I feel so inspired by viewing the creative expressions arising from so many great souls' experience of Gurumayi's Message. My inspiration is born from the enthusiasm I feel in realizing that, when I view the creative expressions of these Siddha Yogis, I have connected with their hearts.
I am deeply grateful for this glorious heart-to-heart experience.
San Felipe, Mexico
I love looking at these creative expressions, which emanate so much joy and peace! I am amazed at the wonderful variety of images, colors, and styles. Each is a unique expression, like leaves on a tree, beautiful individually and powerful as a whole. I feel the light of the Self shining through the creativity of all the Siddha Yogis who contributed these images.
North Carolina, USA
Whenever I have a free moment, I look at these beautiful works of art, photos, and nature images. I find that this moves me more deeply into my practice of the Guru's teachings. I realize that words are not always capable of expressing our inner feelings or the depth of our understanding. In my own life, I look for unique ways to express my understanding through paintings, nature photos, or any kind of art that conveys meaning from the moments of my life.
Through sharing all these works of art, I see how the individual experiences and understanding—all reflecting the same teachings of Gurumayi—are manifested in varied, multifaceted ways. This is such a divine way to be connected with all of you.
Thank you, Gurumayi ji, for giving us a unique path to express our inner understandings and feelings, beyond the border of our minds.
Ghoti, India