Siddha Yogis Share about Gurumayi’s Message Artwork for 2016

Strength and Fluidity

I was at home by myself in the early morning, preparing to meditate. I was feeling great anticipation since I was going to begin my meditation by having darshan of Gurumayi’s Message Artwork for 2016 for the first time. I bowed my head to my puja, waved a stick of incense, and repeated Gurumayi’s Message for 2016 out loud three times. In this sacred atmosphere, I logged on to the Siddha Yoga path website.

When I saw the Message Artwork, I had a sense of strength and fluidity. I knew that these two qualities would be key for me as I applied Gurumayi’s Message in my sadhana. I had just received a diagnosis of arthritis in my knee, and I made a commitment to daily stretching and strengthening exercises. Doing these exercises regularly has greatly increased my mobility. At the same time, I began to notice the habitual contracted attitudes of my mind and made a decision to refrain from honoring them. As I replaced these attitudes with more generous thoughts, I began to step into the experience of greater freedom.

As I’ve continued to reflect on these qualities of strength and fluidity, and put them into practice for the past two-and-one-half months, I notice that I feel more loving and flexible in my reactions to people and situations.

It is exciting to discover that I have the strength and fluidity to move with whatever brings me closer to bliss. I am so grateful for this glorious gift of insight and this change in my life that came through my study of Gurumayi’s Message Artwork.

A Siddha Yogi from Massachusetts, USA

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