Shri Guru Gita informs the center of my being. As I chant, my mind comes alive, my heart opens, my intuition expands. I am aligned with grace that is tangible and manifests as seeing all life and time as
seva, selfless service. I feel guided. I feel protected. I feel in synchronistic alignment with my duties.
Shri Guru Gita is very mysterious and very nectarean.
California, United States
After reciting
Shri Guru Gita over a period of time, I recently had an experience of being completely enveloped in divine protection, with an awareness of the complete absence of fear.
New York, United States
For me, Shri Guru Gita is one of the most precious gifts I have received from Baba. Whether I recite Shri Guru Gita while on holiday or on a Sunday after a demanding work week, I always receive what I need.
Sometimes it is stillness of mind, sometimes discipline, sometimes energy or answers to urgent questions, but always it is—love. For me, every verse of this sacred text is imbued with the Guru’s warm, caring, and protective love.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

I first recited Shri Guru Gita with Baba Muktananda in Santa Monica, California, decades ago. Being brand new to the Siddha Yoga path at that time, I felt inspired to dive deeply into all of the spiritual practices in order to understand them. From being around Baba, I had experienced that he had attained the state that I wanted. So I felt that fully embracing my sadhana was the only choice I had.
It’s not possible to fully describe what Shri Guru Gita has provided for me throughout the years. The teachings it has bestowed have often manifested in very subtle ways. In those instances, I believe that my understanding has risen up from a well deep inside myself at just the right moment. I am certain that many times during intense periods in my sadhana, Shri Guru Gita has supported and embraced me. It has enabled my ego to be burnt to ashes and been, for me, a form of the Guru’s grace-bestowing shakti.
Hawaii, United States

I am grateful to the Guru for so many things. Reciting
Shri Guru Gita is definitely one of them. This practice is a daily companion that soothes and sustains me.
Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
I wasn’t able to recite
Shri Guru Gita for a few days, but I recited it today, the second day of Baba’s month, and I realized what an immense gift from Baba it is!
With each verse of the sacred text I recited, I felt its power and felt this power being installed in me. I felt energy running through every cell of my body and igniting the fire of yoga in my heart.
Milan, Italy
My mind was so active today during my recitation of
Shri Guru Gita. It seemed that I simply could not calm it down. Like a small child in need of attention, my mind struggled through the verses.
So I chose to just watch the play of my mind while continuing to lovingly recite the verses of
Shri Guru Gita. Then near the end of my recitation, a warm feeling of love suddenly arose from my heart. This love flooded my mind like rain floods the earth in the summer. My mind was then finally calm and full of joy.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland
I never imagined making it the whole way through
Shri Guru Gita. By the time I finished, I felt amazed. I never imagined reading that many lines. I felt so proud of myself that I was silent. It was even fun!
a seven-year-old from California, United States
Most days since 1997 I have recited
Shri Guru Gita. This practice has completely transformed my life. Every day I dedicate the practice to the people and projects of my life. Over the years I have experienced profound healing, resolution of challenges, increasing mental stability, and tangible signs of support for myself and others around me.
I experience that approaching
Shri Guru Gita with respect attracts grace, abundant blessings, and protection from Gurumayi. To me, the power of this practice to heal and sustain us in these challenging times is beyond imagination. I am grateful to Gurumayi for refreshing my awareness of the amazing grace of
Shri Guru Gita.
Whangarei, New Zealand

I heard that when a widower in Mumbai was asked whether there was anyone else living with him, he replied, “No, it's just me and Gurumayi.”
I too can truthfully say that Gurumayi lives with me. She dwells on my puja. I feel that what enables me to maintain this connection is my daily recitation of Shri Guru Gita.
Illinois, United States
I wake before sunrise each morning to recite Shri Guru Gita. My love for this text is so deep, I have memorized it all. For me, memorizing each verse was like learning the steps in a rhythmic dance. Each time I sit to recite Shri Guru Gita, first I get into the rhythm. Once I'm in rhythm, I soften my gaze and look at the words imprinted in my heart. Now the verses flow from there. This is how I learned to recite Shri Guru Gita by heart.
Vancouver, Canada

