Monday, September 7, 2020
Dear readers,
Yesterday, I announced to you that study sessions will be taking place each week in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall via live video stream on the Siddha Yoga path website.
I’m happy to share with you that in the first study session I will elaborate on the meaning and the importance of the title that Gurumayi has given to these study sessions:
The Siddha Yoga path website is a treasure house of knowledge and experiences of the Siddha Yoga teachings and practices. Usually at the end of a satsang, you must rely on the power of your memory to recall and retain what you heard, what you learned, and what you experienced. This is not the case when we have at our fingertips the Siddha Yoga path website. The exquisite gems of wisdom—such as Gurumayi Chidvilasananda’s poems and talks, the study tools on Gurumayi’s Message for 2020, the recordings of Siddha Yoga music—remain posted for you to visit and revisit, study and study again, and share with new seekers who are interested in following a spiritual path.
I have also heard that many people—regardless of age—have shared with their friends how they are not aware of all that is available on the Siddha Yoga path website to support their Siddha Yoga sadhana. They are unclear about how to navigate this website and discover all of the study tools. It’s understandable! The knowledge available on the Siddha Yoga path website is as deep as the ocean. It’s an incredible library of Siddha Yoga teachings.
Therefore, as the Managing Director for these study sessions, I have planned for the first study session to include a tutorial on how to navigate the Siddha Yoga path website efficiently and successfully. And my hope is that once you learn this in depth, you will be able to share how to do this with anyone who might need your support.
For you to access this library of Siddha Yoga teachings in a time-effective manner, and to optimize your study and practice, the SYDA Foundation is holding this tutorial, which will be conducted by Sandeep Knoesel, SYDA Foundation Website Department Head. Sandeep was assigned to be the Website Department Head in December 2014. As you know, he has been doing a great job in ensuring that the Siddha Yoga teachings are available and accessible to you, to further your Siddha Yoga sadhana.
In order to accommodate people in different international time zones and to support your full participation, the first Svādhyāya study session on Saturday, September 12, will take place twice:
- 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (USA)
- 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (USA)
Here are some further details:
- Each of these tutorials will cover the same information, so please tune in at the time that is convenient for you.
- The tutorials scheduled for this Saturday will be in English, and translations will be available at a later date.
Stay safe, everyone! And make time for the study sessions in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall.
Warm regards,

Swami Akhandananda
Managing Director for Svādhyāya Study Sessions
SYDA Foundation
Learning where to find the recitation of
Shri Gur Gita on the Siddha Yoga path website was a tremendous gift for me! After reciting it every Sunday for a long time using the CD, the first time I recited
Shri Guru Gita along with the recording on the website, I was overcome with gratitude, and warmth filled my heart. Afterwards, my meditation was deep and sweet.
Zeehan, Australia
I am very grateful for the tutorial that Sandeep offered on navigating the Siddha Yoga path website—and for the website itself. I learned a lot.
Benefiting from the tutorial, I have just finished chanting
Shri Guru Gita once again, using the audio recording I found under “Chanting” in the section on “The Practices.” It was an exquisite experience. I am so grateful to be able to chant with my beloved Guru in this way, and with this gorgeous and powerful recording.
Colorado, United States
After the initial
satsang, I used my new knowledge about navigating the website to find "Chanting
Om Namah Shivaya" at I found this by typing “chanting Om Namah Shivaya” in the search bar and chanted along before gliding into meditation.
The Siddha Yoga path website is a lifeline for me, as it keeps me focused where I want to be, on the Truth. I am so grateful for this way to continue to deepen my study of
Ohio, United States
Although I thought I could navigate the website pretty well without help, I decided to participate in the study session with an open heart and mind. The tutorial about navigating the website proved to be a wonderful gift.
When Sandeep pointed out the bar at the top of the homepage, the tab “The Guru” stood out to me like a beacon. I looked through it carefully, and found the sections “Darshan and Wisdom” of Gurumayi, Baba Muktananda, and Bade Baba there. Previously, I had tried to access these collections with varying success. Now that I know just where to go, I am treating them as a calendar of teachings, with one for each day of the month. I focus on the number of the photograph and the accompanying teaching as if it were a daily scheduled appointment.
I find it difficult to sufficiently express my gratitude for this mysterious path. My heart feels full.
Woollamia, Australia
After years of accessing the Siddha Yoga path website, I was surprised at what I learned about navigating it from the tutorial. During the session, inside the tab for “The Guru," I saw a button for “Accounts of Satsangs with Gurumayi,” and I knew I would soon go back there.
This morning I read about the installation of Bade Baba's
murti in Shri Nilaya. I learned so much history I was previously unaware of. As I looked at the pictures, I loved seeing the layout of the space. I will always remember this when we are invited into the Universal Hall in
Shri Nilaya for future livestreams. I had a strong experience of Bade Baba's
murti radiating such welcome and love!
