The shanti mantra Om Saha Navavatu appears at the beginning of the second chapter of the Taittiriya Upanishad, a scripture Baba Muktananda often quoted. This chapter, entitled “Ananda Valli” (the Section on Bliss), teaches about the realization of the supreme Self and how one can become established in this exalted state through dedicated study of teachings imparted by a true Guru.
On the Siddha Yoga path, this mantra is part of the invocation that Gurumayi Chidvilasananda and Baba Muktananda recite–often with all the participants in the satsang–before giving a formal talk. The mantra also appears at the conclusion of the recitation of the scriptural text Shri Rudram.
Recited by the Brahmin priest Santosh Mudgal.
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shanti mantra is a great blessing for me. I experience that it brings sacred, pure, and strong vibrations into my energy field and protects me. It also connects me strongly with my Guru, the principle on which I build my whole life. I take refuge at the feet of my Guru and know that my Guru will always guide me on the right path—now and forever.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland
I experience that this
shanti mantra and the voice of Santosh Mudgal bring my heart and every cell in my body back to the origin of my being.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
I am always elated by the synchronicities that emerge in my life around my spiritual practices. Today, after reciting
Shri Rudram, which ends with the
shanti mantra
Om Saha Navavatu, I logged on to the Siddha Yoga path website and was happy to find this mantra. I immediately joined in the recitation with the Brahmin priest and could feel the power of this mantra to uplift my life.
North Carolina, United States
As I listened to
Om Saha Navavatu, I felt divine energy rushing up my spine. I had heard this
shanti mantra recited by both Baba and Gurumayi, so listening to it this time felt like I was home again. What a wonderful way it was to start my day!
Virginia, United States
As I silently recited the
shanti mantra
Om Saha Navavatu, I could clearly recall Gurumayi's love-filled voice reciting these lines so often at the beginning of special events. The effect of the mantras then would root me deep within my being, where the
rasa of peace would softly permeate my being.
This is exactly what happened as I recited this
shanti mantra for a few minutes this morning as I connected with this website.
Nairobi, Kenya
Thank you for posting these extraordinary mantras. To know and reflect on them is a gift that informs my day-to-day efforts to stay steady and peaceful. By studying the text and context for these mantras, I can feel their history, support, and purpose as I recite them from my heart.
St. Lazare, Canada
This mantra evokes for me the loving bond between myself and Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba. It reminds me how precious and full of joy the Guru-disciple relationship is to me. It connects me to the devotion I feel in my heart when I contemplate our bond, and to my eternal gratitude to Shri Guru for the bountiful gift of
shaktipat diksha.
New Jersey, United States
The recitation of this mantra by the Brahmin priest captured my heart. The sounds of the Sanskrit carried me to a state of blessedness. My heart felt the meaning of the prayer so deeply; I felt very close to the Lord.
Massachusetts, United States
As I recited this powerful
shanti mantra, I experienced the soothing vibration of
Om in my heart and entered a state of peace and tranquility.
St. Laurent, Canada
Thank you for this beautiful
shanti mantra which is so familiar to me from hearing Baba and Gurumayi invoke it before their formal talks. As I focused on the vibration in Santosh’s voice, I was reminded of how fortunate we on the Siddha Yoga path have been to have had Brahmin priests participating in
satsangs and on sacred occasions over the years.
For me, this mantra evokes feelings of unity and universal love between the Guru and disciple. Listening to it, I feel myself settle into profound peace in the abode of my heart, knowing the Guru and I are intricately bonded together in one embracing consciousness.
Maryland, United States
I love hearing this mantra and connecting to the blessings it brings.
North Carolina, United States