insegnamenti Siddha Yoga sul canto e gli affinamenti musicali che Gurumayi ha introdotto nel corso degli ultimi quindici anni saranno così condivisi sia localmente che col sangham Siddha Yoga mondiale.
Proprio così: ovunque vi troviate nel mondo, avrete l’opportunità di partecipare al tour di canto attraverso quanto postato sul sito del sentiero Siddha Yoga e mediante una trasmissione audio in diretta. Questo evento sarà su scala mondiale e gli insegnamenti di Gurumayi sul canto risuoneranno nel cuore di tutti coloro che parteciperanno.
Il Tour di Canto Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014 partirà da Melbourne il 22 marzo 2014; mancano solo sei settimane! E culminerà con un gran finale il 19 aprile a Sydney.
Per ricevere ulteriori informazioni sul Tour di Canto continuate a visitare il sito del sentiero Siddha Yoga.
Rudra Sharp e Monica Walsh
co-manager del Tour di Canto Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014
SYDA Foundation
En 1997, à la fin de la Tournée de méditation du Siddha Yoga en Australie, Gurumayi a dit:
« Dans le futur, il y aura des tournées de chant… Le thème essentiel en sera le chant… Les gens se rappelleront l’objectif : la réalisation intérieure, la transformation intérieure, créer un véritable paradis en ce monde même.»
Nous avons la très grande joie d’annoncer que la Tournée de chant du Siddha Yoga : Australie 2014 commencera le mois prochain, en mars. La Tournée de chant du Siddha Yoga Australie 2014, est organisée par la SYDA Foundation pour remplir la promesse de Gurumayi faite aux Siddha Yogis en Australie en 1997.
La tournée de chant sera une magnifique occasion pour les Siddha Yogis et les nouveaux chercheurs d’étudier, de pratiquer, d’assimiler et de mettre en application la pratique du chant du Siddha Yoga. Le chant du Siddha Yoga est chaitanya, imprégné de la grâce du Guru ; la tournée de chant sera un canal pour cette grâce.
À l’invitation de Gurumayi, l’enseignant de musique et chef d’orchestre du Siddha Yoga Carlos del Cueto rendra visite aux ashrams, centres de méditation et groupes de chant et de méditation du Siddha Yoga en Australie, pour organiser des événements d’étude et d’enseignement centrés sur la pratique du chant. Les enseignements du Siddha Yoga sur le chant et les perfectionnements musicaux que Gurumayi a enseignés au cours des quinze dernières années, seront partagés localement et avec le sangham mondial du Siddha Yoga.
Oui ! Où que vous soyez dans le monde, vous aurez la possibilité de participer à la tournée de chant grâce à des publications sur le site international de la voie du Siddha Yoga et une diffusion en direct par stream audio. Comme les enseignements de Gurumayi sur le chant résonneront dans les cœurs de tous les participants, cet événement aura une portée mondiale.
La Tournée de chant du Siddha Yoga : Australie 2014 débutera le 22 mars 2014 à Melbourne, dans tout juste six semaines ! Elle culminera avec le « grand final » à Sydney le 19 avril.
Pour plus d’informations sur la tournée, continuez à aller sur le site international de la voie du Siddha Yoga.
Rudra Sharp et Monica Walsh
Managers de la Tournée de chant du Siddha Yoga : Australie 2014
SYDA Foundation
En 1997, al concluir la Gira de Meditación de Siddha Yoga en Australia, Gurumayi dijo:
“En el futuro, habrá Giras de Canto… El enfoque será en el canto… La gente recordará la meta: el logro interior, la transformación interior, la creación de un verdadero paraíso en este mismo mundo.”
Es una gran alegría anunciarles que la Gira de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014, comenzará en el próximo mes de marzo. La Gira de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014, realizada por la SYDA Foundation, es en cumplimiento de la promesa de Gurumayi a los Siddha Yoguis en Australia en 1997.
La Gira de Canto será una gran oportunidad para los Siddha Yoguis y los nuevos buscadores para estudiar, practicar, asimilar y aplicar la práctica de canto de Siddha Yoga. El canto de Siddha Yoga es chaitanya, infundido con la gracia del Guru; la Gira de Canto será un vehículo para esa gracia.
