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King Parikshit Seeks Liberation

Rendered by Margaret Simpson
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This story reminded me that the knowledge I seek is always right there in the Siddha Yoga teachings. Baba and Gurumayi have repeatedly and lovingly taught me to chant with love and devotion and to understand that the one who chants the name of God, the name itself, and God are all one, a single unity.
This story from the Shrimad Bhagavatam is a wonderful illustration and gentle reminder to me of these teachings. And fortunately, I don’t have to be told that I'm going to die in order to apply them! In every moment, whether joyful or sorrowful, I can remember to chant the Name, chant the Name, chant the Name!

Florida, United States

This story reminds me that from my beginning on the Siddha Yoga path when I was twenty-three years old, it was clear to me that I wanted liberation. At that time, I had the idea that liberation would come to me in one or two years, and it would be an extraterrestrial experience of lights and sounds.
Now, thirty-three years later, I think of liberation as a state which is free of pain and filled with physical health, mental balance, emotional stability, and the experience of abundance in my life. Instead of becoming a saint or a siddha, I just became more myself. I live a life that is perfect for me, and I am content with all I have.
I am deeply thankful for my spiritual master, my Guru, Gurumayi. I feel that she is always with me, guiding and uplifting me. Her teachings are helping me to make the best out of my life.

Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

Shukadev tells the King, “In this dark age of Kali Yuga when goodness, discipline, and righteousness are in peril, chanting God’s name is the saving grace.” When I read this, it was a wake-up call for me to stay aware, stay awake, and chant!

Because of this reminder I’ve reinvigorated my practice of chanting. In addition to sitting and chanting with Gurumayi on CD and reciting Shri Guru Gita, now I chant when going about my day—when arising, showering, doing dishes, driving. With chanting as a portable support, I’m finding it easier to choose lightheartedness and optimism instead of anger and fear. It might sound small, but it feels huge inside!

Oregon, United States

Recently, during Ganesh Utsava, I began chanting each morning for help in removing the obstacles in my sadhana. I was aware that I had created these obstacles myself, but I could not see how to let go of them.

I chanted to Lord Ganesh for several mornings and found that the chant continued within me through the days and nights that followed. My intention to allow grace to work became stronger. As the chant became more insistent, I found ways to remove these obstacles from my life.
When I read this story of King Parikshit, it was a confirmation to me of the power of chanting the Lord's name.

London, United Kingdom

I am so happy to see this story from the Shrimad Bhagavatam on the Siddha Yoga path website. During the lockdown, my family and I have been listening to and exploring the meaning of the Shrimad Bhagavatam, which is so filled with love and devotion. When I saw there was a story from the Shrimad Bhagavatam on the website, my mother and I jumped for joy. We feel we are always connected to Gurumayi, and she is guiding us from within.

Chennai, India

What an inspiring story. I love how dharmic and steady the king is. He is such a wonderful role model. I admire the way he embraces his situation without getting upset; he makes the situation a perfect support to help him focus on his sadhana and liberation.

Washington, United States

This glorious story on the power of chanting affirmed my own experience of chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivaya as part of my daily meditation practice.
Chanting’s effect on me is so powerful. It’s as if I were soaking up the sun, as if my breath coincided with the ebb and flow of the waves on the shore. When I chant, I can see and hear God’s wonderful manifestations, and this makes me feel truly blessed.

La Zorrila, Spain

This morning, I chanted "Rama Raghava" and my heart became full of ecstasy. When I later read the story of King Parikshit, I realized that chanting with joy gives a seeker a taste of the experience of liberation.
It felt so heartening to know that just by immersing myself in chanting, I'm moving forward on the path of sadhana. It was like having Gurumayi whisper in my ear, "You can do it! You can reach the goal!"
Wherever you may be in the world, the Siddha Yoga path website is truly a channel for the Guru's grace.

Burnaby, Canada

It's amazing how much these stories breathe with wisdom. They never wither with age. They simply grow stronger and more resonant with time. They are a tremendous comfort and guide.
Thank you for making them available.

Kentucky, USA

How wonderful to have this teaching on how the end of life can become a time of purpose, gratitude, blessing, love, and liberation. Thank you so very much.