Ohio, United States
satsang felt new and different to me. I enjoyed not knowing quite what to expect and the feeling that I was “all ears,” both interested and alert, as I used to feel when going back to school as a young student. Only this time, I was aware of the presence of grace and the sparkle it brings to learning.
I’m deeply moved by Gurumayi’s creative dedication to us all. And I’m so grateful to everyone involved in the production of both the website and the
Kentucky, United States
I am grateful for the magnificent explanation of how to navigate the Siddha Yoga path website. Although I am very familiar with the website, there were new things I learned; it was wonderful discovery to find the webpages for the deities in the archives section.
It is marvelous to be able to chant with audio recordings of the
namasankirtanas on the monthly calendar page. I have been doing this every night this week, and I feel as if I am in the Temple chanting in the radiant presence of Bade Baba. I can close my eyes and feel I am there again.
I pray that I will never forget the
prasad we have been receiving and continue to receive during these times. I feel I have been taken to a celestial realm at a time when our planet is going through tumultuous events, and that I have been given the guidance and grace to be able to contribute to those around me.
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
This first
Svadhyaya study session has been such a delight! I was not expecting that a study session on
svadhyaya would focus on how to use the Siddha Yoga path website, but then I remembered just what an important tool the website is for finding the most precious teachings. To me, the Siddha Yoga path website has its place among temples and great libraries of spiritual teachings; it is a hub of sacred knowledge.
Like most people, I use a web browser every day, and I think I’m pretty good at browsing. I thought that watching someone explain how to use the home button or navigate around the website would be too basic for me, but instead I was enthralled! The presentation was excellent, and the pacing brought me back to a feeling of centeredness. It was comforting to participate in a study session that I could completely understand. I’m so grateful this was the subject of the first study session.
California, United States
I was delighted to learn that the monthly posting of
namasankirtanas includes a recording of each chant, and that there is a button to press so that we can have the chant on a continuous loop.
Since the tutorial this past weekend, I have gained much joy from listening to chants and
ragas I have not heard before.
Thornbury, Australia
After participating in the tutorial for navigating the Siddha Yoga path website, I realized what a masterpiece this website is: not only is it abundant with grace and wisdom, but it is also beautifully presented and skillfully organized. My heart filled with gratitude to Gurumayi for this great gift to us.
Florida, United States
The first study session of the new series was priceless. I give everyone who contributed to it a standing ovation. The Siddha Yoga path website is absolutely amazing—and all these years I did not know all that was there. I am so grateful for the way Sandeep’s tutorial opened this treasure trove of beauty, inspiration, and wisdom.
Washington, United States
Until today, I have managed to find my way around the Siddha Yoga path website—mostly. But now, after Sandeep’s very clear tutorial, I won't have to wear out the Search button any more, and I'll be able to spend more time actually studying the riches the website contains.
Geelong, Australia
I so enjoyed this tutorial! Having been delving into this wonderful website since its beginning in 2012, I was delighted to learn new ways to navigate it! So there’ll be no more "Oh! How did I do that?" moments—I now know how! And having also enjoyed Swami Akhandananda's skillful introduction to our future study sessions, I'm now ready to go!
I took a walk afterwards and realized I was so light and joyful that I was smiling not only at the dogs I met but at their owners too.
London, United Kingdom
On my journey along the Siddha Yoga path, I learned early on that it is important to always accept and imbibe the Guru’s prasad when it is offered. So although I already knew about exploring websites, I tuned in to the first Svadhyaya Study Session.
Before introducing Sandeep, the SYDA Foundation Website Department Head, Swami Akhandananda spoke of the discipline and joy of svadhyaya, and asked us to take some time to journal about it. As I dutifully picked up my pen, to my surprise my heart opened wide and I was filled with such love and gratitude for Swami ji, Sandeep, and all the Swamis and sevites who embrace the challenge that Gurumayi sets before them: to support me in staying connected with the Siddha Yoga path, with my Guru, with my heart.
Sandeep's guided tour of the Siddha Yoga path website turned out to be a delightful and inspiring beginning to this new series of study sessions, as well as a confirmation for me to always accept the Guru’s prasad when it is offered.
Texas, United States
Even though I thought I was reasonably proficient in navigating the Siddha Yoga path website, I learned so much from today's wonderful tutorial. Sandeep was so clear and methodical, it was a joy to watch. I'm still smiling.
I’m also grateful that the live video stream of the tutorial was available on Sunday morning in Australia, thanks to the second time slot it was given. At my age, I cannot manage to stay awake for satsangs or study sessions that start at midnight here. But this morning at 9:30 a.m. I was fresh and alert—and very, very happy!
Canberra, Australia
I am grateful for this first study session under the rasa-full title given by Gurumayi: Svadhyaya. I found both Swami ji’s exposition on svadhyaya and Sandeep's “guided tour” through the website to be heartfelt—and helpful in furthering my own efforts to explore the essences of all the wonderful treasures on the website.