Por invitación de Gurumayi, el director y profesor de música Carlos del Cueto viajará a los áshrams, centros de meditación y grupos de canto y meditación de Siddha Yoga en Australia para ofrecer los eventos de enseñanza y aprendizaje enfocados en la práctica del canto. Las enseñanzas acerca del canto y los refinamientos en la música que Gurumayi ha enseñado durante los pasados quince años serán compartidos tanto localmente como con el sangham global de Siddha Yoga.
Sí, en cualquier lugar del mundo donde te encuentres, tendrás la oportunidad de participar en la gira de canto por medio de las publicaciones en el sitio web del sendero de Siddha Yoga y una transmisión de audio en vivo. Éste será un evento a escala global en el que las enseñanzas de Gurumayi acerca del canto resonarán en el corazón de todos aquellos que participen.
La Gira de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014 comenzará el 22 de marzo de 2014, en Melbourne, ¡en solo seis semanas! Y culminará con el grand finale en Sydney, el 19 de abril.
Para más información sobre la Gira de Canto, continúa visitando el sitio web del sendero de Siddha Yoga. Por favor comparte las noticias de este maravilloso evento con tus familiares y amigos.
Rudra Sharp y Monica Walsh
Gerentes de la Gira de Canto de Siddha Yoga: Australia 2014
SYDA Foundation

Over the years, I have always experienced divine love bursting forth from the
satsang hall during a chant. Just walking into the hall during a
saptah, I would almost be knocked over from the power of the
shakti. Now we are blessed with a Chanting Tour in Australia. What
mahaprasad! What grace! What sweetness! 2014 is indeed a blessed year, and we will be joining you in Hawaii with every drumbeat and every heartbeat. Mother Earth herself is dancing with joy.
Hawaii, USA
Thank you to all the Australian devotees who are putting forth great self-effort to prepare for this amazing, auspicious Chanting Tour!
I will also offer my
Sri Guru Gita recitation and all my chanting to this event every day until it reaches its culmination. I will participate in every opportunity with all my heart.
I wish to be on board completely for the benefit of my heart, my mind, my body, my family, my continent, the whole world, and all people. May the Siddha Yoga vision manifest fully and permanently from the enormous love that will be poured into it by the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014!
Washington, USA
I am offering
seva for the Chanting Tour here in Australia, and I am discovering something wonderful! The essence of the Chanting Tour is devotion—devotion is the foundation of the Chanting Tour.
Jai Gurumayi!
Canberra, Australia
I am so grateful that the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour is being offered here in Australia this year. It feels as if the entire global Siddha Yoga
sangham is behind us—giving us their blessings. I am reminded of the longing I felt when I read about the chanting tour of India that the saints Jnaneshwar, Namdev, and others conducted in their lifetimes. And now here it is!
Thank you so very much, Shri Gurumayi, for your vision and blessing, and for all the Siddha Yogis who are carrying that vision forward.
Sydney, Australia
I am filled with wonder, enthusiasm, and gratitude when I think about the Chanting Tour and Gurumayi's intention for seekers around the world.
Chanting creates so much joy in my heart and always makes me feel so protected, no matter how I was feeling before starting to chant. One of my favorite talks by Gurumayi is entitled "Let Your Heart Sing," and I love the Guru's words as she encourages us to "just let the heart sing." Our hearts will all be one as we chant with faith and freedom for the Chanting Tour 2014.
Jaya Gurumayi!
Melbourne, Australia
I live in a small country town in northern New South Wales. There is a small group of staunch devotees in the town area and surrounding hills. We have a
satsang every month in a chanting and meditation group which is about an hour's drive away from where I live.
The devotees in the chanting and meditation group have been getting together to have chanting rehearsals to prepare for the 2014 Chanting Tour. But because of the distance, the devotees in my town decided to have our own chanting rehearsals right here.
It has been wonderful—getting together, chanting together, working on the pronunciation and music together. Even though we have known each other for many years, there is now a feeling of the deepening of community. We are now talking about having a regular chant and possibly having our own chanting and meditation group once a month in the future.
Thank you, Gurumayi.
Lismore Heights, Australia
I have never forgotten Gurumayi's wonderful talk, “Intention and Blessing,” and I have since incorporated the great practice of forming clear intentions into my daily life.
In contemplating the Chanting Tour I have formed my intention:
To imbibe the sweetness, the exuberance, and exhilaration of the Chanting Tour Australia: 2014 through offering
seva and with wholehearted participation.
