Sunday, September 6, 2020
Dear readers,
After you received the wonderful and informative letter yesterday from Rohini Menon, who was formerly the Managing Director for the “Be in the Temple” satsangs, you must have been anticipating what I, Swami Akhandananda, the newly appointed Managing Director for live video streams on the Siddha Yoga path website, might have to share with you.
I hope I succeeded in putting a smile on your face with my introduction. Let me share why I used the phrase put a smile on your face. I’ve been smiling ever since I received shaktipat from Baba Muktananda when I was a teenager. And I know that many, many, many of you have also received shaktipat from our Siddha Yoga Gurus, and I often think of how your beautiful and electric smiles are illuminating this world.
Speaking about smiles—some of you may have read Gurumayi’s book of poems, Smile, Smile, Smile, or listened to her audio recording of these poems. I highly recommend that you study this wisdom once again during these uncertain times. Rediscover how these poems draw you into your heart and bring greater light to your perception of life.
Each week, in my role as Managing Director, I will communicate to you the topic of the live video stream that you are invited to participate in that week. These live video streams will be educational in nature—they will be study sessions. And it is my honor to share with you that Gurumayi has given a title that will motivate all of us to study even more:
You will learn more about the meaning of this title, “Svādhyāya,” in the weekly study sessions.
The SYDA Foundation will be holding the first study session of “Svādhyāya” on Saturday, September 12—via live video stream in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. I’ll be giving you more details about this study session, including the time, in a subsequent communication.
As all of you are well aware, you have been making efforts to abide by a great two-word phrase during the pandemic: stay safe. Throughout 2020, Stay safe has been a mandate from many governments around the world to their citizens. And these two words have given rise to different emotions and reactions; they’ve brought to light the love-hate relationship that people have with staying home and keeping physical distance from one another, with being out of work (and the effect that has on their livelihood), with children not being in school, and so on and so forth. Astronomical numbers of people have needed to upend their lives in response to the governmental orders and protections. Some people have been able to get by fairly well during this time, and even make it productive and fruitful; however, not everyone has had the resources to overcome the various challenges that have appeared before them, seemingly out of the blue.
In the face of all this, what shall we do, as students on the Siddha Yoga path?
Regardless of the intensity of our current circumstances, and the unyielding grip the pandemic has had on our lives, we must recall Gurumayi’s teaching: “Make the best of every situation.” Just this year, Gurumayi has said that we may hold these two words—stay safe—as a dear affirmation. By thinking to yourself and saying to one another, “Stay safe,” you affirm that your life—and the lives of others—are endowed with the blessedness of safety. You invite safety and security into everyone’s life.
Stay safe, everyone!
Let me conclude by sharing a pun to brighten your smile:
A question to ponder: What is the longest word in the English language?
The answer is smiles. Because there is a mile between its first and last letters!
Warm regards,

Swami Akhandananda
Managing Director for Svādhyāya Study Sessions
SYDA Foundation
While always in great appreciation for the Guru’s grace in my life, I am especially grateful for Gurumayi's guidance during this tumultuous time. One hears so many conflicting perspectives that it can sometimes be difficult to know what to think, what to believe, how to act.
Thanks to Gurumayi's compassionate and loving words and her presence, clarity dissolves any doubts I might have had. Those doubts are put to rest as her words, as always, direct me to the power of maintaining my connection with my inner divinity, of my spiritual practices, of the global Siddha Yoga
sangham, and of returning my focus to that which is truly foundational in my life.
Nanaimo, Canada
I read Swami ji’s letter with a smile on my face. About a year ago, I became aware that my state was unnecessarily heavy and serious, and I realized that Gurumayi laughed often. I set the intention to lighten up. Soon after, Gurumayi’s face started to appear in my meditations—her eyes and mouth in a compassionate smile. At times Baba or Bade Baba would appear in my meditations smiling or laughing too. Over the ensuing months, my state lightened considerably.
