Last night I had a wonderful dream of Gurumayi. I was in a small room, and Gurumayi walked in carrying many gifts. She was smiling and we embraced gently. I wished her a happy Thanksgiving, and I was flooded with feelings of gratitude for all that I have received.
This dream reminded me of an experience I had years ago. I awoke that morning at 4:00 a.m., crying with gratitude. Somehow, this felt related to that day’s full moon. So I got dressed and, taking my camera, went to Lake Nityananda, still feeling deeply moved. Tears of gratitude ran down my face as I took photographs of the full moon.
Later I wrote to Gurumayi about the experience of crying with gratitude as I woke up. In her reply, Gurumayi said that gratitude is her favorite subject.
California, United States

I have been practicing gratitude by becoming aware of what I am grateful for and expressing my gratitude in words. When I started doing this, I realized that I am grateful for an infinite number of things. The more grateful I become, the more things I find I can be grateful for.
Today I wanted to go deeper and find the source of what I am most grateful for. I found that my most precious possession pulsates in the chamber of my heart. My Guru has awakened my consciousness and the love in my heart. This realization gives everything immeasurable value, divine lightness, and great luminosity.
My awareness of this great good fortune makes my soul dance with gratitude.
Konolfingen, Switzerland

Toward the end of the summer of 1992, Gurumayi told us in an evening
satsang to tell the Siddha Yogis who weren’t present something like this: “Gurumayi said to tell you, ‘You are great!’” She said if the person asks, “Did Gurumayi mean
me? Specifically, she said this about me?” that we should say, “Yes! Gurumayi said this about
I had a wonderful time putting Gurumayi’s guidance into practice as I handwrote thank-you notes to the summer sevites in my department.
Since then, Gurumayi’s teaching “You are great!” has been special to me.
Recently, I have been facing a challenge and doing my best to feel equal to it, but it has been hard. Then, yesterday, while driving a familiar route, I looked up and saw—painted on a highway bridge in bright yellow—the words “You are great!” I got so excited! I’ve never seen any graffiti like this before. I just knew it was from Gurumayi, and I knew she meant
me! So I said aloud to myself, as though I were hearing it from Gurumayi, “You are great!” It was such a beautiful affirmation of her presence in my life!
California, United States

Since childhood, Baba ji’s words, “I owe my existence to my Shri Guru,” have been deeply etched in my memory. The moment I first read them in the Bade Baba Temple at Gurudev Siddha Peeth, they resonated profoundly with me and have since become a central element on my spiritual journey. Today, whenever I see this same quotation on the Temple in Shree Muktananda Ashram during satsangs via live video stream, it brings me back to that powerful reminder of the Guru-disciple bond—one marked by surrender, reverence, and enduring openness.
Each morning, I conclude my puja by offering my gratitude to my Guru with these words. The Guru’s grace has guided me through countless challenges, instilling strength and clarity even in the most difficult times. It feels as if Baba ji gave these words not only to express his own devotion but also to help disciples like me fully appreciate the immense role the Guru plays in our lives.
This simple act of gratitude renews my energy and strengthens my connection to the Guru’s wisdom. Indeed, the more I express my gratitude, the more energy I receive. Offering this gratitude is, to me, the highest form of devotion.
Mumbai, India

The most powerful experience I have of grace is when I go inside and just repeat Gurumayi’s name again and again: “Gurumayi, Om Namah Shivaya, Gurumayi.” What happens after that is that my inner world changes: my heart feels cleansed, and I find myself feeling very close to my beloved Gurumayi ji. After doing this, I feel very light, with confidence, love, and trust in my heart. At these times I really experience that my Guru is protecting me, saving me, and helping me to progress in my life. In this way grace has revealed itself to me many times.
Udhana, India

