As I continue to engage with Gurumayi’s Message for 2025, I am refining my friendship with time. I am making more of an effort to show up for time, to be with time, to be present in each moment, to pause and discern what is the next step to take. Currently, I have the luxury of stretches of unscheduled time and I have begun to savor it as never before.
I have placed each teaching on time from Gurumayi on a notecard that I decorate with colored pencils, pastels, chalk, rubber stamps, or designed paper. Today I used a rubber stamp of two swans to accompany “The sweetness of time.”
Nurturing my creativity in relationship with each teaching is delightful! I am tasting the sweetness of time. It is a remarkable gift for which I am deeply grateful.
Michigan, United States
In my morning meditation, I recited the mantra Om Namah Shivaya at the beginning. Next, I repeated Gurumayi‘s Message for 2025 and then went quietly into the depths of my heart.
As I come out of meditation, I repeated today’s teaching, “The sweetness of time,” a few times. And I noticed a lot of sweet vibrations were born from the deep space of my heart, transmitted to every cell in my body, and then disappeared.
I strongly felt that “the sweetness of time” was the instantaneous moment of Gurumayi’s love, compassion, and grace.
Tokyo, Japan
The Sweetness of Time
What is the sweetness of time like?
When I am fully present, I can feel it.
The sweetness of good times,
when love is all around,
moments of laughter, moments of dancing.
The sweetness of difficult times,
when grace touches my heart,
whispering, “There is sweetness here too.”
Both these times offer their sweetness,
if I am aware, if I am open.
New York, United States
So time has its own sweetness! What is it like? How can I experience it? For me, the answer is in slowing down to approach each moment with attention, to taste its delicacy and freshness. Sweetness to me connotes softness, quietness, and warmth. In radiating the warmth of the Heart, in softening my thoughts, I experience the sweetness of my time.
Montreal, Canada
As I saw the image and zoomed in on it, I could see the beautiful, sacred bilva leaves, which reminded me of the sweetness of singing the hymn Bilvashtakam. I immediately sang it, feeling its own sweetness.
Thane, India
This teaching reminds me of the hummingbird in Gurumayi’s Message Artwork. I see the bird as focused, poised, and about to approach the flower with its delicate and precise movement to extract the nectar in the flower, leaving it intact. In this teaching, “The sweetness of time,” I can see the little hummingbird in my mind’s eye, which reminds me to walk gently, with purpose and poise, because in doing so, I can create the conditions within myself to experience sweetness.
South Melbourne, Australia
I find time sweet when I offer the practices with love; when I remember Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba and our lineage; when I sustain the awareness that my Self, Gurumayi, and God are one; when I see God in myself and others; when I remember our sangham; when I am grateful to God for Gurumayi, for nature, and for sadhana.
California, United States