In the “Power of Stories”
satsang, I chose to write a story about the theme “God helps those who help themselves.” I was amazed as the story came forth—a story of a significant challenge I have been facing. I wrote about drawing upon rich inner and outer resources to meet the challenge and learning important lessons along the way.
Looking back over the time since I wrote it, I am astonished to see how the story describes the ways I have been gradually and effectively navigating the challenge. Even though in real life I have not yet moved as far along in the process as the story describes, the story has become a road map, an ongoing source of reassurance and wise guidance. I read it again and again.
I am so grateful for this inspiring story. It is a remarkable resource for me, one that I consider to be
prasad from Gurumayi. It continues to come to life for me and support me.
California, United States

Last week I experienced a situation that deeply upset me. I allowed myself to feel the sadness and anger. Then I heard an inner voice kindly say to me, “
shanta-rasa.” It was so powerful—firm, but kind— that my crying stopped immediately. I experienced inner peace coming like a showering light. The voice continued, “Now you know
It was amazing to experience this resource that I now have and to understand that I am not helpless. Now I know that
shanta-rasa is always with me. I am so grateful for all the grace I have received this year.
Cajicá, Colombia

Gurumayi's wonderful gift of “The Power of Meditation” took me back to a state of beginner’s mind, of learning to meditate anew. Mental struggle no longer had a place in my effort to sit for meditation and quiet the mind. The image and sound of the abundant, flowing waterfall and the host's words about the state of arriving home, of shelter and repose in the Self, allowed me to completely leave behind any thoughts, feelings or images that were in my mind. Then, as we were led into meditation, attuning to the constant stream of peacefulness that flows from the Heart, I was taken right there, into the realm of “Atma ki Prashanti.” Afterward, I experienced such contentment and happiness, such gratitude to the Guru! For ongoing study, Gurumayi's words that the host shared reminded me that this peacefulness flows through the rest of my life, and I felt great inspiration to do my best each day to let it be so.
Oregon, United States

I am so grateful to Gurumayi for showering the world with her grace in the form of the live video streams throughout this unusual year. I am grateful to everyone who tirelessly offered
seva to make these programs possible. I can only imagine the hours and hours of effort that must have gone into each
satsang, each study session, every chant, every
arati. The artistry, beauty, attention to detail, care, and love that was poured into each grace-filled broadcast was tangible, and eagerly received with an open and grateful heart.
Throughout the challenges of this year, the live-streams have contributed greatly in supporting my household to remain a place of calm and peace for me and my 100-year-old mother. This peaceful steadiness spread outward, supporting my family, friends, students, neighborhood, and community.
West Vancouver, Canada

Participating in
Engaging in Shanta-Rasa opened my eyes to new understanding and techniques. I pray to truly assimilate and implement them. “The Power of Puja” has made my daily offering of waving a candle and incense into a heartfelt act. Seeing the lit candle as banishing darkness and the dance of the incense smoke as my heart’s longing inspire me to come from that love as I go about my day.
I felt empowered by “The Power of Stories.” After writing a story about a true-life experience, I felt the power to create. My mind was at peace as it was focused on one train of thought--the story of my experience. This practice also reminded me to have full trust in the Goddess Saraswati.
What “The Power of Silence” has offered me is so vital. Through the teachings about
shama and
dama, I’ve been given the key to honoring and respecting myself and time. It’s what I need to truly make progress.
California, United States

After “The Power of
Puja,” I had this image: When waving the tray, the light on the tray, the light of the deity, and the light inside my own being are all the same light, one light.
New York, United States
Last night, after twenty-eight years of Siddha Yoga
sadhana, I experienced, I truly felt, that Gurumayi loves me. Before last night I believed in this, but I could not feel it. Now, I feel it. I know it. I am so filled with gratitude: gratitude for being a student who practices discipline on this path and gratitude for Gurumayi's grace. This is the best Christmas of my life.
Arkansas, United States

I was enjoying the silence around me as I listened to Swami Ishwarananda’s talk in the “Power of Silence”
satsang, and then my baby woke up and began to cry. My wife had to get ready for work and for a moment I felt annoyed, but then I went to his bedroom, took him in my arms, and walked slowly and gently until he fell back to sleep.
It was then that I realized that my crying baby had given me a great lesson, and one that related to Swami ji’s talk: just like a baby crying in need of attention and tenderness, so is the mind “crying” for sense objects. And just as I calmed my baby with care and tenderness, so I can calm my mind by drawing it to the Self—the most tender and caring of all.
Pune, India

During the story-writing period in “The Power of Stories”
satsang, I chose to write on the theme "Laugh and the world will laugh with you." This is what I wrote:
Outside, the world is laughing. My two cats are laughing. My friends are laughing. My two moms are laughing. The weeping willow is laughing. The villagers are laughing. Even the grumpy ones are laughing. Outside, the world is laughing.
An eight-year-old Siddha Yogi from Gissey-sur-Ouche, France