One day, when I was feeling very anxious, I decided to go to the one place that helps me forget everything—the farm where I board my horse.
I grabbed my halter and lead rope, and walked out of the barn toward my horse. He was eating grass and stopped to look up at me. In that moment, I felt it was not me walking, but Baba, wearing his sunglasses and hat on that hot, sunny day.
I felt an instant lightheadedness. My breath softened, air filled my lungs, and an overwhelming feeling of love engulfed me. It was just Baba and me and my horse. I threw my arms around my horse—this big, beautiful, sentient being—buried my face in his neck, and thanked Baba.
The feeling I had at that moment happens to me every day. I am forever grateful for being able to feel the awe-inspiring power of love.
Illinois, United States

When I met Baba Muktananda in Miami at the end of 1979, I was already convinced that he was my Guru, because I had read his book and met some of his French devotees. My son, who was about two years old, was with me. We enjoyed a wonderful time close to the ocean, practicing meditation and chanting, enjoying Baba’s darshan every day. I knew that my relationship with him would be forever.
He lectured a lot in satsangs; I learned his teachings and tried to understand them more deeply For me, his main teaching was the value and importance of taking refuge in a Siddha Master. And that has been my sadhana. Taking refuge in a saint means to be protected by the knowledge of Brahman. My gratitude for Baba’s teachings is immense.
Turin, Italy

There is actually so much to be grateful for at all times and in every situation that I have decided to cultivate gratitude so that I can experience it as much as possible. Gratitude helps me to find the right path, the light, the positive, and the good. Even in the most difficult circumstances there is a spark of light that I can be grateful for. Gratitude keeps me humble when I am richly blessed and keeps my heart open when I have to deal with difficulties.
Konolfingen, Switzerland

During my meditation today, I felt love arise spontaneously within me. I then began to ask myself if gratitude also arises spontaneously or if the feeling of gratitude only arises when I recognize some particular thing for which I am grateful.
After this meditation I was chanting the Shiva Arati and, when I reached the last verse, I read this line of the translation: “O Lord of the world, by your mercy protect me forever.”
Suddenly I realized how much I am protected and lovingly guided by my Guru—and my heart overflowed with waves of gratitude.
Konolfingen, Switzerland

I was playing with an eighteen-month-old baby, who was restless and walked away from me. In a flash of insight I called him back and gave him my
mala, which had been sitting on my
puja, blessed every day by Baba and Gurumayi.
The child calmed down, observed the
mala carefully, then began a long search to find a perfect place to lay it down. He chose to hang it on the window pane, beyond which it was dark but for the evening lights.
He looked at me and then he looked up at the sky with an attitude of offering. It seemed as if he were gazing toward infinity, beyond the ocean.
I felt Gurumayi's grace had entered him. I felt it was a miracle. And I felt my own heart reverberating with grace and gratitude as I perceived Gurumayi had touched the little boy’s heart.
Torino, Italy

Reading these powerful experiences by Siddha Yogis and remembering my own, I am filled with such immense gratitude for my beloved Gurumayi!
Since I started following the Siddha Yoga path, my life has been permeated with the love and knowledge I have received from my Guru.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
O my mind, O my heart!
Look around, acknowledge and be grateful!
For it is in doing so that you discern,
Without taking for granted,
The generosity, blessings, and the ongoing transformation
Being continually bestowed and unfolded
In this life.
O my mind, O my heart!
Notice what you have conveniently labeled
as “mundane” or “business-oriented”
For that very thing may actually be a rose-scented
Contributor to your growth and expansion.
Do notice the blessings coming in from every direction.
If you are a true traveler,
Realize that gratitude is a great unraveler.
Bangalore, India

In the summer of 1981, I visited Shree Muktananda Ashram with a friend for the weekend. Although I had been meditating for a few years previous to that, I felt that something was missing. I had a longing to study meditation with a Master.
After meeting Baba, I wondered if he was the teacher I had been searching for. I silently prayed to him to please give me a tangible sign. When I returned home after the weekend, I found a letter waiting for me. It had been written by a friend whom I hadn’t heard from in years. I eagerly opened it, and out flew a mantra card with Baba’s photo on the front. My body began to tremble with an energy I couldn’t explain. I came to understand that this was the gift of
shaktipat. I later realized that this letter had been written and mailed before I had even asked Baba for a sign that he was my Guru. I am eternally grateful for Baba’s grace and blessings.
New York, United States