Truth be told, when Sandeep was introduced—not only as the head of the SYDA Foundation Website Department, but as a physicist no less—I was concerned that his presentation might be technologically daunting for me. But that was not at all the case, as Sandeep’s explanations made the adventure of exploring the website feel effortless and easy.
Colorado, United States
For many years I have been visiting the Siddha Yoga path website. But today during the website tutorial, I was surprised at how many things I still have to see and learn. After the study session I was feeling like a beginner—which gave me many fresh thoughts about how to learn more from the website.
Indore, India
I am very grateful to have these beautiful study sessions to look forward to. And what a beginning we have just made! I have often felt overwhelmed by all that is on the Siddha Yoga path website and not certain where to find things. This tutorial was like a magical mystery tour!
And now I look forward to diving deeper into that treasure trove of gifts. I will begin by chanting along with the daily namasankirtanas. My heart is singing with gratitude.
Oregon, United States
This first study session was very good for learning about the intricacies of the Siddha Yoga path website and how to navigate it. I have already found so much on the website, but sometimes my discoveries come as surprises, like being on a treasure hunt! Now learning about where to find what will make the process even better for finding all the treasures the website holds in store for me.
Mumbai, India
It was so exciting to participate in the first Study Session on svadhyaya. My daughter and I marveled at the ease of navigating the Siddha Yoga path website as it was unveiled before our very eyes during Sandeep’s great tutorial. I am grateful for the blessings of svadhyaya and the profound support provided to each of us by this beautiful presentation of teachings and practices.
Washington, United States
Many thanks for a very informative and valuable session on how to navigate the Siddha Yoga path website. I was so unaware of the depth and breadth of information that has been available to us all this time. Now I can truly appreciate the "universal library" that has been created for us.
And now that I know what's there, I look forward to exploring more fully the archived material. I am deeply grateful for Gurumayi's teachings and the way she has made the teachings so readily available to us.
Texas, United States
The beloved teachings from Gurumayi are diamonds at my fingertips, made more accessible every day through the Siddha Yoga path website. And now, Swami ji’s letter reveals that the
shakti will be bringing us together in this spectacular way—study! I have been practicing more, just to be able to hold bits of this treasure in my being, and now we are about to receive
another brilliant gift to help us to go deeper in our understanding of the Self!
I deeply appreciate all that Gurumayi has been doing to make the impossible possible over the past year, and to share her teachings of love and peace for the world.
Oklahoma, United States
Swami ji really did make me smile, and I need this very much. I am looking forward to the
satsangs on
Grazie, Gurumayi, for your continuing gifts!
Rome, Italy
Looking back, I feel that this pandemic time has pushed me across a threshold to a place I've longed to be—a place within where I can shelter in the heart. It is there that I now know I can find the Guru sharing a love that knows no bounds.
At the moment, I have a big smile after reading Swami ji’s introductory letter. I look forward to our upcoming studies!
California, United States
My connection with Gurumayi and the Siddha Yoga path has strengthened this year. I have participated in every “Be in the Temple”
satsang and meditated and chanted with devotion and steadfastness. As a result, I feel my practices are growing deeper roots within me and my understanding is ripening. I feel this is more than merely intellectual growth; I feel it is taking place within my heart.
Sometimes an insight seems to present itself like the opening of a flower bud. While I know I have a long path ahead, I am experiencing more love and peace. My path is already beautiful, and I am shedding my fear a little bit every day.
Now, thinking of the weekly
svadhaya study sessions
, oh how blessed I am! How blessed we all are to walk this path together. I welcome every bit of guidance with all my heart.
Stockholm, Sweden
My heart skipped a beat when I learned that we will have tutorials for studying together on the Siddha Yoga path website. It is reassuring to see how our journey together continues, alive and full of teachings.
Once again, Gurumayi opens the door for us. I’m full of joy and gratitude.
South Carolina, United States
In the last few days, I realized that the Siddha Yoga path website is a treasure that I want and need to explore further. However, I found it difficult to know where to begin, how to select certain pages, and how to navigate the website in general. The new guidance will be a great help. I am eagerly waiting for the
Khamgaon, India
I am waiting eagerly to participate in the informative session coming our way. And I want to thank the SYDA Foundation and Siddha Yogis around the globe for their service, given with so much love and care.
I am so grateful that, in these difficult times, when many people around the world are experiencing the challenges of fear, confusion, and suffering, the Siddha Yoga path website is providing many tools for learning about the Self and experiencing peace.
Cuttack, India
I am so grateful for this initiative. I was hoping for something like this because I've had the experience of finding "golden nuggets" on the Siddha Yoga path website and then not being able to find them again afterwards.
What a great way to begin the practice of
Colombier, Canada