In the very early hours of this morning I sat in Bhagavan Nityananda's Temple to delve into “The Power of Silence.” As I heard Swami Ishwarananda say the words stillness and serenity early on, I felt them deep within me like a warm yellow light. When he encouraged us to employ introspection, I came to realize that just as the mantra is always there for me, silence is too.
Studying Gurumayi's Message for 2020 has been another doorway into what lies within. I have learned that just as the mantra naturally arises within me, so does Atma ki Prashanti. All these sacred tools are there for me to access; working on making them truly my own is a task I take on with great relish.
The experience in the Temple carried on as I lay in bed, with the sound of constant rain lulling me to sleep. These amazing
satsangs in the series, “Engaging in
Shanta-rasa,” have been bright lights in these odd times.
Hampton Hill, United Kingdom

The series of
satsangs, “Engaging with
Shanta-rasa,” has been such a wonderful way to conclude our study of Gurumayi’s Message for 2020,
Atma ki Prashanti. In these
satsangs, Gurumayi has given us six different means to embrace that sweet, peaceful space within, no matter what is happening in the world. The sixth
satsang on "The Power of Silence" filled me with immense gratitude, and drew me deep within, where only love existed.
Nairobi, Kenya

As Swami Ishwarananda welcomed us to the satsang on “The Power of Silence,” I experienced that I was being ushered into the silence of the Temple, the silence that imbues the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall and, very naturally, that same silence within my own being. Listening again to the teachings on the power of silence, I am inspired to continue to relish making wise choices in my life, including choices related to food and my spiritual practices—so that I am able to be a peaceful force in this world.
Recently I stopped eating some foods that are not beneficial for me to eat, and within a day I noticed the benefits: my mind, body, and emotions feel more at peace. Similarly, after participating in the Svadhyaya Study Sessions, I committed myself to a daily practice, and immediately felt the benefits of this discipline, with peace and vitality infusing my day.
Imbued with Gurumayi’s love, I am ready to share this love and peace in the final days of 2020 and in welcoming 2021.
Perth, Australia

I participated in "The Power of Silence"
satsang along with my parents, and we all felt tranquil after the
satsang. When Swami ji explained the meanings of
shama and
dama, some thoughts were arising and merging within me. Then, in a moment between the thoughts, I saw Bade Baba standing there. My mind became calm and still, I felt serenity and peacefulness, and I saw myself as full of light.
Allahabad, India

For me, as for so many others, this year has been hard work on the inside and outside. I have been facing my shadow side and gazing carefully at my inner obstacles. At times the scope of the inner work required to experience inner peace has seemed overwhelming.
Today in the
satsang on “The Power of Silence” Swami Ishwarananda met me where I am. He did not encourage us to shy away from the task at hand in our
sadhana, nor did he want us to underestimate the impact of the restlessness of the mind. Yet he was able to say with great conviction: “You can do it!”
When he spoke and gazed at the camera so powerfully, I allowed his words to enter my heart. I felt a burst of conviction resonate within me like a bell. Sweeping away any lingering sense of hopelessness, this inner sound ushered in gratitude.
Summer Hill, Australia

I feel so peaceful after the
satsang on "The Power of Silence." My mind feels still. I feel so grateful for the
satsang and everything so generously bestowed on me, and all of us, this year. This evening felt like the
purnahuti—the perfect finale—for a year that has been so out-of-the-box in all respects. For me 2020 was unusual because of the pandemic, but also exceptional because of the abundant riches I have received from every
satsang, every posting on the Siddha Yoga path website.
I feel so fortunate to be walking the Siddha Yoga path with Gurumayi as my guide. I do know she loves me. I felt I saw her smile, bestowing her love, through Bade Baba’s sweet, silent smile during
darshan this evening. The only words that come to mind are: “Thank you.”
Massachusetts, United States

In “The Power of Silence”
satsang, I closed my eyes and saw within a brilliant, peaceful shimmering. In that deep calm I heard an enchanted throb, breathed a sweet fragrance, tasted an unparalled elixir, and touched a fine velvet. Ahh, by the Guru's grace, I knew
Washington, United States
The story-writing experience during “The Power of Stories” was an unexpected and wonderful one. I thought it was unrealistic to expect that I could create a story in ten minutes. And yet, out it came! It was a story of my dad. The process connected me with wisdom I had gleaned by being in his presence, wisdom that I had not fully appreciated. It’s now days later, and I still am weeping tears of gratitude for what I learned at his feet.
When I shared my story with my family, my nephew was also able to experience and wonder at the wisdom of his grandfather. It shed light on a part of his history that had been hidden. What a blessing!
Wisconsin, United States