As a teenager, I went through every facet of my faith to find “the Truth,” but nothing could satisfy my hunger for such knowledge.
Many years later, as I was introduced to Gurumayi and stood before her in the
darshan line, I said, “I want to know.” Gurumayi looked at me and I looked at her, and I felt that my wish was going to be answered.
At another time, Gurumayi asked me, “How are you feeling?” I answered, “Better.” Gurumayi said, “Better, better, better.”
It took a long time for me to appreciate this wonderful gift of the Guru’s generosity, but now I can see that my wish is being answered. I have seen that situations arise in my life which help me to understand how to proceed on my path toward the Truth. I keep pursuing the Truth in my
sadhana and in every action and every step I take.
California, United States

A few days ago, as I was meditating after reciting Shri Guru Gita, the image from the Siddha Yoga path website of the purple stone inscribed with the word Gratitude appeared in my mind. I then made an immediate connection with verse 149 of Shri Guru Gita, which speaks of “the wish- fulfilling gem” which “brings good luck in every way.”
Yes! I realized that the wish-fulfilling gem is gratitude itself! With my heart full of gratitude, I thank Shri Gurumayi for her ever-present grace in my life, which manifests itself through shining insights like this one.
Naucalpan, Mexico

These last two years have been very hard on me in every aspect. I have kept up with my practices and my faith and prayer, and I
knew I was being heard. Still, things were not getting better. So I looked at my
puja with deep yearning and asked, “What is happening?” I clearly heard, “Burning away karma.” All of a sudden, it all made sense. I felt grateful because the most difficult parts of my life were being addressed. I could not clean up so much on my own. It is hard, but I know I will come out the other side much lighter. And I can’t express how much gratitude I feel for this.
Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico

I am grateful for the gift of experiencing the joy and depth of the practice of
seva. I have learned to offer my actions with a mind focused on God and a heart open to my own self-worth. I’ve come to understand and experience that Gurumayi brings out the best in me through this transformational practice of offering
Once I was invited to offer
seva teaching dance in movement sessions at Shree Muktananda Ashram. All of my sense of unworthiness came to the surface only to be upstaged by my pure love for dance. To offer
seva in an area I had learned and loved since I was a child was a perfect gift.
At home now, as I go about my daily tasks, I am grateful for the understanding that I can offer all of my actions to my Guru and to God. In the quiet solitude of my home space, I also dance nearly every day, and I remember this too is an offering.
New York, United States

I have been on the Siddha Yoga path my whole life. I always attended
satsangs in my city, but due to one reason or another had never visited Gurudev Siddha Peeth.
Several years ago I was facing questions about my purpose in life. I had the opportunity to go to Gurudev Siddha Peeth for a visit to offer
seva. While I was there, my longing to know my divine purpose was fulfilled. When I returned to work, my understanding of my divine purpose led me to be content and happy.
Tumsar, India

On my sixtieth birthday, reflecting on my life, I saw that the Siddha Yoga path has shaped my whole adult life. At age twenty-five, I met Baba Muktananda through a video at the small meditation center in Brisbane. As I watched Baba on the screen, I became filled with love flowing through my whole being, which I had never before experienced. This love stayed with me for a long time. As I passed people in the street, I felt this love for them, and all the trees glistened with this love.
I met my husband at the Siddha Yoga meditation center, and we have shared our
sadhana together now for thirty-eight years. In 1997 I participated in a “Siddha Yoga and Psychotherapy Conference” at Shree Muktananda Ashram. I had just begun my career as a psychotherapist, and what I learned there has shaped my entire working career. I am so blessed in my personal life as well, as I keep growing in love through the grace and teachings of Bade Baba, Baba, and beloved Gurumayi.
Kingscliff, Australia

