As we sat listening to the rain, one of the photographers returned to the Temple. Her eyes were bright with excitement. She told Gurumayi that a full rainbow was indeed arching over the Ashram.
At Gurumayi’s invitation we all hastened outside to see the rainbow. We oohed and aahed at the splendid sight for a few moments, the soles of our feet bathed by the warm showers from above. It was like love rising from the earth and love beaming from the sky.
Again the thunder rolled. Gurumayi raised her hands in the air and led us in three jubilant rounds of Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jay!
We re-entered the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple and took our seats. The rainfall continued to gently blanket the lush green gardens. Gesturing to the scene outside the window, Gurumayi turned to one of the Siddha Yoga musicians, a professional flutist, and said, “Now you may play your silver flute in her glory.”
As the musician raised the flute to his lips, we heard again the resounding rhythmic dance of raindrops on the Temple roof.
Gurumayi laughed, saying, “Now it will be a competition between the music made by the ensemble and the music of the spheres!” We all laughed at this divine play.
I was offering seva in the satsang as a lead chanter in the ensemble. When I heard Gurumayi’s words, I focused even more intently on the sound of the rain. Then I slowly turned my head to look over my right shoulder, and leaned toward the Temple window right behind me. I peered up at the sky and was astounded by what I saw. Without thinking, I let out a gasp. Hearing this, Gurumayi asked me what had happened. I shared with her my amazement at what was taking place outside. Gurumayi said, “Then we must all go outside. I am sure
Bade Baba will be happy for us to see what is happening in the heavens. It is his gift.”
Let me give you a glimpse of the breathtaking skyscape we witnessed. The setting sun, behind the dark clouds, was glistening though the translucent raindrops, giving a slow-motion quality to the rain. Clouds bloomed like great lotuses unfurling in a rippling pool of light. Others formed vast, towering mountains. The whole expanse of sky was alive with the rolling and tumbling of clouds at play in the bright rain.

We watched, spellbound. Time stood still. Space dissolved. Everyone had become part of one boundless Consciousness. It was no longer just we who were celebrating Gurumayi’s birthday; we had received the invitation to be in step with the heavenly beat. We were moving in harmony with heaven and earth—into the Temple, out of the Temple, in once again, out once again—as naturally as the sun moved in and out of the clouds. We felt at one with nature, immersed in her generous bounty, reveling in the scent of warm earth, the soft splash of raindrops on the leaves, the splendor of the sky. We were communing with heaven above and earth below. As we received nature’s blessings, we offered our thankfulness, our worship, our love. In this eternal circle of giving and receiving, all the elements within and without were permeated with pure happiness.
After this celebration satsang I heard experiences from Siddha Yogis in other parts of the world that were in awesome synchrony with the events in Shree Muktananda Ashram. One example that stands out for me is from an Indian devotee who celebrated Gurumayi’s birthday in California several days ahead of time by writing the following poem as an offering to Gurumayi:
Sacred Day
Blessings shower from the sky above,
Auspicious hymns resound in the air,
The earth is swaying in ecstasy,
The entire universe is swaying in ecstasy.
The Auspicious Day has arrived!
The Golden Day is here!!
Birds are chirping away,
Their lighthearted voices full of ardor,
See how the breeze gently blows,
Gathering the fragrance of flowers in its folds.
The Sacred Day has arrived!
The Blessed Day is here!!
Lamps of hope are lit,
Jubilation is extending the invitation,
Sway, dance, become intoxicated,
Absorbed in the nectar of love.
The Splendid Day has arrived!
The Maha Day is here!!
Reading the poem, I understood that this birthday celebration had been divinely ordained in the ethereal spheres a long time ago. Therefore, no matter where Gurumayi’s devotees were in this universe, just by thinking about how they wished to celebrate Gurumayi and her birthday, they were able to experience the essence of this divine birthday party.
I know this is mind-blowing. I am still unpacking it myself to more fully grasp its immensity.