“The Power of Stories”
satsang was so wonderful. I didn’t know what to expect, and I certainly didn’t expect we would be writing our own stories. I also didn’t think it could be so much fun and so effortless.
While I was writing, the words just flowed from my pen. And when I was finished, I was so excited to share it with family and friends. What a gift! The blessings of Sarasvati and the Siddhas were definitely with us.
Massachusetts, United States
In these
satsangs in the Temple, when we have
darshan of Bade Baba and the camera focuses on Bade Baba's face, I feel like Bade Baba's eyes are really alive and looking at me. My gaze is fixed on Bade Baba and I can't look away. Everything disappears around me and from my mind, and I feel myself to be in the “Peacefulness of the Self.”
Naples, Italy
In recent months, I have been telling myself stories about my life as a Siddha Yoga student. Now that I have participated in “The Power of Stories,” I have a greater understanding about the uses of stories. Since it is very difficult for me to enter a state of relaxation, I think entering into the space of stories might serve as a doorway for me into the world of letting go and finding a place of ease and innocence.
I am grateful to Gurumayi for this great lesson.
Arkansas, United States

When I reflected on the story that I had written during the satsang on “The Power of Stories,” I was astounded that a clear message for me on the theme I had chosen emerged—after only ten minutes. As we were asked to wind up writing our story, I felt that I’d run out of time and that my story wasn’t finished. However, in the final sentence I wrote down, I received the insight I needed.
This experience has refreshed my faith in the wisdom of the creative energy that is alive within me, to guide the story I am writing and to serve the teaching in it. I also see that the story is alive with the wisdom not only of the teaching, but also of how I need to receive that teaching in a way that is relevant to me in this moment.
I am in wonder at that intelligence of Kundalini Shakti!
Sydney, Australia

On the day following “The Power of Puja” satsang, I underwent a medical procedure that I thought would be uncomfortable. As I received the treatment, I visualized the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple and the naivedya ceremony, the offering of food to Bade Baba. I saw him being offered black coffee and his favorite foods, and before I knew it, my appointment was over. Having spent the time in the Temple offering puja to Bade Baba, I was calm and happy!
I feel so grateful for the abundance that Gurumayi has given to us through these amazing satsangs.
New York, United States

During the beautiful “The Power of Stories”
satsang, I reflected on how stories teach us about the world and each other. In the writing exercise, I felt inspired to write a story involving someone I don't know very well but have felt negative feelings toward. As I wrote it, I asked myself what purpose this person serves in my life. I realized that she mirrors back to me something I haven’t accepted about myself. After that realization, my feelings toward her changed noticeably. My negativity was gone!
I am so grateful for this experience.
New York, United States

When my family and I participated in “The Power of Puja,” I experienced the same shakti-filled shanta-rasa, the same power of grace, that I have experienced when I’ve visited the Ashram.
A couple days after this satsang, I started laughing with spontaneous joy. I laughed from the day’s beginning to its end. When my spouse asked me about my laughter, I shared my experience, and then she joined me in laughing. Then both my son and daughter joined in. We were all laughing. We went to bed laughing and remembering the moments of laughter we shared throughout the day.
I think of this experience as prasad from Bhagavan Nityananda leading me to joy and peace.
Pune, India

I am in awe of the love and support coming through all the
satsangs and study sessions this year. They have shown me a sacred place of peace within my heart as events have unfolded week after week throughout this year of giant waves. They have supported me to float in the waves rather than fight them. I am profoundly grateful.
Horsholm, Denmark
I am profoundly grateful for the many teachings and tools Gurumayi has given us through the year. These have turned this time of uncertainties into an opportunity for me to go deeper within. With each live video stream satsang, I feel that my understanding is being refined. I am coming to know that beneath any turbulence I experience is a state of calmness and observation that resides within me. I see that I can keep on deepening my connection with this state.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
While participating in the
Shanta-rasa satsang, “The Power of Stories,” I was astonished at the beauty, creativity, and effortless flow of
shakti that I experienced. Everything felt so alive for me!
When I wrote my own story during the
satsang, as Isabelle guided us to do, I was surprised to see how much I learned from it. Thank you for introducing me to this amazing tool for my
a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth

As I wrote my story during the
satsang, I realized that it is up to me to decide how the story concludes. It is up to me to define the light in which I view the events I describe. It is up to me to determine how I feel about myself and others in my story. It is up to me to decide what I focus on. I realized that I am constantly telling myself stories about what I see and experience in my world. That’s how I create the fabric of my life!
Now I can see that I have the power to create bright and optimistic stories filled with appreciation and love for life, even as I go through complex life experiences. These stories are not illusions, they are hope. And where I have room for hope, I have room for a smile.
California, United States