In 2006 I offered music
seva in Gurudev Siddha Peeth as a long-term Gurukula student. Gurumayi ji was there at that time, and we sometimes had some educational meetings with her. In one such meeting, we each received a small paper with one word written on it, and we had to say something in response to it. My word was
bottle. After contemplating, I shared that one can use a bottle in different ways: one can put earth from a sacred place in it—or alcohol.
Remembering this many years later, I realize that every evening I can use my body, like that bottle, in different ways. For example, I can chant or I can go out somewhere. Most evenings, I have chanted
namasankirtanas. This has given me sweetness and blessings, and has benefited both me and my family.
Udhana, India

I have been following the Siddha Yoga path since childhood, and I don’t recall even one day in my life when I have not felt protected and nurtured by Guru’s grace.
In school, in college, at Gurudev Siddha Peeth as a Gurukula student, at my first job, as a new wife and a new mother, and in the various professional roles that followed, Gurumayi’s wisdom has guided me every step of the way, even if I was not always aware of it.
This guidance came in many ways. Sometimes it came in a teaching from one of Gurumayi’s books. Sometimes it came in offering
seva, or in a friend’s advice. Sometimes it came in the midst of a challenging life situation. But no matter what, I have always felt Gurumayi by my side.
Many times my heart leapt in sheer joy and love, and all I could do was to say, “Thank you, thank you, Gurumayi, for your presence in my life, and on the planet!”
Mumbai, India

Recently, I looked back over my nearly forty years as a Siddha Yoga student, and I realized that grace, protection, and guidance have always been present for me since the Guru entered my life. I have so much to be grateful for, not only for the many good times, but also and especially for the challenging times. I cannot imagine a life without the Siddha Yoga teachings and practices. I feel so blessed.
Willemstad, Curacao

Some time ago, my mother was sick and her illness prevented her from doing a lot of the things she loved to do, like reading, traveling, and offering seva. One day while keeping her company by her bedside, I remembered all the things she loved to do, and I started to ask her, “Mom, do you regret anything...”
She didn’t let me finish the question I wanted to ask her, and she responded quickly instead. Her response made me appreciate her sadhana and also showed me how I could remember the blessings of my own life. Her response was, “When you regret, you are not grateful.”
New York, United States

In 2006 I visited Shree Muktananda Ashram to offer seva with the Prison Project. During this visit, I was scheduled to attend a challenging meeting. I was hoping for a particular hard-to-achieve outcome. I visited the Temple in Atma Nidhi to seek Bade Baba’s grace and guidance for my hoped-for outcome. I made an offering and requested his blessing. At the meeting, everything I’d hoped for was accomplished. I felt incredibly pleased and happy.
Later, during the midday chant, I suddenly heard an inner command to go to the Bade Baba Temple. As I bowed my head to the floor, Bade Baba's voice arose inside me, saying, “Whenever you ask for a blessing, always remember to come back and give thanks for grace.” Inside I gave a resounding “Yes!” As I rose from the floor, his voice came loud and clear again: “Just as important, even if the outcome is the exact opposite of what you want, return to me and say thank you.”
Now, whenever I lay an issue or a request at the Guru’s feet, I remember that the outcome is out of my hands and that, whatever happens, I must express my gratitude for grace.
Montreal, Canada

When I was a teenager living a wayward life on the streets of New York City, Shri Gurumayi plucked me out of harm's way with the touch of her wand of divine peacock feathers on my head during a satsang I attended. Then, as if by magic, my life turned around.
Many years later, when I thought I was meeting her for the first time at Shree Muktananda Ashram, I suddenly remembered that years earlier, she had saved my life. She picked a boy out of the streets, and then gave him her most precious treasure—the love in her scintillating, expansive heart.
Now, in my late fifties, I consider myself the most fortunate being on earth. Sometimes doing my best, sometimes falling short, every day of my life I weep with gratitude. Why? Because, no matter what, I get to be alive at the same time on the same planet as Shri Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. For this, and this alone, aren't we all the most fortunate people on earth?
Nevada, United States