Canberra, Australia
About a year ago I was reflecting on the community of Siddha Yogis here in Australia. I asked myself, “What is it that would help create an even more ecstatic learning community of Siddha Yogis? What is the key to us all stepping together even more into the ecstasy of the great Self?” The response that arose almost immediately from within me was to chant together in boundless delight. I could see us swaying with love, giving full voice to our deep devotion.
And, when I heard the news of the Chanting Tour, I thought of a line from a poem by the poet-saint Rumi, “The wind is pouring wine.”
Thank you, Gurumayi.
Castlemaine, Australia
This morning I had a wonderful dream. Gurumayi was coming to town! I was cleaning my house in preparation. The floor that I had previously thought was clean had some very old hard-to-see stains. I scrubbed the floor and was surprised and pleased that it came up so shiny and new. I hadn’t realized it needed extra scrubbing. People were coming to stay for the Tour. I was so happy to be making them comfortable and warm in their beds. I woke up feeling happy, full, and complete—such a feeling of joy and enthusiasm.
As I woke, I fully understood that Gurumayi is coming in the form of the Chanting Tour and that parts of me that I previously thought were "clean enough" needed a bit more work. With a combination of self-effort and grace, I am being made fresh and scrubbed and ready to be more able to revel in the bliss of the Self. Offering shelter and comfort to others is the practice of seeing God in each other—it opens my heart and brings me closer to the joy of my own Self.
Thank you, Gurumayi! Australia is just jumping with joy and energy. We can’t wait to welcome you here in the form of the Chanting Tour.
Hurlstone Park, Australia
I want to express my deep gratitude for Gurumayi's
sankalpa that has made the very exciting upcoming Chanting Tour Australia 2014 possible. If the anticipation feels this divine, imagine how magnificent the tour will be!
Thank you, Gurumayi!
Melbourne, Australia
I always get excited and happy when I hear the word
chanting because Siddha Yoga chanting carries the Guru's grace and love.
Whenever I offer
seva as a lead chanter in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, I feel myself to be a carrier of the Guru's love for all the others sitting in the hall. With that awareness and responsibility, I experience myself becoming pure and divine, and I feel that whatever I am chanting is coming directly from my Guru’s heart, filled with her
Khargone, India
Being involved in
seva for the Chanting Tour with so many other great sevites in Australia and around the world is a wonderful, enlivening experience. The devotees here in Sydney often comment on the level of
shakti that we are experiencing, and it seems to deepen with each passing day.
Many new people have been suddenly appearing at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Sydney, as well as many others who had not been there for some time. These things keep happening.
Thank you, Gurumayi. I can't wait for the Chanting Tour!
Sydney, Australia
Anticipation is dancing inside—a wondrous feeling of clarity and joy, connected with the opportunity of being in the universal hall together, once again!
Gopa, Sweden
I remember the
satsang in Sydney in 1997 when Gurumayi proposed the Chanting Tour. My mother was visiting me from the UK and had come to the
satsang. Gurumayi’s tour to Sydney was her first experience of Siddha Yoga.
The chant with Gurumayi was over the top ecstatic. I remember the sounds and the movement and the experience of freedom. The chant was not conventional, to say the least—not by any conventions I knew of—and there were moments when I worried what my mother would be thinking!
When the
satsang was over, I asked her how it had been for her. To my astonishment, she said, “I wouldn’t have missed that for the world!”
Today I am so touched that, thanks to Gurumayi’s vision and benevolence, no one in the world need miss this Chanting Tour, no matter where they are.
Thank you, Gurumayi. May your vision for the Chanting Tour be fulfilled.
Sydney, Australia
Last October, when the Shaktipat Intensive in honor of Baba's Mahasamadhi ended with the chanting of
Om Namah Shivaya in the most exquisite
raga, I felt I was in heaven. I thought it couldn't get any better than that—but it was followed by a most ecstatic chant that amazed me!
This January,
A Sweet Surprise satsang was so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. The music—every little bit of it—was so sweet, so divine, that it seemed to sink down deep, touching and nourishing the deepest part of my being.
Needless to say, I am so looking forward to the chanting tour in Australia!
Thank you so much, Gurumayi. And thanks to the many sevites for making this great event possible—the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour: Australia 2014.
Canberra, Australia
What a wonderful opportunity for all the Siddha Yogis around the world! Chanting is one of my favorite practices, and it always showers blessings on me and my family; I never miss a single day. As I read the letter about the Chanting Tour, my whole being was filled with ecstasy.