As a young child staying in Nasik with my parents, I used to go to Gurudev Siddha Peeth and participate in the Ashram Daily Schedule. I was too young to read the text for
Shri Guru Gita, but I have beautiful memories of the recitations during those dawn hours—the dim lights everywhere, the stillness in the atmosphere, and then the melodic sounds of
Shri Guru Gita beginning
. The most fascinating moment was after the recitation concluded: I would look around and it was all light, for the sun had risen! I still remember that feeling of happiness and calmness I experienced at those times.
Back home later on, I tried to recreate that same atmosphere. During my student days, my chanting book was always with me. It gave me a lot of support, as if Shri Guru’s power were with me in that form.
Pimpri-Chinchwad, India

The first time I recited
Shri Guru Gita, I was sixteen and at Shree Muktananda Ashram. At first, it was very difficult, but over time it became something very sacred for me, since it connects my heart with the Self of everything, and cleanses my mind and my entire being.
Around twenty years ago, I was in the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Mexico City. I had already recited
Shri Guru Gita literally thousands of times. That day, I was totally focused on the sound and meaning; I felt my heart expand with so much love and respect for Shri Guru. Suddenly, the Blue Pearl came out of my right ear and moved in front of my eyes. I kept singing from the heart while looking at its infinite beauty. It stayed there for a few moments and then went back inside my head. I felt so blessed!
With time, I understood there is only one Blue Pearl, and we all share it in our
sahasrara. Thus, it was easier for me to grasp the idea—and the experience—that there is only one Self, that we all are that blissful Consciousness, that everything and everybody is God.
Mexico City, Mexico

The most important thing in my life is to be a worthy disciple of my beloved Guru. When I recite
Shri Guru Gita, I know that I am with my Guru; we are having a dialogue and my Guru can teach me. This dialogue is not always perceptible, but after each recitation my experience is that I have become more peaceful, my questions have been answered, and any heavy feelings I might have had have been taken away. I see my path more clearly and I receive blessings that help me to live my life with greater joy and love.
In this way, the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita is forming me into a worthy disciple. I am learning to focus my mind and tune into the higher energies of my Guru.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

As a kid, I used to sit with my father during his recitations of Shri Guru Gita. I still remember how, after every recitation, I used to get vibrations in my body from head to toe.
Now, after my every recitation as an adult, I experience joy, love, grace, lots of energy, confidence, and the beautiful bond between the disciple and our beloved Shri Guru.
Khargone, India

Early in my sadhana I took Baba’s teachings about the spiritual power of reciting Shri Guru Gita daily as my very personal command.
Over the years, parents and other busy people would say, “I’ve got no time to recite Shri Guru Gita regularly.” But I too have raised a child, and even before that, I worked as a flight attendant. When the crew call was for 4 a.m., I would get up at 2 a.m. to be able to recite and meditate. On flights above the Atlantic, I would lie in the plane’s resting cabin, reciting Shri Guru Gita silently to myself.
Somehow, I recognized from the beginning that my recitation magically transformed my state each time. The text is ever new, full of surprises. And little by little, it reveals its teachings to me. As this year marks my thirty-fifth year of daily recitations of Shri Guru Gita, I am infinitely grateful for it. My days would not be what they are without this priceless anchor.
Paspels, Switzerland

My family and I were introduced to the Siddha Yoga path when I was eleven years old. My father was instantly drawn toward the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita. He would always praise it, having experienced its benefits at all levels of his being, in all aspects of his life. So naturally, he wanted his two daughters to learn to recite it too.
I remember how we used to recite it with Gurumayi via audio cassettes; my papa would sing one half of the verses and we sisters would sing the other half. He would pay attention to our pronunciation and the sweetness of our voices. We learned it within a few weeks!
It’s been a long journey from that day in 1997 to today, when I encourage my ten-year-old son to recite
Shri Guru Gita; he gets happier with each verse he's able to recite. Reciting
Shri Guru Gita still remains my daily practice. Whenever I recite it, I feel that Gurumayi is with me and together we are witnessing this conversation between Lord Shiva and Parvati.
Thane West, India