On a seva visit to Shree Muktananda Ashram in 2019, I was offering seva in the Flower Department and in Food Services. One evening after chanting the Arati in the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple, I sat enveloped in the sweet and powerful energy of the chant, feeling I was the most fortunate being on the planet. My heart was throbbing with gratitude. I was alone with Bade Baba, bathing in his bliss, watching my mind dissolving in love. When I offered pranam before leaving, only one thought emerged—serving. “May I serve you constantly in any possible way!”
On my way back to the Lower Lobby, I saw Gurumayi standing there talking to someone. She addressed me and asked, “So you want to serve?” and of course I replied “Yes!” with enthusiasm. I was immediately invited to offer a timely seva. Washed anew by Gurumayi's grace, I floated in gratitude for the rest of my stay.
My Guru’s love ignites my gratitude. Her love is truly immense and my heart is on fire.
Milan, Italy

I am immensely grateful for this beautiful path and Gurumayi's grace. I am also grateful that everything that is needed in my sadhana comes about when the time is right.
For almost thirty years I had longed to go to Gurudev Siddha Peeth, but it never seemed to be the right time. Finally, in 2018 I set the intention to go in 2020. Then in May 2019 I had this strong feeling I needed to go that November. Although lacking the time and money I needed, I applied just before the deadline to attend the Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat in 2019. I was accepted and everything I needed for it to happen came about.
Gurudev Siddha Peeth is truly a sacred place and everything about my time there has been a blessing, especially the challenges! I now feel more able to move forward in my life with courage and fearlessness. I am so grateful for the inner guidance to go when I did, as it would not have been possible in 2020 or 2021. I know it all came about thanks to Gurumayi’s grace.
Calgary, Canada

This year I was in a car accident and sustained a concussion. By Guru’s grace and the Siddha Yoga teachings, I was able to recover. Two days after the accident I had a dream in which Gurumayi healed me. Shortly after the accident Gurumayi’s poem “Astronomical Gratitude” was posted on the Siddha Yoga path website; it helped me immensely as I read it several times a day.
One night I woke up filled with fear. I meditated and remembered an experience I’d had when I was six years old. It was an experience of the Blue Being within myself and I knew that was my true Self. A voice said, “It is up to you to decide if you want to focus on your Self or your fear.” I chose the Self.
New York, United States

I wish to elucidate my gratitude for the complete transformation of my life that has taken place gradually over the last forty-four years since I met Baba.
The feelings that predominate in my life now are those of immense love, gratitude, and joy. What a difference from the young woman who met Baba with feelings of fear, despair, and longing! Steady progress rather than spectacular experiences has been my lot and I am ever so grateful for whatever it is that has caused me to persevere—even when, at times, it felt impossible that I would ever overcome the darkness in my heart.
Truly, all that sense of unworthiness, self-deprecation, and timorousness have left and I feel that I have the choice to never go there again. What gift could be more valuable? Whatever good fortune has guided my life is all the doing of my Guru. I would not want to change a second of the experiences I’ve had since our paths joined. They were never separate!
Clifton Hill, Australia

Over the years I have learned about practicing gratitude from Gurumayi’s teachings, from her inner guidance, and through lessons from life situations. I have noticed that when I am not feeling joy, saying or writing what I am grateful for helps bring me back to my natural state of joy.
Recently my mind was full of complaints about the many little things I expected my husband to do, and things felt tense between us. As I practiced gratitude, I felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted from my heart. In the days that followed, I was able to see the love in my husband’s actions, his eyes, and his words—love which has always been there.
a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth

In 1999 I was serving on staff at Shree Muktananda Ashram. I was feeling so close to touching God’s form, as if I could reach out, part a curtain, and touch and see That. My longing was so strong I went to sleep that night crying, praying that I might see, touch, and feel God. That night I had a dream
. A great being took my hand and walked me out into the blackness of the universe. When I stepped out, I experienced that the universe was sound, and this sound was love—an utterly enveloping love that filled every particle of my being.
New Jersey, United States