Port Macquarie, Australia

Since reading the story, “King Parikshit Seeks Liberation,” I have refreshed my practice of chanting. Now, whenever I chant, I try to "melt in the love of the Name," as Shukadev counseled Parikshit to do. When I've become completely focused, I can feel the vibrations of the Name throughout my body. I am enveloped in a joy as soft and sweet as rose petals. Even when I am not able to fully maintain my focus, I feel lighter. I know that the Name is purifying my being.

I am so grateful to the Guru for teaching us about the practice of chanting.

Horsham, Australia

Reading Sage Shukadev's profound words, I was moved by his compassion and wisdom, and a silent space opened within me. Then I heard the namasankirtana, Rama Krishna Hari, arise spontaneously within. I felt love welling up inside and my eyes filled with tears, all while sitting in the middle of a busy airport lounge!

How compassionate! Even in this age of Kali Yuga, we can find liberation by chanting the names of God. I resolved to focus more intently on realizing the fullness of this great path through chanting.

Yulara, Australia

One night recently I was wondering, "Is it too late for me to love and serve God completely?" Immediately my eyes were drawn to a photo of Gurumayi and I heard an inner voice say, "You still have eyes to read the teachings. You still have a good mind to contemplate. You still have ears to hear the Guru's beautiful words. And you still have a voice to chant God's name." Since then I have been using my time more carefully to read, study, and contemplate. And I chant God's name every day.

Thank you, Gurumayi, for this beautiful reminder to use our time wisely and to chant God's name. Thank you to the sevites who use their time to serve the Guru through this website.

Washington, USA

Sage Shukadev’s first words rang out for me as if they were being sounded by trumpets: "Liberation is within you. You can find it in any moment. All you have to do is chant the name of God."
The direction is so clear. The sage's words are assuring and filled with promise. I received them as a command and a wondrous benediction.
Thank you, Gurumayi. Once again, the material posted on this website has strengthened my resolve. I walk this path with a happy heart, knowing that your grace is with us.

Wisconsin, USA

What a marvelous story, illustrating our beloved Gurus' teachings about the liberating power of chanting the name of God. This entire weekend, I was immersed in scriptural study and chanting, and despite several challenges I am facing now, I am experiencing total bliss and freedom.
Thank you to Gurumayi and Baba. Thank you to all the sevites who make it possible for me to engage with the teachings on the website while in my own home.

Florida, USA

This story was a powerful reminder for me that, no matter how complex or difficult circumstances might seem, the Guru's grace has provided me with a very accessible and simple solution: chanting God's name. It is so reassuring to actually experience the peace and clarity that come, invariably, when I remember to stop focusing on whatever drama may be claiming my attention on the outside and to turn my attention within­—to a place that is always calm, aware, and fearless. Chanting is a very tangible, beautiful, and infallible means for me to do that.
I am so grateful for this story which has, not surprisingly, come at the perfect time to remind me of what is truly important and meaningful in my life, and to encourage me to move toward that.

London, United Kingdom

I am so moved by Parikshit’s sweet question to Shukadev: “Can you help me?” It brings me back to one of my first encounters with Baba when I asked him the very same question. It was a time of vulnerability and surrender for me, and I see this in Parikshit too—along with his humility and acceptance of his destiny. This story has touched me deeply.

Ohio, USA

In this beautiful story I was struck by the sentence, "Now he would devote all of his energy to finding God." With this in mind, King Parikshit went on a pilgrimage to find one who could lead him to liberation.
With immense gratitude, I realized that with the Guru in my life, and having received shaktipat, I already am able to devote all my energy to finding God. In countless ways Gurumayi has shown me how to remember God while I live my day-to-day life. The Siddha Yoga practices are so alive, so immediate in bringing me to the experience of God. The website is a constant source of new wonder and new ways to contemplate my own and others' divinity. And chanting is so blissful!
Gurumayi, I am endlessly grateful for your constant grace, your profound love, and your boundless generosity.