I first visited Gurudev Siddha Peeth in the 1970s when I was around six. The entrance to Bhagavan Nityananda’s Temple was so flooded with visitors that I became separated from my parents. I was in a tough spot! Suddenly my eyes fell on Baba Muktananda, seated on his chair chanting joyfully. His form captivated me. Behind his chair I saw sacred writing on copper plates, which I later learned was the sacred text of
Shri Guru Gita.
Soon after that visit, I familiarized myself with the melody of the text and gradually the words themselves. Once I was able to recite independently, it became part of my daily schedule. I would avidly recite the text in front of my small altar after returning from school. Every repetition of the word
Guru reminded me of Baba, and my heart would overflow with devotion, love, and joy.
Whether or not I am physically near the Guru, I know that my daily recitations have been accepted by the Guru. And
Shri Guru Gita has remained my trusted companion.
Sydney, Australia

When I recite
Shri Guru Gita, I experience purification and nourishment. Reciting it usually brings me into a deep state of meditation, where I bathe in a nectarean pool of stillness. It pulls me deep into Consciousness. Sometimes when I am reciting, I see the words become alive. They lift up the pages and enter my being, imparting knowledge and new understanding to me.
California, United States
Shri Guru Gita has been my greatest companion in over forty years of sadhana. It is always there, walking with me: guiding, protecting, and teaching me how to move forward. Shri Guru Gita has taken me through the most difficult times. Shri Guru Gita has made me strong and full of love and happiness. I am also grateful to have Shri Guru Gita, through which I can send love and blessings to others who are facing challenges.
Shri Guru Gita is my superpower.
Uxbridge, Canada

I remember the first time I recited Shri Guru Gita thirty years ago. I can picture exactly where I was sitting, trying to keep up with the text and its pronunciation. Suddenly it dawned on me that reciting this text was yet another form of meditation as I had to be completely present and one-pointed in order to keep up.
This past year I started playing the CD of Shri Guru Gita in my living room first thing in the mornings. The recitation permeates our home and creates an atmosphere of peace at the start of our daily activities.
New York, United States

I was a teenager when I first attended a recitation of Shri Guru Gita. I was not used to sitting cross-legged on the floor, nor had I ever read a word in Sanskrit before. Already after the second verse, I had to change my sitting position and my mind rebelled at the thought of having to sit through 180 more verses. But when I looked around the room, I saw the grownups were reciting Shri Guru Gita with ease and a blissful smile on their faces. I wanted to have that experience too, and so I started making small progress every day.
Today, when I recite Shri Guru Gita, I am filled with love and gratitude. Reciting Shri Guru Gita protects, guides, uplifts, and teaches me. I am forever grateful that my Guru has granted me perseverance so that I myself can now experience the many blessings of Shri Guru Gita in my life.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

I was introduced to Shri Guru Gita during my first Shaktipat Intensive and it has become my daily morning practice. In the Intensive, Gurumayi went over each stanza, and we learned and experienced the magic and healing energy of this sacred text as it was transmitted from her heart to ours.
In times of celebration, during deep and profound challenges in life, and simply every day, starting my day with the recitation of Shri Guru Gita has transformed my life, bringing me joy, love, and the healing grace of the Guru. Yes, Shri Guru Gita is a special doorway to my own heart and the heart of the universe.
California, United States

The very first blessing that I received after starting to walk the Siddha Yoga path was Shri Guru Gita, a wish-fulfilling tree for those who recite it. I feel very grateful for the presence of Shri Guru Gita in my life.
During the sessions of my Sadhana Circle, we have been contemplating the verses of Shri Guru Gita one by one. Since we began these contemplations, my inner vision has awakened and that has in turn awakened my dedication to Shri Guru.
Jaipur, India

