When I reflect on this teaching, I picture a river, which is constantly moving and never stagnant. Whenever I feel stuck, unable to make a decision, or hesitant to take action, I have come to realize that it’s often because I’m resisting the natural flow of time. I become exhausted from fighting against the current, rather than recognizing and accepting that time always keeps moving.
Instead of trying to swim upstream, I can now see that the best thing to do is to move into the new current that has formed, let go of what was, and focus on what is now appropriate.
South Melbourne, Australia
Gurumayi’s teaching “The flow of time” reminds me of my fascination with the flow of water, and the experience of time I have as I watch it.
I am fortunate to live in a housing development on the site of an old paper mill, with the river still running through the estate. Whenever I walk around the grounds, I am always pulled to watch the water gushing through the weir which lies near to the entrance to my apartment block.
I can stand there, mesmerized, for some time—always fascinated by the churning, deafening water. Whenever I watch this spectacle, it feels so poignant to me—as if I am witnessing something primordial. The river’s whole being is in constant motion; no two moments of its flow—its rushing, gushing, unbridled movement—are the same.
Following these brief moments of meditation, I always walk away feeling peaceful, and with a sense of connection to a much higher perspective.
Guildford, United Kingdom
Today I danced to this teaching. It was a most ecstatic dance! “The flow of time” carried my body, heart, and mind to the rhythm of the beautiful, live music. I was able to totally lose myself in each moment, regardless of what anyone might think of my movements. The focus on
flow kept me centered.
Washington, United States
Flow is a word that, to me, connotes continuity, ease, and effortlessness. With flow, I am not exerting effort because the action is coming from my center and not from being a “doer,” even though I am the one making the effort to connect with my center.
I have been contemplating this while doing rigorous workouts on my swim team. Not only am I using my core, but I am visualizing the blue light of consciousness as the source of my action. I have the feeling that time is on my side, that connecting with my divinity puts me in sync with grace. I swim with less concern for the clock and with more focus on my Self as the effortless doer.
When I remember to approach time from my center—the place where I become established in my worthiness and my true identity—time flows. And I flow more easefully in the water.
California, United States
Time seems like a river that runs through my life. I can watch the river from the bank. I can put my canoe in the river and row upstream as hard as I can, looking for something I cannot find. I can put my raft in the river, equipped with all I need to flow along with time, and discover what the river holds for me.
I find I cannot push the river in any way; it carries me on and, although I can stop along the way, the river keeps moving regardless of my protesting demand to stop here or there for a while. Interestingly, the raft might move into a quiet spot, like meditation, where time seems to slow down, and then I swirl out into the river again into what seems like a freeway of boats—all maneuvering and going this way and that.
“The flow of time” can bring me anything. To me the question is, “What do I do with what it brings?”
California, United States
I am so grateful and happy to see two red-colored hearts in the border around this teaching. Yesterday I noticed my awareness was returning many times to the single red heart in the border for that day’s teaching, and was keeping me connected with the space of poise within. I am very excited to start the day with two hearts today!
Thane, India
Time flows for me when I live in my heart. Then I feel at one with the Self, humanity, and nature. Any friction I might sense in the moment dissolves into a sense of freedom. This fills me with contentment, and with gratitude for Gurumayi, our lineage, the sangham, and the practices.
California, United States