The story-writing exercise gave me the answer to a difficult problem I was having and it showed me how I came to be in this predicament. It helped me step aside from a fixed point of view long enough for the wisdom of my Self to emerge naturally in a gentle way I could accept.
I feel empowered by the insights I received from my new story, released from an unnecessary sense of struggle that was counterproductive. I can see for myself the liberating effects of engaging in the practice of conscious story-writing focused on the Guru's teachings.
Connecticut, United States

With Isabelle’s first words, “Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time…,” I found myself smiling widely and relaxing back in my seat. I was moved to then hear her describe exactly this response as a universal experience upon hearing the same words at the beginning of a story!
In this
satsang, my heart filled with new appreciation for all the stories I’ve heard from Gurumayi and Baba through the years. I’ve always loved them. Now I see the magic they carry. They help me move past the patterns and limitations of my thinking mind into a more receptive state in which I can better absorb the power of the Guru’s teachings. They bring me the Guru’s grace to expand my efforts and transform my life.
Throughout all the years of my
sadhana, the Guru’s stories have been like bright jewels embedded in the stream of time. How blessed I feel!
Arizona, United States

"The Power of Stories" touched me deeply. I have always felt that the stories told on the Siddha Yoga path speak straight to my heart. Invariably, a subtle inner transformation occurs when I listen attentively. And today I loved learning that when we practice storytelling, we come to a place of giving.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

This morning’s
satsang on “The Power of Stories” was such an unexpected and delightful gift! As I followed the instructions and wrote my story—based on an actual experience, with an imaginative flourish—I found a reawakening within me of an old and mostly forgotten inner source of inspiration and creativity. I suddenly remembered how as a child I had created just such stories, stories that delighted my classmates, friends, and family, and gave them much joy. In the intervening decades, I had long forgotten them. Now I feel that source has been reawakened in me. Once again, I can offer this creativity as a gift to others and as a way to reconnect with my own Self.
California, United States
In today's
satsang, I chose to focus my story on the moral “Laugh and the World Will Laugh with You.” The story I wrote showed me how to free myself and laugh more. This story is not only a self-reflective insight for me, but also a blessed gift that I will always treasure.
Pennsylvania, United States
As I wrote my story, I remembered Isabelle’s own example of telling a story without rehearsal. I followed an image that emerged naturally for me from the moral I had chosen. As a result, a whole story unfolded effortlessly. That story happened to contain a perfect teaching for my
sadhana, one I feel I can immediately apply to my work and life circumstances.
The trust and grace I experienced in the creative process brought me to a place of equanimity and contentment. I am so grateful for the many sweet and glorious ways we are being given to connect to grace through the Universal Hall.
Illinois, United States

I learned so much from the
Shanta-rasa satsang today, “The Power of Stories.” When I saw Isabelle, I smiled from ear to ear, recalling how much I have received from her past renditions of scriptural stories and stories of the Siddhas.
For my story, I chose the moral “Laugh and the world laughs with you.” As I wrote the story of an amazing moment in my
sadhana, I gained so much from recounting what had happened all those years ago. The teachings came pouring through the story and the relevance to my current life situation is shining like the light of the sun.
I sit in awe and gratitude. Through listening and reflecting, writing my story, and then having
darshan with Bade Baba, I now have more to give back—in the
seva I offer, in my
sadhana, and in my work as a therapist. I'm looking forward to all of that with my whole heart.
California, United States

I greatly enjoyed participating in “The Power of Stories” this morning. I was amazed at how easily and swiftly the story I wrote, based on one of the morals we were given to choose from, poured out of me. It was hard to keep up with writing it down! And as it turned out, the lesson learned by the protagonist in the story was exactly what I myself need to learn—and which in fact I
have been learning this year through all the means we have been given to study Gurumayi's Message for 2020.
Now I have a new tool—the story I wrote—to help me experience “Peacefulness of the Self.” I am so grateful to Gurumayi for her grace and her teachings. They light up my life.
Massachusetts, United States

The stories told on the Siddha Yoga path have always been one of my favorite ways to engage with the teachings. I have especially appreciated the stories in recent years—beautifully written and illustrated, as well as magnificently recorded, to help us imbibe Gurumayi’s Message for the year.
Shanta-rasa satsang, “The Power of Stories,” was a joy, an unexpected gift, which now allows me to participate in an entirely new aspect of this Siddha Yoga practice of storytelling.
I am so grateful for this dynamic path, which continues to surprise and delight me.
North Carolina, United States