In the early 1990s I was going through a period of deep inner work with a variety of modalities. At this time I was also experiencing deep discontentment for no apparent reason; even the company of my best friends and family was unfulfilling. One morning I awoke to the words of a female voice saying: “It’s wonderful that you’re learning all of these things about yourself, but what more can you know about your Self?”
Soon after I learned about the Siddha Yoga path. When I had Gurumayi’s
darshan, the recognition arose within me that I was in the presence of the divine. Each day I count my blessings, for even when challenges arise in my life, I am aware of the greatest blessing of all, a mind that can perceive the ultimate Truth, thanks to the Guru’s grace.
New Jersey, United States

As I take in these wondrous shares, I remember so many of my own experiences of gratitude on the Siddha Yoga path— small and big, recent and past. All the issues and challenges of life seem to dissolve into higher experiences even when at first they seemed unsolvable. I believe this is due to grace, and this leads me to immense gratitude to my Guru.
Hindelang, Germany

In 2010 I received a diagnosis of incurable cancer. I had no symptoms so the consultant could not offer treatments designed to alleviate them.
I left his surgery with gratitude in my heart because I immediately remembered having heard a teaching implying that patients like me were very fortunate since they would come close to God very quickly. Even my imprecise memory of this teaching was sufficient to lift my spirits to a kind of exultation. Rather than a death sentence, I had been given a great gift— knowing I was worthy of coming close to God. Rather than dread, I felt jubilation! And I’m here to tell the tale!
I vividly recall leaving the hospital and feeling this understanding enter my mind, overriding all other reactions. In the process of writing this share now, I realize that the true gift was not that memory or any wise understanding I had but simply the presence of the Guru, which always manifests in my hour of need.
My gratitude for that knows no bounds.
Beccles, United Kingdom

I feel gratitude each time my mind is in silence. In this silence everything is in harmony. I experience peace and love. In these moments there are no words to express my gratitude, and sometimes I have to cry to give space to my gratitude.
Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

In my experience, miracles happen in us and around us at any given moment through the Guru’s grace. When my eyes and my heart are open at the same time, I am able to be fully present to what occurs at each precise moment and embrace it with gratitude.
This was particularly evident for me after I received a serious medical diagnosis about fifteen months ago. After my first emotional reaction, I understood that this experience was a gift of grace and a special opportunity for me to learn some truths that had not been accessible to me until then. I embraced the experience fully and was immediately blessed with a state of complete trust and gratitude that never left me, accompanying me to a full recovery.
For me, gratitude is a gift of divine grace that expands and grows into more and more gratitude.
New York, United States

I am grateful for the challenges, the joys, the great things, and the seemingly small things that together constitute my blessed life. Having reached a more leisurely time in my life, I’ve been reading my journals, written over fifty years, and reflecting on the transformation I’ve undergone since I received shaktipat from Baba Muktananda in 1970. The richness and depth of my sadhana experiences amaze me. My reading has allowed me to see the circumstances of my life as a whole, through the lens of time and experience, and to deepen my understanding of the dance of effort and grace that runs through it.
I find myself repeatedly drawn into and uplifted by my own descriptions of forgotten dreams and meditation experiences, significant interactions, and the countless moments of grace. I know that the best way for me to express gratitude for my tremendous good fortune is by embodying the sublime virtues, living each day as an offering to God, and giving thanks to Baba, Gurumayi, and Bade Baba for my blessed life.
Once my journal reading is completed, I intend to offer its gems to my family—and to Shakti Punja, the Siddha Yoga archives.
North Carolina, United States