I started to visualize their smiles as a practice in itself. When I pictured Gurumayi smiling, I was no longer overly serious and bogged down by problems. Sometimes I would break out in laughter! To this day, this practice is one of the easiest and quickest ways for me to access the Self.
You can imagine my excitement when I read Swami ji’s recommendation to study Gurumayi’s book
Smile, Smile, Smile. I look forward to seeing where this study will carry me and my fellow Siddha Yogis.
California, United States
Reading Swami ji’s letter brought an instant smile to my face. When I remember Shri Gurumayi’s grace and protection, I know I’m safe. The efforts I make are to do my practices and keep thinking of the very first time I met Gurumayi. That very thought brings a smile to light up my face.
Lucknow, India
I am grateful to Swami ji for bringing a smile to my face. My mental state was not so good this morning due to a challenge I had been facing. But when I read this wonderful letter, my state of mind changed. I started feeling lighthearted, and a practical solution to address the challenge arose.
Surat, India
I am excited to study
svadhyaya in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall. I have felt the urge to recite sacred texts to invoke harmony between living beings and the natural world. I am grateful for Gurumayi's generosity.
Washington, United States
I love this letter from Swami ji! What stood out for me was his emphasis on the importance and power of the words:
Stay safe.
Recently I had to undergo some medical treatments every day for six weeks. Each day I took a taxi to the hospital and another one home again, so I met about sixty taxi drivers. I found myself spontaneously saying the words
stay safe to the driver at the end of every ride. Almost without exception, the driver would turn to me and smile, seeing my sincere wish in my smile as I held his gaze and wished him well. Although we wore masks, the smiles were conveyed through our eyes. It was such a blessing to give and receive this love and reassurance.
London, United Kingdom
Reading the wonderful letter from Swami Akhandananda put a big smile on my face! I can't wait to dive deeper into my heart and the Siddha Yoga teachings in this new series of study sessions on
svadhyaya. What a gift, what a golden opportunity, to learn to find peace of mind during these uncertain times!
Nora, Sweden
Whenever I read a letter or any other posting on the Siddha Yoga path website, it is exactly what I need to read and contemplate that particular day.
Today, I felt comforted to read Swami ji's reminder of Gurumayi’s teaching to "Make the best of every situation." It strengthened my conviction that with Guru's grace I will overcome any challenge that comes my way, and that’s what I needed to hear.
Willemstad, Curacao
A very warm welcome to Swami Akhandananda, who will be guiding and inspiring us in the wonderful live video streams awaiting us! I'm so happy we’ll all be together again in the Universal Hall to explore the Siddha Yoga teachings and receive Gurumayi’s many blessings. And I'm grateful for the generous hearts that offer
seva in these up-and-coming
Svadhyaya study sessions
Milan, Italy
Recently I've been challenged in my work as a nurse practitioner because of pandemic-related changes. Yesterday, I reflected on the value and preciousness of my life, as well as that of my patients and colleagues, and I received the inner guidance that safety is the most important priority. So today, when I read Swami ji’s letter quoting Gurumayi and reminding us to
stay safe, I was both amazed by and grateful for this synchronicity.
I love the title "
Svadhyaya" that Gurumayi has given to the new study sessions! I’ve observed that on the days when I recite
Shri Guru Gita, I feel good and my day goes better. So I am eagerly looking forward to these study sessions entitled
California, United States
I felt it was a dream come true when I read about the
Svadhyaya study sessions via live video stream. How wonderful that everyone can engage in these sessions, no matter where we are in the world.
Mexico City, Mexico
This letter, highlighting the value of a smile, reminded me of a dream of Baba I had recently. In the dream, I was with Baba in a
satsang hall with a few other people. Baba had a shawl wrapped fully around his face. He dropped the shawl a little, revealing his beautiful eyes. Then he revealed his full face and radiant smile. Finally, he covered his mouth with the shawl, so only the eyes could be seen. His eyes were smiling!
I felt Baba was showing me in the dream that the eyes can smile. And it was a great message, especially during these times when wearing a mask over our mouths is required, because even so, I can still share a smile with my eyes.
Montreal, Canada