After participating in “The Power of
Puja,” I felt drawn deeply inward. As I walked up and down my hilly neighborhood filled with the beauty of nature, I felt at one with my Self, Gurumayi, and God. Every multicolored leaf, tree, bird, and squirrel felt like one Consciousness. I felt so content, so much bliss, so much love. I experienced
gurubhav with Gurumayi. What could ever be better than that!
California, United States
satsang on “The Power of
Puja” was an incredibly divine experience for me. As
naivedya was offered to Bade Baba, my entire body felt alive with
shakti. As I looked at the smiling face of Bade Baba, I experienced immense devotion toward Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba. My heart was overflowing with love and gratitude, which flowed through my eyes as tears. Looking at Bade Baba’s divine form, my awareness was drawn deeply inward, and I experienced immense peace and quietness within and without.
Lucknow, India
As I was participating in “The Power of
Puja,” I paid close attention to the lamps after the
arati was performed. The camphor lamp, in particular, seemed to beckon me. I focused my gaze and my heart on the way it was moving; a deep longing welled up in my being. Then I noticed a tiny reflection of the larger flame on the base of the tray. I felt it was my heart reflecting the larger flame. My longing was fulfilled in this simple recognition.
Texas, United States
During the “Power of Chanting”
satsang in the
Shanta-rasa series, I felt the presence of Bade Baba so strongly within me. And when we chanted, I seemed to hear him breathing between the verses of the chant. It was such a divine experience!
Cape Town, South Africa
In all my years on the Siddha Yoga path, I have never experienced
puja as powerfully as I did during the
satsang, “The Power of
Puja.” I had a deeper experience of worship, of devotion, and of meditation as I participated in this
satsang. I offer my deep gratitude for the expanded knowledge and experiences I gained during this
New York, United States

After Lavanya’s rich and inspiring explanations of
puja, we sat quietly with Bade Baba. Gazing at his shining countenance, I felt a pulsation of immense longing arise in my heart. As I reflected on the idea of “light honoring light,“ the words
I am looking at the form of God bloomed in my awareness. A tremendous yearning to know Bade Baba arose in me—to be seen by him and to recognize that the light I see within him is the same within me.
Suddenly Bade Baba came alive for me in a way I’ve never experienced. His aliveness fully materialized and he was peering at me as though he were right in front of me. All distance and difference faded away, leaving only his love and my love, his light and my light, coalescing into a profound sense of communion—of seeing and being seen. Bade Baba was no longer a living statue, but a living being, looking back and smiling at me. It was truly
California, United States

Of all the practices of
puja, that of
naivedya has always been most beautifully mysterious to me, in regard to the majesty and intimacy of this divine act of offering food to the Guru.
naivedya was offered during “The Power of
Puja“ in the
Shanta-rasa satsang, I was transfixed by its power. At the moment of each offering, I saw the essence of the food flowing from the dish or cup into Bade Baba, through his mouth and down into the center of his being. It became an ever-expanding orb of golden light, which began pulsing and then radiating out, blessing and nourishing us all with his profound grace.
When I think of the
pujari, I realize that his devotion represented us all in this divine act—in this cycle of giving and receiving. I will take this experience with me every time I offer
puja in my own home, aware that the act of offering blesses not just those in my household, but the entire world around me.
Arizona, United States

Having participated in today´s live video stream on “The Power of
Puja,” and having read Swami Shantananda´s exposition, “The Practice of
Guru-puja,” on the Siddha Yoga path website, I feel immensely grateful for the guidance I’ve received on how to practice
puja, including how to offer
I have also reached a greater understanding of the importance of my inner
bhav and the fruits of offering
puja. The beauty and rich meaning of these rituals fill my heart with immense gratitude and inspire me to begin practicing myself—so that I can invoke the beautiful Shakti in my home and my life.
Solna, Sweden

The image of the waterfall at the start of these
satsangs feels so appropriate for the abundance of gifts flowing to us from our Gurus.
“The Power of
Puja” affected me deeply. As we sang the
Nityananda Arati, without any warning nor prompted by any memory or outer cause, tears filled my eyes and started rolling down my cheeks. I understood on a core level that these were not tears of sadness, but of devotion and gratitude for the immensity of what I’ve been given on the Siddha Yoga path—and what the Gurus continue to shower so generously upon all of us.
At the end of the
satsang, when the camera drew back from the closeup of Bade Baba’s face to the entirety of his form, I felt like I was standing up after having offered
pranam to him in
darshan — and walking backwards out of the Temple into my own heart.
Michigan, United States

In the
satsang “The Power of Meditation,” as I repeated the mantra during my meditation, a white swan appeared and came swimming up to me. I have read that this is a symbol of grace.
As I focused on the swan and the feeling of grace, a golden bowl appeared with a golden ladle. In the bowl was a clear liquid. As I focused on the liquid, so clear and light, I realized it was peace. And I realized that, through meditation, the Guru was offering me a most valuable gift in this golden bowl—
shanta-rasa, the
rasa of peace and tranquility.
Since this
satsang, this image appears to me again and again when I sit for meditation, offering me peace without limit to imbibe from this golden bowl!
California, United States