Melbourne, Australia

Last night I looked up in the sky and saw the most exquisite five-layer rainbow around the moon, glistening with colors that seem to travel straight to my soul. I started to chant Hari Rama Hari Krishna. I felt like I was singing in tune with the cascading moonlight, the soft whisper of the wind in the trees, and the gentle quietness of the grass under my feet.
In that moment I thought about how the story of King Parikshit shows that liberation is possible for us in each and every moment, and I offered my heart to the Guru in the expansive vastness of a canopy of celestial night sky.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for this powerful and inspiring story.

Hawaii, USA

What a wonderful story! I felt that we were all sitting in front of Gurumayi, and I could hear her voice as she told us about King Parikshit.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for shaktipat diksha and for the practice of Siddha Yoga chanting. You have given us the means to liberation. Thank you for this wonderful website through which we can experience your presence and go deeper in our sadhana.

Gandhinagar, India

I have been experiencing a challenge in my life, and my mind has been restless. This morning when I woke up, I heard an inner voice saying that the story of King Parikshit would be complete and would guide me. I opened the website, and with great delight, I read the second part of this beautiful story.
When I read the words, "...finally Parikshit realized that the breath was God, the sound was God," I was drawn inside to listen to the sound of my breath. I was pulsating with the breath. My entire body was moving with the breath, and my mind at last experienced peace and calm.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for this beautiful experience.

Rome, Italy

I was captivated by the dramatic events in the first part of this story. Then, I read on. As Shukadev and Parikshit chanted the name of God, I became very calm. I was reminded of how, even with the dramas of everyday life going on around me, it is so sweet to chant the name of God.
Thank you, Gurumayi, for this example of how to lead a joyful life.

London, United Kingdom

I read Sage Shamika’s wise words to his son: “You must learn to control your anger.” I paused to ponder his words and noticed that he did not say, “You must learn not to feel anger.” 
I think anyone can be provoked to feelings of anger when stressed enough. Control and mastery of the anger are what is important.

New York, USA

I, too, was struck by the sage’s compassion for Parikshit. I see how I sometimes overreact to relatively minor transgressions. I’m also struck by Sage Shamika’s humility. He did not have a holier-than-thou attitude toward Parikshit—quite the opposite. I see how humility is the foundation for so many virtues and how lack of humility—self-importance—can lead to devastating consequences. A great teaching.
I’m so grateful to be in this online classroom with like-minded students who share their experience and insights so generously. I feel supported in my sadhana and taken deeper in my contemplation.

Massachusetts, USA

There are so many teachings in this story, and when I read it, I found myself excited, like a small child, to hear the rest. I received two teachings from the story. One was from the way the sage Shamika, instead of being overly concerned by the fact that Parikshit had put a dead snake around his neck, told his son not to distress himself over something so trivial. This is a good reminder to me not to so easily get distressed over inconsequential matters.

The second teaching was from Shamika’s compassion for the state Parikshit was in that drove him to such a careless act, and his emphasis on Parikshit’s goodness. It teaches me that even when I or other people do not act in the highest way, I can remember our own goodness.

Massachusetts, USA

Sometimes when I'm stressed, I experience a bubble of quick-fire anger. Mostly, I don't show it outwardly, but when I calm down, it's hard to forgive myself. The sage's peaceful forgiveness reminds me that when these moments do occur, I can connect back with my inner Self, where forgiveness and compassion reside, and be at peace with myself once again.

Auckland, New Zealand

This is an excellent example of the need for self-restraint and control of anger. Baba has taught us to see God in each other. That, with love and humility, leads to calmness and self-restraint. These noble virtues would have avoided such a disastrous outcome.

Thanks for this example. In our daily life, it is also very important to have self-control and calmness, with love and respect.

South Carolina, USA

I was sitting down to study tonight to prepare for my Siddha Yoga study group tomorrow. We are studying the virtues from Birthday Bliss, one per week. The virtue for this week is Mastery. I looked in a few Siddha Yoga books and wasn't able to find a reference to this virtue; then I noticed the new story on the website homepage. 
I was drawn to read through the story and was astonished to find on the last page the sage Shamika's instruction to his son: "I command you to…perform austerities until you have learned self-mastery." Really, how amazing is that! 
Thank you, Gurumayi; you are so with us! And now I look forward even more to our study group.

Hurlstone Park, Australia