Tonight I had the darshan of my beloved Guru in a dream. I was in a room and I saw Baba sitting there, with Gurumayi in front of him. Gurumayi was holding an arati tray and doing puja to Baba’s Guru. Baba and Gurumayi were looking at each other as one.
Suddenly I saw myself with an arati tray doing puja to Baba, as Gurumayi watched. As the arati tray circled, I saw Baba’s eyes filling with a light that was getting brighter and brighter. I could see how Baba’s body was a temple that was being filled completely by that divine light. Everything inside Baba was pure light.
When I woke up, I wanted to keep seeing that light inside Baba. But again and again, my consciousness went inside me, and I could see how that same light was shining inside me. I was filled with that light. A feeling of deep love and gratitude welled up in my heart for the gift I had just received.
Villanueva de la CaƱada, Spain

Whenever I offer prayers at my puja, it has always been my intention to pray eloquently. Yet each and every time, these are the only words that spontaneously pour out of my heart, overflowing with love: “With immense gratitude—thank you, Gurumayi. Thank you, Gurumayi. Thank you, Gurumayi.”
I know they are enough, because I feel peaceful as I experience the Guru’s reciprocal love and gratitude in my heart.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Each morning before my predawn meditation, I go to the balcony, stretch out my arms to the sky, and offer my gratitude to God and my beloved Gurumayi. I visualize them holding my hand and guiding me through the blessed day ahead.
Mersin, Turkey
Recently I was freezing cold. I boiled salted water along with a few leftover potatoes and put cream over them. When I felt warmth coming into my body, immense gratitude suddenly washed over me. I felt love in the food. Then I remembered Gurumayi telling the young boy Rohit to pray that all children have enough to eat. I prayed that this may be so for children and all people.
At night when I go to bed, I sometimes feel so grateful just to have a bed and its protection. Knowing that on this earth many people are sleeping on the street, and that having a bed to sleep in is something special, fills me with gratitude. Then I pray for a protected and soft, warm place to sleep for all.
Hindelang, Germany
I experience gratitude most when I get closer to understanding that God is behind everything that happens in my life. Then I am happier and I feel grateful.
Madrid, Spain

Recently I began to thank my body each morning before my morning meditation. I sit with myself and I contemplate how much it does for me and what a miracle my body is. I started this mostly because of how strongly I have been influenced and deeply moved by the love I feel when I practice “Gurumayi's Guidance.”
Together, these two practices have shifted my experience of living in my body. When I feel grateful, I feel good; it seems impossible to struggle and feel gratitude at the same time. I feel so much more at ease, and I notice I am much more present than I have ever been before. Even though Gurumayi has spoken so much over the years about gratitude, and I have practiced feeling grateful, I don’t think I really understood just how powerful this practice really is until now.
I am truly grateful for the practice of gratitude!
New York, United States

I thank God for all he has given me, all he continues to give me, and all he will give me in the future. I thank my Guru as the “physician” who opened the door of my heart, took me out of the dark cave of duality, and made me able to see the bright light of unity.
Rodez, France
A few days ago, I promised myself that I would gather the courage to continue my sadhana with enhanced efforts. As I applied myself to the practices, the worries in my life started to dissolve, and my dreams have become ecstatic and full of meaning. I am deeply grateful to Gurumayi for all her guidance in my life.
Mexico City, Mexico
I would like to express my gratitude for Gurumayi’s generous gift of the Siddha Yoga path website. During times of uncertainty and flux, the Siddha Yoga path website has been my connection, my home base, my daily ritual, and the single most constant and consistent source for me of uplifting, grounding, and transformative guidance and wisdom.
Maine, United States
The other day, I held the door open for a person behind me as we were going through a doorway. They then said, “Oh, thank you!” in a cheerful tone. After we went our separate ways, I felt joy and excitement inside. Because they had expressed their gratitude to me, I felt acknowledged and appreciated. If they had not said thank you, I would not even have remembered that moment.
After contemplating this experience, I realize that I can give people the opportunity to feel the same way I did by remembering to express my gratitude, even for the little things.
Minnesota, United States
Gratitude. This practice is one that I can undoubtedly say has been life-transforming. When I practice gratitude, the way I see the world changes, and almost like alchemy, the things I look at change. Miracles happen. When I take time to count my blessings, I only see more and more blessings come into my life.
New York, United States