Many years back, I returned home tired from a very long day at work and for my first time ever, made a significant choice: instead of reaching for a snack “on automatic pilot,” I decided instead to sit down and recite
Shri Guru Gita. I put on a tape of Gurumayi reciting the text, opened
The Nectar of Chanting, and began to recite in a call-and-response fashion with Gurumayi.
As my focus sharpened, something startling happened. One of the Sanskrit verses in the text just lifted itself off the page and “stood” in midair in front of my gaze. In a flash, I realized that these verses were not mere verses on the page—these sacred syllables were emanating from an eternal, divine place, independent of time and space. The pages existed merely as a backdrop, to hold the text so that we can recite it.
Just by making that one effort to recite
Shri Guru Gita, I received this immense gift, and I was flooded with gratitude for the practice of
svadhyaya, for
Shri Guru Gita, and for the Siddha Yoga path.
California, United States

About thirty years ago, when I just had begun to practice Siddha Yoga, I had a friend staying with me overnight. In the morning, as I came down the stairs to our living room, I heard a soft, warm voice reciting something so beautiful that I had never heard before. It sounded so warm, so blissful, so divine that my heart begun to dance with joy.
Entering the room, I saw my friend sitting on the couch, reciting this beautiful text. She explained later that this was the sacred chant called
Shri Guru Gita, and she said she recited it almost every day. At that moment, my love for
Shri Guru Gita was born, and to this day I feel the warmth and love and happiness of that moment whenever I recite it myself.
Cologne, Germany

I love reciting
Shri Guru Gita. And yet, I think my favorite moment is when the recitation has just ended and I’m suspended in stillness. My breath and even my thoughts are still. Yet there’s a buzzing activity inside, as my body is permeated with the lasting vibration of the divine syllables. I'm filled with amazement at this manifestation of Guru's grace in the form of sound.
Arizona, United States

Recently, another Siddha Yogi and I met to watch the sunset at the marina overlooking the San Francisco Bay. We were both tired and a bit weary from the current state of the world. Suddenly, we heard the sound of Baba's voice reciting
Shri Guru Gita floating through the air. Another Siddha Yogi was walking by, listening to Baba's solo recording of
Shri Guru Gita!
As he approached, we all smiled knowingly. Once we’d joined him in reciting along with Baba, I felt my spirit soar, and my heart was filled with so much ecstasy. All of my worries melted, and I felt Baba’s and Gurumayi's love all around me. We recited the text together for almost twenty minutes as the beautiful sun set over the mountains and the water. The syllables of
Shri Guru Gita were like a healing balm for my entire being.
I felt this was a gift of grace from Baba, to have his
darshan in this way, like a visitation through the sound of his voice reciting our most sacred text.
California, United States

I feel that
Shri Guru Gita is my best friend. In good times and challenging times, it provides food for my soul. It protects and nourishes every aspect of my being.
Rosendahl, Germany
I feel grace descend upon me every time I recite
Shri Guru Gita. This is a true gift. I find that some of the verses require me to probe deeply in an effort to understand their meaning. Others seem perfectly clear. The process of reflection brings me great wonderment and trust.
Bali, Indonesia
For twenty-seven years I have had the honor of listening to and reciting
Shri Guru Gita on a daily basis. This year, I began to love
Shri Guru Gita in a new way. At one time it felt challenging. Now it flies by! I am looking forward to continue to learn from, and deepen my understanding of, this sacred text. I feel I have just scratched the surface. I am so thankful that I had the insight to make this text a part of my daily life.
Arkansas, United States
I have been listening to an audio recording of
Shri Guru Gita on a daily basis for the past fifteen years, and I can feel its vibrations resonating within my home. Every time I listen, I experience a refinement in my understanding of the mystical relationship between Guru and disciple. Through this practice, I feel protected by my Guru’s immense love and blessings.
Bedford Gardens, South Africa