I am grateful for the focus on preparing for meditation in the
satsang, “The Power of Meditation.” The rituals I do when preparing my space—such as lighting candles and incense, honoring the Gurus and deities, offering prayers for others—have become an integral part of my meditation. The mindfulness and devotion of the
pujaris in these
satsangs inspire me to take time and stay focused in my own preparations.
Today, through the changing light and color around Bade Baba, I was transported from the serene lilac of a cooling day into the cobalt blue of an early night sky. As the light became a rich ultramarine, I was alone with my majestic Nityananda, floating in the cosmos, sprinkled with glittering stars. I met the living force in his eyes and knew his presence is here.
When meditation concluded, I asked beloved Bade Baba to always be with me—within and around me—and to keep guiding me. I know my prayer is being answered as I resume my day.
Ocean Shores, Australia

After the
Shanti-rasa satsang focused on meditation, I had an insight into my own preparation to meditate. When I sit down to meditate, I spend quite a bit of time with my prayers. Usually I focus on prayers for individual, close family members who are spread out around the country, including my aging mother. I also focus on prayers for the well-being of everyone in our beautiful world, and especially on prayers to Gurumayi for her support and guidance.
Today I realized that doing this makes it easier for me to surrender to meditation. I used to think I was “distracted” by this lengthy prologue, but now I see it’s been helpful to my meditation. It’s my groundwork.
I’m grateful for this insight, this newly positive way to think about my commitment to meditation.
Massachusetts, United States

Engaging in the
satsang on “The Power of Meditation” was so sweet and powerful. As I meditated, focusing on the tranquility within and the tranquility without, I felt strengthened in peace. I felt the sweetness of all of us meditating together at the same time around the world, as if we were the Guru's lighthouses of divine love and peace—a beautiful experience!
Hawaii, United States
I feel as if
shanta-rasa, the
rasa of peace, is sparkling around me. My mother passed away last month and my longing for her is very deep. During the Nityananda Arati, I was looking at Bade Baba and I knew with certainty that he had come for her, and that my mother is with him.
I am so grateful to Bade Baba for such compassion and love.
Mexico City, Mexico
During the “Power of Chanting”
satsang, I learned to rest in the
shanta-rasa created by the chant and then quietly accessible after the chant was over. Then, in the “Power of Meditation”
satsang, I learned that it is valuable to take steps to prepare for meditation. Combining these teachings, I realized that chanting is a great way for me to prepare to meditate. And when I implement this learning, I truly experience
Washington, United States
Shanta-rasa. These words are intoxicating to me, full of Gurumayi’s graceful presence. As I reflect on the three
satsangs I have participated in so far, I feel a subtle integration happening within. I feel I am engaging and enlivening my nervous system. I have a renewed commitment to imbibing what is offered—by doing the practices, bathing my mind in the Guru’s words, praying to Gurumayi, and resting my heart in gratitude. And I am learning to live simply, simply by being myself.
Oregon, United States

As the live video stream began, I listened to the sound of water cascading down, drawing me inwards. Then, when the image of Bade Baba sitting serenely in his Temple came on the screen, I felt calm and light. I was so touched by the sweet enthusiasm of our host Pedro, from Brazil, that I found myself bubbling with inspiration and alertness. As I listened intently, I particularly related to his observations about preparing for and settling into meditation.
I remembered how I first started practicing meditation. I used to focus on “setting the stage.” And I appreciated this as a thread throughout my life; I saw that whether gardening or drawing, getting things set up allows me to give myself to the task naturally.
Today, I realized further that sometimes I do not sufficiently prepare myself internally to meditate. Pedro’s words reinforced for me that it is most important to me that I make the effort to set aside the time to meditate. It’s my precious time to be with the Self.
Hampton Hill, United Kingdom

I am grateful to Pedro for expressing so clearly the
rasa of peace that can come through meditation. For me, peace and a softly sparkling ease permeated Pedro’s voice and everything about this
satsang. All this opened my heart. When it was time to meditate, I was able to glide naturally into an alert yet quiet space of delight.
Engaging in this loving expression of meditation in action in the Universal Hall showed me how the energy of meditation can imbue me with both enthusiasm and repose.
California, United States

I resonated with Pedro’s suggestion that we approach meditation with no expectations and no judgments, and that we instead “just be.” So I allowed my thoughts and feelings, my inner dialogue, my experience of repeating the mantra, and the feeling of my breath moving in and out to simply exist. I felt peaceful and blissful. I experienced
shanta-rasa—the essence of peace, the flavor of peace.
For me, being in the Temple is a gift of a lifetime. I hope that with Gurumayi’s grace I may take this bliss and peace into the world.
Maryland, United States