Click here to read Part III
As we sat listening to the rain, one of the photographers returned to the Temple. Her eyes were bright with excitement. She told Gurumayi that a full rainbow was indeed arching over the Ashram.
At Gurumayi’s invitation we all hastened outside to see the rainbow. We oohed and ahead at the splendid sight for a few moments, the soles of our feet bathed by the warm showers from above. It was like love rising from the earth and love beaming from the sky.
Again the thunder rolled. Gurumayi raised her hands in the air and led us in three jubilant rounds of Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jay!
We re-entered the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple and took our seats. The rainfall continued to gently blanket the lush green gardens. Gesturing to the scene outside the window, Gurumayi turned to one of the Siddha Yoga musicians, a professional flutist, and said, “Now you may play your silver flute in her glory.”
As the musician raised the flute to his lips, we heard again the resounding rhythmic dance of raindrops on the Temple roof.
Gurumayi laughed, saying, “Now it will be a competition between the music made by the ensemble and the music of the spheres!” We all laughed at this divine play.
I was offering seva in the satsang as a lead chanter in the ensemble. When I heard Gurumayi’s words, I focused even more intently on the sound of the rain. Then I slowly turned my head to look over my right shoulder, and leaned toward the Temple window right behind me. I peered up at the sky and was astounded by what I saw. Without thinking, I let out a gasp. Hearing this, Gurumayi asked me what had happened. I shared with her my amazement at what was taking place outside. Gurumayi said, “Then we must all go outside. I am sure
Bade Baba will be happy for us to see what is happening in the heavens. It is his gift.”
Let me give you a glimpse of the breathtaking skyscape we witnessed. The setting sun, behind the dark clouds, was glistening though the translucent raindrops, giving a slow-motion quality to the rain. Clouds bloomed like great lotuses unfurling in a rippling pool of light. Others formed vast, towering mountains. The whole expanse of sky was alive with the rolling and tumbling of clouds at play in the bright rain.

We watched, spellbound. Time stood still. Space dissolved. Everyone had become part of one boundless Consciousness. It was no longer just we who were celebrating Gurumayi’s birthday; we had received the invitation to be in step with the heavenly beat. We were moving in harmony with heaven and earth—into the Temple, out of the Temple, in once again, out once again—as naturally as the sun moved in and out of the clouds. We felt at one with nature, immersed in her generous bounty, reveling in the scent of warm earth, the soft splash of raindrops on the leaves, the splendor of the sky. We were communing with heaven above and earth below. As we received nature’s blessings, we offered our thankfulness, our worship, our love. In this eternal circle of giving and receiving, all the elements within and without were permeated with pure happiness.
After this celebration satsang I heard experiences from Siddha Yogis in other parts of the world that were in awesome synchrony with the events in Shree Muktananda Ashram. One example that stands out for me is from an Indian devotee who celebrated Gurumayi’s birthday in California several days ahead of time by writing the following poem as an offering to Gurumayi:
Sacred Day
Blessings shower from the sky above,
Auspicious hymns resound in the air,
The earth is swaying in ecstasy,
The entire universe is swaying in ecstasy.
The Auspicious Day has arrived!
The Golden Day is here!!
Birds are chirping away,
Their lighthearted voices full of ardor,
See how the breeze gently blows,
Gathering the fragrance of flowers in its folds.
The Sacred Day has arrived!
The Blessed Day is here!!
Lamps of hope are lit,
Jubilation is extending the invitation,
Sway, dance, become intoxicated,
Absorbed in the nectar of love.
The Splendid Day has arrived!
The Maha Day is here!!
Reading the poem, I understood that this birthday celebration had been divinely ordained in the ethereal spheres a long time ago. Therefore, no matter where Gurumayi’s devotees were in this universe, just by thinking about how they wished to celebrate Gurumayi and her birthday, they were able to experience the essence of this divine birthday party.
I know this is mind-blowing. I am still unpacking it myself to more fully grasp its immensity.
Click here to read Part III