Shri Guru Gita has transformed my life. I’m not naturally musically inclined, so the first time I heard it ten years ago, I had no idea that I would be able to recite it beautifully. I struggled during the following years to recite it during
Then, on my birthday some years later, I was inspired to study and learn
Shri Guru Gita in earnest. In daily practice, I studied each verse for the next three years. As I committed myself to this, I experienced amazing transformations and breakthroughs in my
Shri Guru Gita is my constant companion. I am so grateful for this priceless gift, which continues to bear fruit.
Florida, United States

Every day begins for me with the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita. I feel it realigning me with the divine within as my heart and mind become illumined by the Guru’s love and inspiration. This heightened state of being follows me throughout the day, and I sense it touching and uplifting those I meet along the way.
I’m so grateful for
Shri Guru Gita’s infinite blessings.
St. Laurent, Canada

I feel so much gratitude for the grace that is manifest in the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita. Even listening to it brings me great peace and reconnection to my inner Self.
In 1989 when I was quite new to the Siddha Yoga path, I participated in a
Shri Guru Gita pronunciation course in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. I longed to be able to recite this sacred text correctly. One morning, in the absolute stillness of the courtyard, I prayed with all my heart, my longing to fully experience this text so strong. Then it happened—the syllables flowed and the nectar of
Shri Guru Gita poured forth and through me! I will never forget that moment. To this day, each time I recite
Shri Guru Gita, I experience this bliss. I am so grateful for this gift.
California, United States

When I recite
Shri Guru Gita, I feel serene inside. Reciting
Shri Guru Gita has given my mother inner strength, which has helped her heal after she was hospitalized. My mother and I have decided to recite
Shri Guru Gita every day as we feel blessed by reciting it.
Dombivali, India
Since my introduction to the Siddha Yoga path in 2009,
Shri Guru Gita has been both a guidepost and a spiritual practice.
As scripture,
Shri Guru Gita has been my anchor in learning about Siddha Yoga philosophy and teachings. As I learn more and more, I refer again and again to its beautiful and mysterious poetry.
As mantra,
Shri Guru Gita is also a form of active meditation for me. I pay attention to my breath to hold awareness of the light of the Self. I coordinate my breathing with the recitation of the verses, I focus on the pronunciation, and I unite my voice with the voice of the
California, United States

I have always been drawn to
Shri Guru Gita. After reciting it with Gurumayi during a live stream from Shree Muktananda Ashram several years ago, I started reciting it every day. I did this for about a year and a half. After that I decided to recite twenty-seven verses every day, which allows me to recite
Shri Guru Gita in its entirety in one week. I usually recite it in the morning, and it sets the tone for my day and reminds me of the Guru Principle and my connection to Gurumayi. For me, it is a source of grace, protection, insight, learning, beauty, wonder, gratitude, remembrance, and wealth of every kind.
New York, United States

I am truly grateful for the recitation of
Shri Guru Gita as a daily practice.
Before I began reciting it daily, I struggled with myself. When I began reciting it daily, I noticed how wonderful I felt after my recitation. There is an inner confidence, and I feel in the flow of life. I know this is my natural state that I am connecting with through this glorious text.
The celebration on the anniversary of
Shri Guru Gita helps me refresh my commitment to this daily practice. It is my lifeline—filled with grace.
Nelson, Canada
On a daily basis in the morning, I recite
Shri Guru Gita. Because of this practice, my mind is stable. I feel peaceful, fresh.
Nashik, India
Shri Guru Gita has been my most constant companion on the Siddha Yoga path. I stumbled over its pronunciation long before I began to understand its meaning or the meaning of the path I had begun to travel. Now, more than forty years after I began this practice, I feel I have been given the most luscious, succulent
prasad. I find that there is still nothing more glorious than reciting
Shri Guru Gita.
Washington, United States
Shri Guru Gita has had such a profound impact in my life. It is the wish-fulfilling cow that makes my dreams come true. It is the central pillar of my universe. I carry the book with me wherever I go, and I share its blessings with all those around me.
New Jersey, United States
I love
Shri Guru Gita! Recently my epiphany was that Gurumayi is always with me in my heart. Today I was reminded to keep reciting this divine chant daily. Such love and connection flow through it.
Brisbane, Australia