The golden face of Nityananda,
love pouring from his eyes,
Kali Durge, rocking little one to sleep,
merging heart with heart,
Whitecaps leaping on water,
dancing on the silent deep beneath,
Talking, listening, giving, receiving,
circulating love with an open heart,
Trees swirling to the cold pure power of the wind,
sweeping my mind clean,
My dear breath brings me everywhere I choose to go,
silently pointing me to the pause between,
Waiting for me in that sacred space,
my Guru’s tender care,
New York, United States

During my morning meditation, I noticed that some worries kept coming up on my inner screen. I labeled these worries as heavy, wet logs.
Later in the day, I participated in the
Shanta-rasa satsang. While listening to the cascading waterfall, I was drawn into a deep silence within. Then, when I inwardly entered the Temple, I heard a question within from Bade Baba asking me why I would drag heavy, wet logs into the Temple. Taken by surprise, my worries dropped away immediately. I felt my being fill with pure light and I could breathe freely.
Bern, Switzerland

I am grateful for this wonderful series of
satsangs! Chanting is my favorite practice so of course I was delighted to participate in “The Power of Chanting.” The host for the
satsang was so inspiring. My favorite part—and something I never thought of before—was repeating the mantra in different speeds and expressions. This was so creative and such a beautiful way of moving my energy into the practice.
I pray that we are all inspired to find creative ways to keep the power and beauty of chanting alive and flourishing in our lives.
Massachusetts, United States
Retention of the breath seemed to invigorate my body. It felt like my
prana was energized and moving throughout the
nadis and nervous system.
I also had the experience of breathing in tune with Bade Baba while my mind became still and reflective in Bade Baba’s presence.
Connecticut, United States
Singing the
Shiva Arati was especially ecstatic during the “Power of Chanting” live video stream. I always wave a tray here at home when we offer
arati to Bade Baba in the Temple during these live streams. As I waved the tray, the words and music flowed through my whole body as I worshipped the dancing Shiva in my heart.
North Carolina, United States
I was away from my home, in an environment that was not conducive to meditation, when I participated in “Engaging in
Shanta–rasa: The Power of Breathing.” Still, Ami Bansal’s talk enveloped me in a profound silence. I listened with rapt attention to her explanations and felt as if the words were blooming inside of me, making me light and alert. Following the instructions on breathing, my meditation was brief, but it filled me with energy.
Back home, I continued to focus on my breath during meditation, pausing between inhalation and exhalation. Now I feel a new energy in my meditation.
Cuttack, India

After engaging in the practices of the
Shanta-rasa live video stream, while receiving Bade Baba's
darshan in the silence that followed chanting, I heard these words arise within me
: "Bade Baba sits within the Blue Pearl, where he reigns, immortal, over the universe."
Not only did I hear these words, I experienced these words taking place
within my own heart. I knew my heart and the Blue Pearl are one. Reflecting on this experience, I realized it is a gift—a
darshan of the Heart. It is the fruit of chanting God's name.
Connecticut, United States

I loved this
satsang on "The Power of Chanting”! I have the feeling of having been led by Gurumayi herself into a deep serenity. Maintaining my attention on the sound of every syllable and its vibration as I said them, I was carried away by her grace, led first into extreme gentleness and unspeakable joy and then into the bliss and ecstasy of the Self. I was in the power of God.
My gratitude is boundless. I live confined in the happiness of being incredibly spoiled and loved by my Guru. All of this remains engraved in my heart and nourishes me every day.
Brussels, Belgium

I like to offer
dakshina at the conclusion of all the live video streams; it’s another way of making me feel I have "been" to
As I sat quietly after today’s
satsang on “The Power of Chanting,” I brought to mind the image of Bade Babe sitting there, his magnificent, resplendent form having left an imprint on my memory—with the dark rich blue of his robe and his kingly turban sitting high, set off with necklaces of gold and amber beads. His form is always adorned differently but its effect is always constant: he shines and I shine too! I value the moments we get to gaze upon him, as in chanting I reach pockets of silence that are so nourishing and make me feel safe and calm.
In practicing “the power of chanting” today, I had many chances to dip into that silence.
Hampton Hill, United Kingdom

While chanting the
Shiva Arati in today's
satsang on
shanta-rasa, I had the joyful experience of chanting
as meditation—since keeping up with the syllables, their pronunciation, and the melody required all of my focus, until, eventually, I was simply one with them all.
New York, United States
It is two hours since the
satsang "The Power of Chanting" ended, and I am still deeply savoring
shanta-rasa. When I chanted the melody in the
Bhupali raga with the sound
ah, I ended almost whispering—as I used to do when helping my granddaughters to fall asleep when they were toddlers. For me, music in the
Bhupali raga is like a lullaby. I will have to try it for myself when I have trouble falling asleep!
I offer my deepest gratitude to Gurumayi for these timeless
Annecy-le-Vieux, France

