This teaching reminds me of the cyclical nature of time. It invites me to tune into the unique energies of each cycle—such as day and night, the phases of the moon, and the movement of the seasons. In this way, I can focus on making the most of my time, according to whatever cycle I am experiencing.
The image of the wheel is also a great encouragement for me to stay in my center, or at least to keep returning to it, and from that place of love, to move through the world.
Coburg, Australia
When I was contemplating this teaching, I realized that “the wheel of time” is moving with the speed prescribed by God. How perfect the motion of the wheel is—neither fast nor slow. In contrast, I am always rushing toward the office and working without noticing anything.
With this understanding, I paused and connected to the uninterrupted movement of the wheel. I started moving slowly, both mentally and physically, and was filled with profound stillness and joy. I realized that the purpose of this life is not to rush, but to understand that I need to be focused and connected with “the wheel of time” so that I can achieve everything with ease. I saw that this wheel is even in my breath. My contemplation is still going on…
Hyderabad, India
I recently experienced that everything in time reveals itself as grace, that everything is connected like the spokes on a wheel to the center, the divine Creator. I understood that even my perceived problems are the divine in disguise. With this new understanding, the tension I held in my body relaxed, and my problems melted away. I saw clearly how they were thoughts created from fears that weren’t even real at this moment in time.
I felt freedom in my heart and immense gratitude for Gurumayi and the Siddha Yoga path. I saw that everything comes from the divine Creator and returns to the Creator in the mysterious divine “wheel of time.”
Nora, Sweden
The teaching “The wheel of time” reminds me of the cycle of birth and death and how, through grace, I can step off the wheel of time into an eternity of brilliant golden light.
California, United States