Kundalini Shakti
Lit., “coiled one.”
The goddess Kundalini; also, the power of spiritual evolution in a human being. The dormant form of this spiritual energy is represented as lying coiled at the base of the spine; when awakened and guided by a Siddha Guru and nourished by the seeker’s disciplined effort, this energy brings about purification of the seeker’s being at all levels, and leads to the permanent experience of one’s divine nature.
Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jay
An invocation that means “Hail to the true Guru!” On the Siddha Yoga path, it is recited at the beginning and completion of a spiritual activity to invoke the Guru’s grace and express gratitude.
Literally, “to go straight to the goal; to accomplish.” Sadhana is disciplined practice undertaken to attain the goal of a spiritual path. The four foundational practices of Siddha Yoga sadhana are meditation, chanting, seva, and dakshina. The goal of Siddha Yoga sadhana is spiritual transformation leading to liberation.
SYDA Foundation
A not-for-profit organization founded in 1973. The SYDA Foundation’s role is to protect, preserve, and facilitate the dissemination of the Siddha Yoga teachings. The SYDA Foundation creates and produces Siddha Yoga teaching and learning events and sadhana tools for Siddha Yogis worldwide.