The sound of the flute, the subtle expansion in my heart singing only “
ah” to the melody in the
Bhupali raga, viewing the painting of the embodiment of the
raga and her loving attendants—each gave me tangible glimpses of the reality of
shanta-rasa, the flow of peace within my own being. As I then rested in the presence of Bade Baba, it was clear to me that the source of this peace, the practice and goal of all chanting, his radiant steadiness, and my own being are all one.
The opportunity to practice and experience this together in this way is a gift beyond measure. My heart overflows, my head bows, I cherish the sound and light and flavor of
shanta-rasa, and the gifts and presence of grace.
Washington, United States

I have learned many ways to practice chanting from the Siddha Yoga path website. And in today’s
satsang on “The Power of Chanting,” I learned how the
raga of the chant can create a beautiful
rasa in the mind. In the
satsang my thoughts became calm, and my attention moved easily to the center of the heart. In the middle of the
satsang I felt the
shanta-rasa emanating from Bade Baba and flowing into my whole body. It felt like swimming in an ocean of
My two small children enjoyed the
satsang a lot too. They joined me in chanting and coming forward for the
Shiva Arati and the
Karpura Arati.
Pune, India
satsang on “The Power of Chanting” felt so peaceful. After the program, I meditated. My mind became peaceful, relaxed, and at ease. When I connect to the supreme Self in this way, it feels like a weight has been lifted off my mind.
Indiana, United States
Today, during the live video stream on “The Power of Chanting,” as I saw the flowers around Bade Baba's resplendent form, and felt the grace of the Guru pouring through, the words
cascading devotion arose within me to describe my experience of this powerful gift.
As the screen faded at the end of the
satsang, an image of pure, flowing water appeared. And I wondered whether those who designed the
satsang just might have held the intention of portraying "cascading devotion" in doing so.
Massachusetts, United States
In the
Shanta-rasa live video stream this morning, the focus on chanting held a lot of
shakti for me. After the
satsang, I was very quickly able to engage in my tasks and communication, with a feeling of being held in its energy and the mystery of its grace. I feel grateful that these
satsangs on
shanta-rasa are being offered and that I can participate in them.
Colorado, United States

As I was following my breath during the
pranayama session, I became aware of Bade Baba. I felt that my in-breath was his out-breath and my out-breath was his in-breath. The longer this went on, the more profoundly still I became and the more connected I felt to Bade Baba.
Then, when we focused on the still point between the breaths, I heard this thought resonate in my heart: “The stillness I experience in the Temple is the same as the still point between breaths.”
Remembering my experience of the magnificent stillness of the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple at Shree Muktananda Ashram and Gurudev Siddha Peeth, I realized that I can plunge into the Temple no matter where I am on this earth. I can practice
pranayama to immerse myself in the stillness within my own being.
Arizona, United States

I took great delight from participating in “Engaging in
Shanta-rasa: the Power of Breathing.” I found the
satsang nectarean.
While breathing with the four-count breath and focusing on Bhagavan Nityananda's form, I felt I was inhaling Bade Baba’s divinity and exhaling my limitations for him to dissolve. My heart filled with love and serenity. I intend to continue to perform this practice daily.
Washington, United States
I’m grateful to Ami and Barrie for offering a clear, soothing stream of scriptural references and practices to orient me towards Gurumayi’s Message during this challenging and uncertain time.
This morning during the
satsang, I experienced a gentle cascade of feelings—first quietude, then contentment, then an upward shift of happiness. The world outside continues turning as it does, yet I can access the inner landscape. I am full of gratitude for this steady support.
St. Lazare, Canada

During the
satsang, I kept hearing the host repeat “Gurumayi’s Message for the year,
Atma ki Prashanti.” These repeating words stood out for me.
My main approach to yoga has been as a
bhakta, through the path of devotion. This year, however, with the support of so many focused and accessible teachings on the Siddha Yoga path website, I’ve taken a more scholarly approach.
I made a special effort to study, practice, and assimilate this year’s Message more than I have in the past. Now, as this year of
Atma ki Prashanti is coming to a close, I realize I have taken ownership of Gurumayi’s Message. It has truly become
my message for the year.
Ubud, Indonesia

While I was waiting for the
satsang to begin, I found “The Guru” tab on the Siddha Yoga path website. There, I clicked on "Gurumayi's Teachings" and began to reflect on the images and absorb her words. In this way, I engaged with Gurumayi's presence and love and experienced her
This turned out to be the perfect way for me to enter the first
Shanta-rasa satsang in the Universal Hall!
Connecticut, United States