Thank you so much, Gurumayiji, for your ever-flowing compassionate grace and love! Thank you so much to the Chanting Tour
seva team. All of us on the Siddha Yoga path are so blessed to receive the guidance of such a great Master.
Panchkula-Chandigarh, India
I am so uplifted and full of love, knowing that this Chanting Tour is a gift not only to Australia but to the global
sangham and, indeed, the entire world. I have this divine confidence that no one will be the same after the transformation that will come from studying, practicing, assimilating, and implementing the Siddha Yoga teachings on chanting together.
This Chanting Tour is filled with the Guru's
sankalpa. I am thrilled to be able to invite my friends and family to come and experience the power of Siddha Yoga chanting!
Thank you, Gurumayi. Thank you to all the sevites everywhere who are making this possible.
Perth, Australia
What great news!
Through chanting I experience a joy that opens my heart to the purest love. When I chant, everything I see is love; I can literally see God in everybody's faces.
I thank the Guru for giving more people the opportunity to experience this practice and to meet God within themselves and in others. I thank all the sevites who offer their time and skills with so much love to make this Tour possible. I send my blessings to the Chanting Tour.
Cancun, Mexico
In ancient times, the searchers of the Truth had to go into the forest or into the mountains to receive the teachings of a perfect Master.
Today, by the grace and guidance of our Siddha Guru, who is from India and is currently in residence in the United States, a Mexican musician will be the conductor for a Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour in Australia and
all the Siddha Yogis around the world will have the opportunity to experience the nectar of the Siddha Yoga chants.
What a wonderful time we live in!!!
Thank you very much, Gurumayi. And thanks to the SYDA Foundation for supporting Gurumayi's mission in this way.
Niteroi, Brazil
I am currently participating in the Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, and we have the opportunity to engage in wonderful sessions of chanting.
Two evenings ago, I participated in chanting the
Shiva Mahimna Stotram for the first time. Throughout the whole chant, I was so lovingly swept up into moments of the most indescribable bliss. Now, just remembering the chant, I feel immersed in bliss again. I have always favored meditation over chanting. Now I yearn to chant as much as possible.
I am so excited about the upcoming tour. Thank you, Gurumayi!
New York, USA
My heart leapt with joy when I read the Chanting Tour in Australia will also be available to the global community! Yay!
Chanting is the foundation of my
sadhana. Every day my mind is illumined by the Guru's grace through my chanting practice. Chanting has strengthened my body and my breathing. It brings a sacred fragrance to my mind that soothes and harmonizes even the most difficult thoughts and emotions, and it constantly brings me back to the core of my Self, a place of supreme joy and peace that has permeated my life.
Thank you, Gurumayi and Baba, for sharing this supremely divine practice that does indeed transform one's life. I am eternally grateful.
California, USA
Wow, a Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour!
I just love the practice of Siddha Yoga chanting. When I read that the Chanting Tour will be available to Siddha Yogis around the world, I was so happy to know that I too will be able to be engaged with Gurumayi's teachings on chanting by participating in the Tour via the website.
Thank you so much, Gurumayiji, for this project and a big thank you for making it global! Thank you so much to the Siddha Yoga path website seva team too—hats off to you all!
Pune, India
My heart is bursting with gratitude to you, Gurumayi, for bringing us together again and again in the Universal Hall.
Ancona, Italy
I am thrilled beyond belief! Chanting around the globe! Chanting with each other, in different countries, in different languages, all coming together to sing God's name! In centers, in Ashrams—all via live audio stream!
I can hardly wait.
Jaya Gurumayi!
Georgia, USA
When I saw this letter announcing the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour in Australia, I felt so happy. My mind immediately started visualizing how joyful and wonderful this would be. I know that my own experience whenever I chant is that I feel joy and ecstasy.
The announcement reminded me of the teachings of the great poet-saints of Maharashtra who tell us that wherever we are, if we chant God's name with love and devotion, we attain him. This is the simplest way to attain God.
Jai Gurudev !
Pune, India
What wonderful news! My heart leapt up with joy just by reading about the Chanting Tour. I am filled with enthusiasm. Although I will be staying in Mumbai, the tour will touch all our hearts as well.
The tour will be a vehicle for grace. I am sure about this.
Mumbai, India
As I was reading this letter about the Siddha Yoga Chanting Tour, with each new sentence I felt a sweet and powerful energy growing inside me and spreading out over the whole earth, space, and heaven. I felt Gurumayi's
sankalpa, giving her love to the whole world.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Saint Macaire, France